
作者&投稿:迟莉 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

beg of(sb.)请求某人,complain of抱怨

accuse of控告(谴责,非难)某人,
动词+sth.+ of +sb.。介词of表动宾关系,后接动作的宾语

3.动词+sth.+ of +sb.。介词of表动宾关系,后接动作的宾语
request of请求(某人做某事), require of要求得到。

4. be +形容词+ of。of后接表对象或目标的词,这类短语有很多:
be aware of觉察, be ashamed of以…为耻, be afraid of担心,be bare of没有, be careful of小心, be clear of还清债务,be certain of确信, be composed of由 …构成, be envious of嫉妒,be forgetful of健忘, be fond of喜欢




一:deprive sb. of his right

denude sb. of his possession (hope)

divest the baby of his clothes

rid him of this fear rob sb. of his wallet

defraud sb. of gold ring

cure sb. of cancer heal sb. of cancer

purify the nation clean the jar of crust

clarify the river of flowing rubbish

--get rid of, rid of, dispose of


-告诉-tell sb. of sth. inform sb. of sth warn sb. of fire

remind sb. of his duties acquaint sb. of sth. notify of..

-其他,劝服-persuade sb. of honesty assure sb. of the best seats convince sb. of sth.

-法律词汇-accuse sb. of burglary convict sb. of murder; suspect sb. of a theft

-reassure his wife of his safe arrival


request sth. of sb. expect sth. of sb. require sth. of sb.

ask a question of sb. be fearful of mistakes be jealous of wealthy persons be reminiscent of his
past be patient of the enormous noise be guilty of robbery be innocent of robbery


He is of Irish descend (ascent)

People of obscure origin (humble /noble)

Man of keen perception a man of moral integrity


-say of, tale of, hear of, think of, learn of, savor of

The room smells of stale cabbage.

-brag of his achievements. Boast of his children

beware of pickpockets approve of the program

doubt of success complain of poor management

-be sure of be suspicious of be aware of

be confident of be proud of be ashamed of

be afraid of be capable of be lack of

be critical of be shortly of be conscious of

be ignorant of be wary of be cautious og

be appreciative of your advice

-regardless of , irrespective of ,不管….无视

in favor of

decide on three most popular leisure

activities irrespective of age

1、[表示所属关系](属于)...的 eg:man of that time那个时代的人
2、[表示关于](关于)...的 eg:a long story of adventure一个很长的冒险故事
1、[表示同位关系] eg:the city of Rome罗马市
2、[表示性质、内容 、状况等] eg:a look of pity令人哀怜的神色
3、[表示在...方面] eg:be quick of eye眼快
1、[表示数量、种类] eg:three pieces of meat三块肉
2、[表示部分或全部] eg:five of us我们中五个人
3、[表示...中最突出的] eg:the hero of heroes最杰出的英雄
4、[表示由...组成、做成] eg:a table of wood木头桌子
5、[表示动作的主体] eg:It is clever of you to do so.你那样做真聪明。



一:deprive sb. of his right

denude sb. of his possession (hope)

divest the baby of his clothes

rid him of this fear rob sb. of his wallet

defraud sb. of gold ring

cure sb. of cancer heal sb. of cancer

purify the nation clean the jar of crust

clarify the river of flowing rubbish

--get rid of, rid of, dispose of


-告诉-tell sb. of sth. inform sb. of sth warn sb. of fire

remind sb. of his duties acquaint sb. of sth. notify of..

-其他,劝服-persuade sb. of honesty assure sb. of the best seats convince sb. of sth.

-法律词汇-accuse sb. of burglary ; convict sb. of murder; suspect sb. of a theft

-reassure his wife of his safe arrival


request sth. of sb. expect sth. of sb. require sth. of sb.

ask a question of sb. be fearful of mistakes be jealous of wealthy persons be reminiscent of his past be patient of the enormous noise be guilty of robbery be innocent of robbery


He is of Irish descend (ascent)

People of obscure origin (humble /noble)

Man of keen perception a man of moral integrity


-say of, tale of, hear of, think of, learn of, savor of

The room smells of stale cabbage.

