英文小组(group dicussion)讨论的有帮助的句型

作者&投稿:肇骨 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
group discussion 需要做什么准备 常用的句型有哪些~


in group

make a list
做--- 是-- make ---is 不明确完整句子,不能保证准确

Greet group members; start the discussion; make your point; invite others to join (四步曲:打招呼,说明话题,发表论点,邀请加入)
1. Nice to meet everyone here for our discussion. The topic we are going to discuss today is… For me… Do you agree? What would be your opinion?
2. Good afternoon / Good evening, everyone. We are here to discuss a topic on [body art and individuality]. We have to complete the discussion in 8 minutes. Let’s begin the discussion/Let’s get started. In my opinion… Does any one of you have any similar or other examples / ideas / points / comments?
3. Well, friends, I believe you are already aware of the topic of today’s discussion. We are here to exchange our views on an article titled [A question of privacy]. Shall we start? Let's start with the point [whether the media have too much freedom] (If the first point to talk about in the paper is [whether the media have too much freedom]).
4. Hello, everybody, mind / do you mind if I begin? Today we are talking about… I suggest that… [Mr. Wong], do you think it is feasible / can work? I’d be happy to hear your opinion.
5. Let’s start our discussion on [picnic arrangement] if everyone is ready. This discussion topic is not new to any one of us here. Our task is to discuss [which destination would be ideal for our picnic]. My own view is that… Do you think so?
Skill 2. How to respond when a member starts the discussion by saying ‘Shall we start’? (别人开了头,自己要作回应,不要沉默)
6. Sure, we have 8 minutes. Go ahead.
Skill 3. Initiate the discussion with a question (用提问法开始讨论)
7. Hello, everybody. We are here to discuss the topic of privacy. [Do the media have too much freedom?] What are your opinions? (Turn your head to scan through your three partners after you ask the question. If nobody responds, immediately give your viewpoints by saying, ‘As I see it, …’)
Skill 4. What should I do if I don’t understand the topic at all? (不明白时,以静制动)
8. Don’t try to initiate the discussion. Be a good listener first. Get the idea of others and then give good response.
9. Well, I’m not sure. I’ll have to think it over. (若有人要你发言,你根本不明白当时他们在说甚麽,可以用这句)
10. May I think about it for a moment? (若有人要你发言,你根本不明白当时他们在说甚麽,可以用这句)
Skill 5. How to participate if I don’t know the topic or what other members are talking about? (不懂议题,不懂其他人谈甚麽,如何参加)
11. You may rephrase a point of your partners (用别人的论点,用自己的话说). For example, if a member proposes to regulate tongue piercing (规管穿舌环) to protect teenagers, you may say, ‘Yes, regulating tongue piercing is a good idea. We should protect teenagers.’
Skill 6. Give Suggestions (提意见)
12. I think / I believe / I suppose / I reckon (估计;猜想)… / I figure (估计;认为) [it’ll be successful].
13. I'll be brief. (我简单地谈一谈)
14. As I see it, …/ As for me15. I suppose…
16. Personally, …
17. To me…
18. So far as I can judge, [it is impractical, because]… /My judgment is that [it is impractical]…
19. How about (if we)…?
20. How about this idea: [we have our summer vacation on Lantau Island instead]?
Skill 13. Change your standpoint (改变立场,策畧退却)
1. Yes, I guess you could be right.
2. Yes, you have a point on…
3. I’m not sure about that. / I can’t be certain about it.
4. I can’t say for certain. / I can’t say with any certainty about it.
5. Actually, your idea is better. So, why don’t we…?
6. Perhaps you’re right. I’m too pessimistic / ignorant to say / believe that…
7. (It’s) hard to tell. It could be…
8. I can’t make up some mind.
9. I’m in two minds about [which method to use].
10. On my second thought, I will follow your idea
11. I have to agree with you on… but I think I am right in saying that… (退却一半)
Skill 14. Query or ask for details (质疑;问详细资料)
12. Why do you say that?
13. What good is [the freedom of media] supposed to do?
14. That was a fascinating idea you give us. Tell me, [Mr. Cheung], why do you think [people like to read magazines just for juicy gossip]?
Skill 15. Ask for repetition (请人重说)
15. (I'm) sorry? (I) (beg your) pardon?
16. Sorry, could you possibly repeat what you said?
17. Excuse me, could you please repeat that (for me) / say that again?
18. Sorry/I’m sorry, would you mind saying it/that again / repeating it/that?
19. I’m afraid I didn’t quite catch what you said. Could you repeat it?
Skill 27. Prevent digression (say so only when you are sure that a member has side-tracked)(阻止离题)
1. I’m afraid we are a bit off the point here. We are discussing…, rather than…
2. Our discussion is going off track, let return to the subject of …
3. Hang on, can we stick with that point about [property hegemony (地产霸权)]?
4. Excuse me, [Mr. Chan], that is an interesting point, but I am afraid that we are getting off the topic of [Christmas Party].
