请问怎么翻译这个Facility: Uncommitted Revolving Receivables Discunting Line

作者&投稿:以虽 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
allowance for receivables怎么翻译?~


She said I couldn’t be committed
She said I’m too much of a player
Come on
Ey, ey
It was all a dream
Reality was far from the safe picture
she painted for me
She told me I was the one and I believed
until the dream dissipated so suddenly
I don’t know why she was so compelled to leave
Something was messin’ with her psychology
I’m confused, she’s sayin’ something’s wrong with me,
But how can I fix something I cannot see
She said, You’re not ready
Baby, you’re not ready for the real thing
She told me that I’d be unfaithful and I cannot believe
She said you can’t be committed
I said baby I don’t really get it
She said you’re not the right type
only good for one night,
you never stay committed to me
How could this be, she’s telling me
I will never let her be my everything
She said I’m a player and I’ll never change
I feel that I’m ready to leave again
she said she could never trust a player like me
but baby that was part of my history
she’s telling me breaking hearts is a part of me
it’s like it’s in my system and it would never leave
She said, “You’re not ready
Baby, you’re not ready for the real thing”
She told me that I’d be
unfaithful and I cannot believe
She said you can’t be committed
I said baby I don’t really get it
She said you’re not the right type
only good for one night,
you never stay committed to me
She said you can’t be committed
I said baby I don’t really get it
She said you’re not the right type
only good for one night,
you never stay committed to me
I’m committed
Uncommitted, I’ll never admit it
and then i’ll never get it but somehow she could be right
Uncommitted, I’ll never admit it
and then i’ll never get it but somehow she could be right
She said you can’t be committed
I said baby I don’t really get it
She said you’re not the right type
only good for one night,
you never stay committed to me
She said you can’t be committed
I said baby I don’t really get it
She said you’re not the right type
only good for one night,
you never stay committed to me

Facility: 银行授信

fa是财务顾问的意思。fa是Financial Advisor的缩写,叫融资顾问或是财务顾问,是为企业融资提供第三方的专业服务,是创业公司和资本之间的桥梁。FA(Financial Advisor)指的是财务顾问。财务顾问通常是为企业提供专业的财务建议和服务的个人或机构。在企业进行融资活动时,财务顾问主要负责协助企业筹备融资事宜...

英语缩写“FA”常被用作“Family And”的缩写,直接翻译为中文即是“家庭和”。这个缩写在语言中有着明确的含义,代表着家庭和团结的概念。根据数据显示,FA在英语中的流行度为266,它主要在Sports领域中使用,但具体的应用范围可能因语境而异。“FA”在日常生活中的多个场景中都有体现,如我们的生活往...

FA一词源于英文单词“fan art”,中文翻译为“爱好者作品”。通常指由某个作品的忠实粉丝自行创作的与原作相关的艺术品,如漫画、插画、手办等。FA的存在使得粉丝可以发挥自己的创造力,展现自己对喜爱作品的独特见解和热爱之情,同时丰富了原作的内涵和文化底蕴。FA作品的种类繁多,常见的包括手绘插画、二...

FA的意思是融资顾问或财务顾问,全称是Financial Advisor,是为企业融资提供第三方的专业服务,总体来说就是对于货币资金需求者提供协助,以取得资产而集资所采取的手段提供建议。本质上FA就是中介机构,创业公司和投资机构之间的中介,所以有很多人戏称FA是“拉皮条”的,其实这个戏称也不算错误,只是比较...

“FA”作为“Final Analysis”缩写时,其在英语中的应用和含义广泛吗...
英语中,"FA"是"Final Analysis"这个术语的缩写,中文翻译为“最终分析”。本文将深入探讨这个缩写词所代表的含义,包括其对应的中文发音,以及它在英语中的常见度、分类和应用领域。FA主要应用于计算机科学领域,特别是通用术语中。"FA"的中文解释是“最终分析”,其英文单词的完整形式在英语中的流行度为...


