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If you have to do,I have no


解决方案。它是岩体的概括和Hohenstein锅,Kanwal。 因此,

melt on me, no matter I already got soaked to the skin (head over hills in love),无论肉体多摧残 缓缓融入我心中 I am in love, I am dying, I lost my mind, this is what makes love attractive.渴望中 爱恋中 遗失中 即为爱引人之处。满意请速速采纳,谢谢合作!

追高分,人工翻,请英语系,高手大神翻译英语歌词Taylor Swift - Your An...
翻译纯手工。中间去听了原曲,纠正了几个歌词。希望采纳。同时我也会去更新顶替掉百度百科那个机器翻译的版本,直到更好版本的出现。Your Anything 你的一切 I bet you lie awake at night, trying to make up your sweet mind 我猜你晚上醒着躺在床上,思绪飞舞 Wondering if you'll ever find ...

英语翻译中文,求大神翻译人工手翻英译汉,主题i am me
我居住的街道不在属于任何人,几乎是任何人 城市迫使我跟着那无休止的节拍 那无休止的节拍 但是,当人们发现了自我 当晚上回到家里 一瞥已足够 我就是我 指尖拥有我的天堂 我首次俯瞰 世界在我脚下 我就是我 我倾听,我感觉,我看到 我就是我 街道带我回到单调的生活 那单调的生活 城市里我迷失了...

(1) Tom's best friend, we have a lot in common, he is good at English, always during high school. I'm proud of him. The day before yesterday, when my teacher told me, when I failed the English test, I pretend nothing, in fact, I feel very ashamed, even cry. I ...

I'd like to book some tickets to Mount Tai on April 13th. 我想要订下一些4月12日去泰山的票。May I have your name and telephone number, please? 请给我你的姓名和电话号码。I'm looking forward to hearing from you. 我很期待你的回音。That would be very interesting. 那会很有趣...

The Green Qigu Harp is one of the four famous ancient Chinese zithers.It is now preserved in the Guangdong Ke Fair Park, and the cottage within the park named Lvqi Cottage was so named after this zither.Over time, this legendary zither has deteriorated. Therefore, the ...

Once you held myhands, you separated my way from the world (my way got changed),一旦你牵着我的手,你就从世界分开了我的路(我的路变化了)In your arms i got to know a new world。在你的拥抱里我开始了解一个新的世界。The lump in my throat (that had been holding back the ...

I am an introvert boy, like running, writing, and reading. I prefer quite environment, and do not wish to stay in crowded place. I wake up early in the morning for running. I can easily trust other people, but if they lied to me, i will not forgive them anymore. I am...

请英语大神帮忙翻译几个句子! (1)当我和爸爸在半夜踏上火车时,我非常兴...
(1)当我和爸爸在半夜踏上火车时,我非常兴奋。I was quite happy when I and my fater got on the train.(2)我们要去新疆旅游,骑骆驼,穿越大沙漠。 We were going to travel in Xinjiang Province where we could ride camels through the desert.(3)想到这次旅程,我有点恐惧。I was a ...

英语翻译 请大神翻译下面的这一则新闻【我要做个英语手抄报但是,不会翻...
贾斯汀比伯终于会好好穿裤子了,还戴上了斯文的眼镜,美国洛杉矶当地时间3月23日,贾斯汀比伯(Justin Bieber)和一群朋友去山庄打起了迷你高尔夫,一身痞气的比伯烟不离手,十分自在。Justin Bieber will like to wear pants, finally also with sven glasses, in Los Angeles on March 23, local ...

淮阴区18911582491: 求各路大神英语人工翻译,机器翻译勿扰!对我来说,太难了!"Yes, I suppose I COULD swing this," he thought. "If the process belonged to me, say, ... -
牧严诺正:[答案] "是的,我想我可以扭转局势,好好处理一下",他想.“如果过程属于我,比如说,现在的情形并不是那种不可能、因为它不是我的所有物--或者假设无论怎样,我就是那种能做出此类事的人,那这就是我可以抓住的天大便宜了.路对面那栋大楼的租...

淮阴区18911582491: 高分请高手人工翻译,十万火急!!!请勿机器翻译!!机器翻和中国式英语我能识别 -
牧严诺正: People all live on the earth. There are alway communications between people, which results in all kinds of interpersonal relationship. And when people get along well with others, friendship occures.Because of friendship, people help each other; ...

淮阴区18911582491: 求英语高手帮忙翻译,机器翻译的免进,谢谢!
牧严诺正: the discussion of several problems

淮阴区18911582491: 请英语大神帮小弟翻译下面本科毕业论文摘要,必须人工翻译,机器翻译太差了,小弟感激不尽啊!内容摘要当今市场经济环境下的投资管理公司竞争激烈,... -
牧严诺正:[答案] Abstract Today's market economy environment of investment management companies face fierce competition, more diverse and complex investment risk, investment management companies first need to the investment risk assessment, and then to ...

淮阴区18911582491: 有没有人能帮我翻译成英语?在做一个英语演讲的课件,机器翻译出来太不自然.所以希望有大神帮人工翻译下 -
牧严诺正: When mentioning the achievement from medical English, of course I must speak of our medical English teacher Ms. Xue. Shi is a responsible teacher.I still remember the first lesson she gave. Right after we started the class, she asked us to put all ...

淮阴区18911582491: 问:英语翻译(不要机器翻译,请人工翻译,意思相近即可)友好的提醒你一下 -
牧严诺正: 英语翻译(不要机器翻译,请人工翻译,意思相近即可)友好的提醒你一下 Remind you friendly.Friendly remind you.友情提示: Kind Tips.

淮阴区18911582491: 求英语高手帮我把这两翻译,不能用软件机器翻译,一看就知道有语法错误,只能用人工法翻译,谢谢 -
牧严诺正: Earth-Home of human beingsEarth is the home which human beings inhabit. It is beautiful and meanwhile easily t...

淮阴区18911582491: 求纯手工译中文加分,英语翻译,求大神高手,杜绝渣翻机译,感谢无比so now she's talkingand the times of silence are overshe grew up and learned (... -
牧严诺正:[答案] 你好,我来了,可翻译为:so now she's talking现她言说and the times of silence are over似沉寂之时已逝she grew up and learned (experienced)and now she has a voice已成人而即为老手,此刻她声言she was good, she...

淮阴区18911582491: 求英语高手帮我翻译,机器翻译请绕道 -
牧严诺正: Mary is a student in Senior Three. She will be 20 years old next year. She loves raising pets and traveling around the world very much. She reads traveling magzines every day. in fact, she has been to many countries so far. Last month she and her ...

淮阴区18911582491: 请教英语大神,麻烦帮我把下面的翻译成英语 手工翻译!!!! 非常感谢 -
牧严诺正: The young musician stood up and said: "No, it's your kind heart that was leading me. And you, lovely little girl, it's you who guided me to the piano. Please allow me to dedicate this song to you. " After saying that, the young musician lowered his ...

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