-brag of his achievements. Boast of his children

beware of pickpockets approve of the program

doubt of success complain of poor management

-be sure of be suspicious of be aware of

be confident of be proud of be ashamed of

be afraid of be capable of be lack of

be critical of be shortly of be conscious of

be ignorant of be wary of be cautious og

be appreciative of your advice

-regardless of , irrespective of ,不管….无视

in favor of

decide on three most popular leisure

activities irrespective of age



preparations are under way.

a road under repair

books under the care of librarian

a patient under emergency treatment

a matter under consideration

a program under discussion

plants under attack of insects

a curiosity under the escort of police

a country under threat of terrorists

a curiosity under the escort of police

a land under cultivation

a murderer under arrest

unequal treaties made under duress

a maiden under the control of the mechanic

a statesman under illusion about sth.

a principle under stress (pressure)

an employee under a constant emotional strain

plans under the conduct of teacher

embark on the scheme under compulsion

under the stimulus of the hope

under for the match under false name

She was the girlfriend of my friend. 她是我朋友的女友。
I give him a book of mine. 我把我的一本书给了他。

The wood of this desk is cracked. 这张桌子的木头裂开了。

It’s a waste of time. 这是浪费时间。

The island of Hong Kong is a great trading centre. 香港这个岛屿是一个重要的贸易中心


He has got the news of the death of her grandma. 他已知他奶奶去世的消息。

It’s kind of you to say so. 你能这样说真是太好了。
It’s clever of the king to find the plot. 国王很聪明,发现了这个阴谋。
I am fond of music. 我喜欢音乐。
She is sick of city life. 她厌倦城市生活。

He was a man of great determination. 他是个十分果断的人。
She is a girl of much ability. 她是一个能力很强的姑娘。
The book is of great value. 这本书很有价值。


1. 表示"属于关系",意为"(属于)......的"。如:the leaves of the tree

2. 表示"(关于)......的"。如:stories of Lei Feng, a map of China

3. 表示"同位关系"。如:He lives in the city of Beijing.

4. 表示某人的品性。如:It's very kind of you to help me.

5. 表示"因为、由于"。如:die of cancer(死于癌症)

6. 用于一些固定短语中。如:Shirts and blouses are made of cotton. I have a lot of homework today.

7. 表示整体与部分的关系。如:three or four of your classmates,the end of the film(这部电影的片末部分)



a)动词+of。of意为“有关,由于”: beg of(sb.)请求某人,complain of抱怨,consist of由…构成, die of死于, dream of梦想, hear of听说, know of了解,speak of谈及, tell of讲到, think of想起, talk of论及。例如:

Never has one of them complained of all the trouble we give.从来没有人抱怨我们带来这么多麻烦。

Carbon dioxide consists of carbon and oxygen. 二氧化碳由碳、氧两种元素组成。

b)动词+sb.+of+sth.。其中of有“剥夺,有关”之意:accuse of控告(谴责,非难)某人, cheat of骗走, deprive of剥夺,inform of汇报, rob of抢走, remind of提醒, warn of警告。例如:

He has cheated me of my poverty. 他骗走了我的财产。

They are deprived of their rights as citizens.他们的公民权都被剥夺了。

c)动词+sth.+ of +sb.。介词of表动宾关系,后接动作的宾语

sb.:request of请求(某人做某事), require of要求得到。例如:

All I request of you is that you should come here early.我唯一的请求就是希望你早点来。

You have done all the law requires of you.你做的这一切都是法律对你的要求。

1: 表示剥夺,除去

deprive sb. of his right

denude sb. of his possession (hope)

divest the baby of his clothes

rid him of this fear rob sb. of his wallet

defraud sb. of gold ring

cure sb. of cancer heal sb. of cancer

purify the nation clean the jar of crust

clarify the river of flowing rubbish

--get rid of, rid of, dispose of

2: of接直接宾语

-告诉-tell sb. of sth. inform sb. of sth warn sb. of fire

remind sb. of his duties acquaint sb. of sth. notify of..

-其他,劝服-persuade sb. of honesty assure sb. of the best seats convince sb. of sth.