FA晋级是什么意思?简单来说,FA指代Football Association,翻译为英国足球协会。晋级则指的是球队在英格兰足球协会的赛事中取得胜利,从而获得晋升机会。以下是对此话题的三个分析:在足球领域里,FA Cup是一个非常著名的赛事,也是英国足球赛事中的一个高峰。这个赛事是英国足球协会举办的,所有英格兰足球联赛...


FAQ是“Frequently Asked Questions”的缩写,中文翻译为“常见问题解答”。它通常用于提供关于特定主题或领域的回答,以解决人们经常遇到的问题。例如,网站、软件应用或服务通常会包含一个FAQ部分,帮助用户快速找到他们可能关心的问题的答案。FA♂Q吗?"FA♂Q"并不是一个标准或常见的缩写或术语。它看起来...

I am fair 英文翻译如下 我是公正的 重点词汇释义 fair 英 [feə(r)]美 [fer]公平的; 合理的; 恰当的; 适当的;例句 They'll respect you as long as you play fair.只要为人正直,别人就会尊敬你。

平和县18965284071: Facility是什么意思? -
樊矩抗乙: facility英 [fə'sɪləti]美 [fə'sɪləti] n. 设施;设备;容易;灵巧 [网络短语] Facility 设施,设备,便利 Facility Manager 后勤经理,厂务经理,设施经理 Facility Engineer 厂务工程师,设备工程师,设施工程师

平和县18965284071: 请问怎么翻译这个Facility: Uncommitted Revolving Receivables Discunting Line -
樊矩抗乙: 非承诺型可循环使用应收账款贴现额度.Facility: 银行授信 Uncommitted:只银行可以随时收回 Revolving:当款项归还后额度可以继续使用,区别于一次性

平和县18965284071: 英语翻译Singapore's Chocolate Research Facility(CRF)has over 100 varieties of chocolates.请标准翻译,尤其是facility的翻译. -
樊矩抗乙:[答案] 这个Singapore's Chocolate Research Facility是专有名词,是在新加坡市中心Millenia Walk大街着陆的Chocolate Research Facility,就是一个研究巧克力的迷你王国. 意思是这个地方有100多种巧克力.Facility是设备的意思.

平和县18965284071: Facility代表什么
樊矩抗乙: Facility 信贷额度、资金设施 放款机构为企业提供的财务支援,协助解决资金需要 =========================================== 柳浪闻莺各位芝麻竭诚为您解答 您的采纳是我们坚持百度的动力

平和县18965284071: 请问各位,幼儿园里的器材、玩具用英语怎么说呢?比如积木、滑梯等等等等! -
樊矩抗乙:[答案] 器材等公用设施,可以用:facility来表示, 如:the practice facility for kids (给孩子们用的锻炼器材) 玩具就一个词:toy,这是一个玩具的统称. 积木:wood blocks 滑梯:sliding board

平和县18965284071: 英语中的facility怎么不是fasility -
樊矩抗乙: facility : n. 设施;设备;容易;灵巧What recreational facilities are now available? 什么娱乐设施现在是可用的?fasility: 没有这个词的

平和县18965284071: facility的意思是? -
樊矩抗乙: 【facility】意思与用法 1. N-COUNT 设备;设施 Facilities are buildings, pieces of equipment, or services that are provided for a particular purpose. What recreational facilities are now available?... 现在有些什么娱乐设施? The problem lies in ...

平和县18965284071: sporting faclities 什么意思? -
樊矩抗乙: 体育设施 sporting adj. 体育的 facility n.设施

平和县18965284071: workers in total facility中文怎么写 -
樊矩抗乙: 翻译为:在整个设施的工人们 各个单词的意思:workers 工人(复数) in 在...里 total 总的,整个的 facility 设施 祝你英语天天向上!

平和县18965284071: processing facilities是什么意思 -
樊矩抗乙: processing facilities 加工设备 双语例句:1.The plantation will also include a development center farmer support center, and processing facilities. 这个基地将包括发展中心,农民支持中心和加工设备.2.The act requires companies to stop ...

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