
作者&投稿:勾叶 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Could you tell me where we show our tickets?
Do you konw when they were born?
Can you tell me how I can get to the park?
Please tell us what time he got up today?
He asks us if we often go shopping.

电饭煲电热毯 ,你好!

When does the train arrive ?Please tell me.
Please tell me what time the train arrives.
What does he do?Do you know?
Do you know what he does?
Do they want fried chicken ?He asked boys.
He asked boys whether\if they wanted fried chicken .
Was the watch made in shanghai?I don't know.
I don't know whether\if the watch was made in shanghai.
He son will pass the exam .He said.
he said that his son would psss the exam .

⑴that(可省略) 接陈述句
⑵whether\if 接一般疑问句
⑶疑问词 接特殊疑问句



1、She said that she would ride her bike to school.2、Could you tell me where you live when you studied in London?3、 The kid asked his mother what the Great Wall look like .4、The teacher wants to know why the boy got to school so late.5、 He doesn't know how long it take to Shanghai. 6、Do you know how far it is from our school to the nearest post office?7、Please tell me where you live.




一、把简单句合成定语从句主要要注意以下几点:哪个句子是要主要叙述的,把主要的那句用作主句。两个句子中哪两个词指同一个人或事物,将其中的一个用关系代词代替。用关系代词替代的那个词是主语还是宾语,指人时主语用who,宾语用 whom。主要名词指人还是物,指人用who\/whom,指物用which\/that。指...


它可以是连续反复,即两个或两个以上的词、词组或句子连续反复;也可以是间隔反复,即同一词语或句子不连续出现而间隔出现。 反复可以加强语气,突出主题,增强感染力。例如,“路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索”就是一个反复修辞的例子,强调了追求真理的决心和毅力。 排比则是将三个或三个以上结构相同或相似、意义相关...

16.Afer all,she is just a kid.(毕竟,她只是一个小孩子)17

一天都是感动,别无以致,唯诵经祈大家安康! 八、一天奔波于两个城市,今天终于见到道长真人了,听了王老师的课今后更加有动力了,因为人生中需要经过多次让人热泪盈眶的日子,为了自己喜欢做的事情而努力奋斗 九、一生有一个愿为你奔波于两个城市,愿为你在雨天撑伞来接你的朋友就够了 十、每周奔波于两个城市之间,...

1、老师来了 2、爸爸打我 请将这两个句子分别用上细节描写扩写,扩写...
老师来了 大家都在嬉戏打闹,玩的可开心了。教室里就像是菜市场一样。不知是谁大叫一声:“老师来啦!”全部同学都变得十分紧张,以迅雷不及掩耳之势拿出了我们的数学书。幸好数学老师没发现!


墉桥区14731073103: 如何把两个句子合并成宾语从句? -
弭泊苦黄: He asked me what the matter was with the bike. 主句是He asked me,有了"asked"说明主句为一般过去式,What is the matter with the bike? 是从句,宾语从句要求时态的呼应,主句为一般过去式从句应用过去的某一种适当时态,从句本来是一般现在式但因为主句是一般过去式所以应该用一般过去式,所以is应变成was,又因为宾语从句要求从句要用正常的陈述语序,(说白了就是主谓不用颠倒)所以要用 the matter was

墉桥区14731073103: 分别将两个句子合成含有宾语从句的复合句1.She said.She would ride her bike to school.2.Could you ttell me?Where did you live when you studied in london?... -
弭泊苦黄:[答案] She said that she would ride her bike to school.Could you tell me where you lived when you studied in London.The kid asks his mom what the Grat Wall looked like.The teacher wants to know they the boy ...

墉桥区14731073103: 英语问题——将两个句子合成一个含有宾语从句的复合句.1、She said .She would ride her bike to school.2、Could you tell me Where did you live when you ... -
弭泊苦黄:[答案] She said that she would ride her bike to school.Could you tell me where you lived when you studied in London?The kid asked his mother what the Great Wall looked like .The teacher wants to know why the...

墉桥区14731073103: 将两个句子改为含宾语从句的复合句.求帮忙. -
弭泊苦黄: She asked me when they would build a new bridge.

墉桥区14731073103: 分别将两个句子合成含有宾语从句的复合句 -
弭泊苦黄: She said that she would ride her bike to school.Could you tell me where you lived when you studied in London.The kid asks his mom what the Grat Wall looked like.The teacher wants to know they the boy went to school so late.He doesn't know how ...

墉桥区14731073103: 分别将两个句子合成一个含有宾语从句的主从复合句
弭泊苦黄: 1、She said that she would ride her bike to school. 2、Could you tell me where you live when you studied in London? 3、 The kid asked his mother what the Great Wall look like . 4、The teacher wants to know why the boy got to school so late. 5、 ...

墉桥区14731073103: 宾语从句 英语将两个句子连接成一个带有宾语从句的复合句(注意时态和语序)1.Wei Fang asked me do youlike EnglishWei Fang asked me______ - _____... -
弭泊苦黄:[答案] 1.Wei Fang asked me whether/if I liked English. 2.The policeman wants to know whether/if I was at home before nine last night 3.I asked my teacher whether/if Tom had come back from Guangzhou 4.I want to know whether you can repair the TV set or not...

墉桥区14731073103: 把下列两个句子合并成含有宾语从句的复合句 1.where does the little girl live?I didn't know.2.The earth moves around the sun.Our teacher told us.3.Does Lisa ... -
弭泊苦黄:[答案] 1,I didn't know where the little girl lives. 2.Our teacher told us that the earth moves around the sun. 3.Helen asked if/whether Lisa liked the red dress

墉桥区14731073103: 怎么把两个简单句连为带宾语从句的复合句 -
弭泊苦黄: 楼上的,人家问宾语从句,怎么扯定从去了.步骤:分清哪一部分应成为从句,再在主从间加上连接词.也就是说:句子A的宾语是A1,其余部分为A2,句子B的主语是B1,其他部分为B2,那么连接方式应该是:A2……连接的词……B2.

墉桥区14731073103: 把下面的句子合并成一个带有宾语从句的主从复合句.1. Did Peter come here yesterdsy?Li Mei wants to know.Li Mei want to know 2.Where did she park her car... -
弭泊苦黄:[答案] 1.Li Mei wants to know if Peter came here yesterday.2.Do you know where she parked her car.3.I don't know how we can get on the plane.4.Mother didn't know what he ws doing there.5.Could you tell me wh...

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