-法律词汇-accuse sb. of burglary ; convict sb. of murder; suspect sb. of a theft

-reassure his wife of his safe arrival

3: of接间接宾语

request sth. of sb. expect sth. of sb. require sth. of sb.

ask a question of sb. be fearful of mistakes be jealous of wealthy persons be reminiscent of his past be patient of

the enormous noise be guilty of robbery be innocent of robbery

4: of表示人物的特性,籍贯,特性或出生等

He is of Irish descend (ascent)

People of obscure origin (humble /noble)

Man of keen perception a man of moral integrity

5: 固定词组

-say of, tale of, hear of, think of, learn of, savor of

The room smells of stale cabbage.

-brag of his achievements. Boast of his children

beware of pickpockets approve of the program

doubt of success complain of poor management

-be sure of be suspicious of be aware of

be confident of be proud of be ashamed of

be afraid of be capable of be lack of

be critical of be shortly of be conscious of

be ignorant of be wary of be cautious og

be appreciative of your advice

-regardless of , irrespective of ,不管….无视

in favor of

decide on three most popular leisure

activities irrespective of age

[Cv, Ev, v, f]
...的, 由...制成的, 离, 关于, 对于

=Old French 古法语

AHD:[¾v, ¼v] […v ] 非重读时
D.J.[(v, %v][*v ]非重读时
K.K.[(v, $v][*v ]非重读时
Derived or coming from; originating at or from:
men of the north.
Caused by; resulting from:
a death of tuberculosis.
Away from; at a distance from:
a mile east of here.
So as to be separated or relieved from:
robbed of one's dignity; cured of distemper.
From the total or group comprising:
give of one's time; two of her friends; most of the cases.
Composed or made from:
a dress of silk.
Associated with or adhering to:
a man of your religion.
Belonging or connected to:
the rungs of a ladder.
Possessing; having:
a person of honor.
On one's part:
very nice of you.
Containing or carrying:
a basket of groceries.
Specified as; named or called:
a depth of ten feet; the Garden of Eden.
Centering on; directed toward:
a love of horses.
Produced by; issuing from:
products of the vine.
Characterized or identified by:
a year of famine.
With reference to; about:
think highly of her proposals; will speak of it later.
In respect to:
slow of speech.
Set aside for; taken up by:
a day of rest.
Before; until:
five minutes of two.
During or on a specified time:
of recent years.
beloved of the family.
Used to indicate an appositive:
that idiot of a driver.
Archaic On:
【古语】 在…上:
“A plague of all cowards, I say”(Shakespeare)

Middle English
from Old English * see apo-
源自 古英语 *参见 apo-

Grammarians have sometimes condemned categorically the so-called double genitive construction, as in a friend of my father's; a book of mine. The construction is well supported by literary precedent, however, and serves a useful purpose. Thus there is no substitute for the double genitive in a sentence such as That's the only friend of yours that I've ever met, since sentences such as That's your only friend that I've ever met and That's your only friend, whom I've ever met are obviously impossible.
语法学家有时谴责这种范畴上的双重所有格形式,如我父亲的朋友;我的一本书 。 这种结构为许多文学先进所支持,认为它们是很有用的。在一个如那是我曾经遇到的你唯一的朋友 的句子中双重所有格是没有替代式的, 因为句子如那是我曾遇到的你唯一的朋友 和 那是唯一一个我曾遇到的你的朋友 显然是完全不一样的

abbr.Baseball (略语)【棒球】
Outfield, outfielder.
Outfield, outfielder.


以f或fe 结尾的名词变复数时,这样的不是很多,所以可以总结为以下三种,基本上你把它们背下来就可以.这几种没有规律可找,所以就靠你记忆.这些包括了日常生活中你需要的用法.1.加s,如:belief---beliefs roof---roofs;safe---safes gulf---gulfs;chief---chiefs cliff---cliffs (为了方便可以...

受益人等。- 用法举例:- I bought a gift for my friend.(我给我的朋友买了一份礼物。)- She studied hard for the exam.(她为了考试努力学习。)总结:这些介词在具体用法上有所区别,它们根据不同的语境和语法结构选择使用。在进行翻译时,需要根据句子的意思和语法规则来确定合适的翻译。




因为 T 是ture的缩写;F是false的缩写。读法 英 [fɔːls] 美 [fɔːls]adj. 错误的,不真实的;伪造的;人造的;站不住脚的,全无根据的;不真诚的;不忠诚的;外表上与……相似的;非法的;妄动的 adv. 欺诈地 [ 比较级 falser 最高级 falsest ]短语 false ...