5. I’m sorry. I think we have to return to the topic of [the advantages of abolishing school uniform].
6. An interesting point, but we are talking about [unethical business practices], I think it will be great to…
7. I think we're going around in circles now. Today’s topic is…
8. This would be some sidetracking from the topic although it might be a good point which deserve our attention after discussion. Today’s topic is…
9. Excuse me. I’m afraid we have gone off the topic. We should be discussing… Shall we go back to the point?
10. [Mr. Chan], I am afraid we’re not talking on the right track here / talking about the right thing here.
11. I see what you mean but I think we should stick to the topic at hand.
12. That is all well said but it would be better if we limit out discussion to the given topic.
13. I understand your point but I do not find a link between what you say and our given topic. Could you please return to the main point?
14. That is not the main point under discussion. Let’s now come to the main topic.
15. I’m sorry. You are a little bit off the topic / off the track. You mention A, but we are talking about B. Do you feel the same?’
Skill 28. Go to the next topic (下一话题)
16. Let’s move on to…?
17. Let's go ahead to the next point, which is ...
18. It seems that all of us have voiced our opinions / given our views on this topic. Shall we move on to the next one, which is [how Hong Kong society views people with tattoos / read out the next point]?
19. So if we agree about this topic, let's look at the next one, which is…
20. Do you mind if we move on to the next point, which is…
21. Okay, should we move along to next item?
22. Well what’s the next thing we have to decide?
23. Well, let’s move on to another point now, shall we?
Skill 29. Stop members from repeating the same point (叫停重复论点)
24. Right, I think we’ve covered that point already.
25. I’m afraid we are repeating our arguments.
26. I’m afraid we’ve said enough about that.
27. Let’s move on to another area. It seems that we have discussed this in full already.
Skill 30. Challenge others (质疑别人)
28. Your suggestion sounds good, but have you considered its feasibility?
Skill 31. Refrain from arguing (克制、退却、免吵)
29. Excuse me, there’s no point in arguing. We should try to reach an agreement on…
30. As time is running short, let’s not argue over this point. We’d better discuss…
31. Hang on. I think you two have all you say. Shall we listen to [Mr. Chan]’s idea?
Skill 32. Interrupt / interfere (打断/介入)
32. Good point, [Miss Chan], what do you think about [inviting a teacher to act as our M.C.]? (The secret is to agree with the dominant candidates first and then redirect the conversation to another candidate or the group.)
33. [Mr. Chan], I agree with your point about [budgeting] but what does the rest of the group think? (Interrupt, and ask other members to state their views.)
34. Sorry to interrupt, but...(interrupt, and then speak yourself)
35. Can I come in at this point?
36. Excuse me, may I say something
37. I’m sorry, sorry to interrupt. Not bad of your idea but I’ve an alternative idea. That is…
38. Sorry for interrupting you, but you seem to digress. Our topic is concerned with…
39. Could I add something to what you said about…
Skill 33. Move the discussion along when an aggressive member tries to take too much time and monopolize the discussion (制止一人占用太多时间)
40. Thank you [Mr. Chan]. Your idea is really good, but other members are also eager to state their views, could you please give them a chance to speak?
Skill 34. Defend against interruption / interference (不让打断/介入)
41. Excuse me, Mr. Wong, we are here not to argue / debate / compete, but to complete a task / solve a common problem / work out our ideas together. Would you please let me finish my point first?
42. Excuse me, could I just finish this point first? And I would try to be as brief as possible.
43. Would you just let me make my whole point first, please?
44. Sorry…but may I finish my point first?
Skill 35. Return to your point after being interrupted / interfered (被人打断/介入之重回本身论点再谈)
45. As I was saying…
46. To return to / go back to my point…
47. Where was I? Oh yes, I was talking about.
Skill 36. About to conclude (快将总结)
48. Does anyone want to contribute before we wrap up the discussion?
49. As the time is going to be over, should we make a conclusion on the points of our discussion?
50. It seems that we don’t have any more ideas to contribute but I would really like to do a summary of the discussion. May I?
Skill 37. Pre-empt a conclusion (指人过早总结)

group 普通用词,通常指有组织、有秩序的一群人,也可指无意汇集在一起的一群人。throug 书面用词,意义接近crowd,侧重密集地挤在一起的一群,含挤在一起向前推进之意。crowd 常指无组织地乱哄哄地挤在一起的人群。双语例句 The group encompasses all ages.这个小组各种年龄的人都有。A group o...