你好!F指令是模态指令 。不用每段都写。而且写的话占用篇幅太多。像G01 G00 都是模态的 F也可以跟在螺纹切削里。如:G92 X__Z__F_;(此时的F为螺距)我的回答你还满意吗~~

初中英语语法知识点总结7 at the end of用法 对于at the end of的用法,同学们需要掌握下面的内容。 at the end of at the end of +时间点或地点,“在…的尽头,在…的末尾” They will have a sports meeting at the end of March. (时间) He put some books at the end of the bed. (地点) ...

f(:,1)就是取f 矩阵的第1列。f=[1,2,3; 3,4,6; 7,8,9]f(:,1)matlab中冒号的用法总结:1)a:b 表示[a,a+1,……,b]>> A=1:5 A = 1 2 3 4 2)当然如果b-a不是整数的话,则向量的最后一位数是n+a,且n=fix(b-a)>> A=1.2:4.9 A = 1.2000 ...

蒸湘区17153489294: of的用法总结of 的英语用法总结 -
仇马思他:[答案] 帮你找的两个答案.1:表示剥夺,除去 一:deprive sb.of his right denude sb.of his possession (hope) divest the baby of his clothes rid him of this fear rob sb.of his wallet defraud sb.of gold ring cure sb....

蒸湘区17153489294: of的用法 -
仇马思他: 介词of用法归纳1:表示剥夺,除去 一:deprive sb. of his right denude sb. of his possession (hope) divest the baby of his clothes rid him of this fear rob sb. of his wallet defraud sb. of gold ring cure sb. of cancer heal sb. of cancer purify the nation ...

蒸湘区17153489294: 介词of的用法口诀是什么? -
仇马思他: 总结:一、of表示“领属或所有关系”,作“属于”“……的”解;二、of表示“数量、分量”、“部分”或“种类”;三、of表示“所有格或同位的关系”;四、of表示“作者、行为者”或“行为的主体”;五、of在美国英语中表示时刻,指“...

蒸湘区17153489294: of的用法越简单愈好要易懂,谢了 急~~~
仇马思他: 简单地说就是: 介词of用法归纳 1: 表示剥夺,除去 deprive sb. of his right 剥夺某人的权力(人身自由)2: of接直接宾语,以下都是固定用法.不管是口语还是书面语都可以用到. -告诉-tell sb. of sth.,inform sb. of sth ,warn sb. of fire 告诉某人什么...

蒸湘区17153489294: of的用法!of 前面是主语还是后面是主语!? -
仇马思他: of这个介词在词典里有十几种用法,但是我认为不应该为研究语法为目的而研究语法.你可以这样理解,绝大多数情况下,of后面的成份修饰前面成份(后修饰前)翻译成:……的……,如果你发现如果后面成份修饰前面成份有问题,那么就需...

蒸湘区17153489294: of的具体用法
仇马思他: 1.(表示时间)在…的, 在…之前; 在…期间 2.(表示方式)根据 3.(表示对... They were destitute of necessaries of life. 他们缺少生活必需品. of一些词组用法 be ...

蒸湘区17153489294: 小学英语介词of用法归纳 -
仇马思他: of用法: ①.表示“所有”,“属于……的”的意思 Kate is a friend of my sister's. 凯特是我妹妹的一个朋友. This is a book of mine. 这是我的一本书. ②.表示“……的数量或种类”的意思 a cup of tea 一杯茶 a glass of water 一杯水 a piece of ...

蒸湘区17153489294: 英语of的基本用法 浅表易懂的中小学范围的 不需要太难 -
仇马思他: of是一个介词,其后通常接名词(或动名词)或代词(宾格),表示所属关系.其基本用法是用来表示所属关系,意为“....的”.如:a map of China 一张中国地图a friend of mine. 我的一位朋友

蒸湘区17153489294: of的用法总结 -
仇马思他: 帮你找的两个答案. 1:表示剥夺,除去 一:deprive sb. of his right denude sb. of his possession (hope) divest the baby of his clothes rid him of this fear rob sb. of his wallet defraud sb. of gold ring cure sb. of cancer heal sb. of cancer purify the ...

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