control group 控制组(自变量的一种处理方法);实验对照组 group company 集团公司 treatment group 治疗组;试验组 in group 成组;成群 interest group 利益集团(指有共同利益的一群人)enterprise group 企业集团 small group 小团体;小群体 research group 研究小组 ethnic group n. 同种同文化之民...


路德维希·维特根斯坦(Ludwig Wittgenstein)、小说家爱德华·摩根·福斯特(Edward Morgan Forster)、小说家弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫(Virginia Woolf)、经济学家约翰·梅纳德·凯恩斯(John Maynard Keynes)和艺术家奥古斯塔斯·约翰(Augustus John),后来发展成一个七人小组,即“格兰切斯特小组”(Grantchester Group),成为人文...

group group AHD:[gr›p]D.J.[gru8p]K.K.[grup]n.Abbr. gr.(名词)缩写 gr.An assemblage of persons or objects gathered or located together; an aggregation:群,簇:聚集或座落在一起的一群人或物体;集合:a group of dinner guests; a group of buildings near the road.一...


– 108 分每小时4人研究小组(Group research) –105分每小时课堂竞赛(Completingscheduled classes) –90分每作业或108分每小时和教授嘿咻(WooHoo with Professor) –100分每小时或50分每嘿咻作业竞赛(Completing assignments) – 90分每小时3人研究小组(Groupresearch) –90分每小时2人研究小组(Group research )–...


无领导小组讨论是指由一组应试者组成一个临时工作小组,讨论给定的问题,并做出决策。由于这个小组是临时拼凑的,并不指定谁是负责人,目的就在于考察应试者的表现,尤其是看谁会从中脱颖而出,但并不是一定要成为领导者,因为那需要真正的能力与信心还有十足的把握。 如何进行无领导小组:得分最高者一定是那个以沉稳的语...

group of是什么意思?
在艺术和文学中,“group of” 有时也用来描述一个聚集的创作者或作品。比如,“Group of Seven”(七人小组)是一批加拿大著名的画家,他们在20世纪初以震撼人心的山水画风格而闻名。类似地,“group of artists”(艺术家团体)和“group of writers”(作家团体)等短语也常常用来描述一个群体中的...

德钦县17070061678: “小组学习”用英语怎么说? -
兆卞普利: Group Work/Study/Learning Team Learning

德钦县17070061678: 英语team和group区别? -
兆卞普利: 一、分工不同 1、team指互相有联系的若干人组成的队伍,共同完成一项任务,比如游戏、体育运动、工作等.当指动物时,可以表示同时拉车的牲口,team的动词形式还可以表示服装的搭配. 2、group 指在某一地点的许多人或物,不仅可以...

德钦县17070061678: 四人一组讨论,的英文翻译 -
兆卞普利: Discuss in groups of four.

德钦县17070061678: 分组用英语怎么表达 -
兆卞普利: divide...into group group division

德钦县17070061678: 小组成员介绍 用英文怎么说? -
兆卞普利: Introduction of Group Members 小组成员应该不只一位吧,所以用了复数形式,用于标题的话,每个单词的首字母最好大写哦

德钦县17070061678: “兴趣小组”用英文怎么说?
兆卞普利: 兴趣小组 special interest group [SIG]; interest group 兴趣小组集会 interest club meeting 特别兴趣小组 special interest group

德钦县17070061678: 小组合作探究用英语怎么说 -
兆卞普利: group work 是小组合作.我觉得应该是 group work to study /of studying study 有探究和研究的意思.

德钦县17070061678: 第一大组中的第一小组用英语应该怎么说 -
兆卞普利: 你可以用group来表示大组,用team来表示小组.因为从语境上来说,team是一群有共同目标的,而group目标性淡一些.你可以这样介绍:In this game, we will divide you guys into three groups.Within the group, you will be further put into small teams. There are three teams in each group.

德钦县17070061678: 课外活动小组用英语怎么说 -
兆卞普利: Group extra-curricular activities (标准回答)

德钦县17070061678: "兴趣小组"的英文应该怎么说?
兆卞普利: a member of ** hobby group. one of the ** hobby group.

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