用英文写一个关于节能灯泡的广告文案 要包含"open your mind,bright your life”这个内容 300字以内

作者&投稿:台玉 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

How can I make you believe There is something in the air See all the birds in the tree You have to spread your wings and fly, fly away You can Open your mind it’s a brand new day Livin’ is easy and the sun will shine so bright Can you feel it coming? Open you heart throw your doubts away Livin’ the moment will make you feel so free Can you feel it too? Now I can tell by your smile You feel much better than before That’s all you need for your life You have to take your chance and try one more time You can Open your mind it’s a brand new day Livin’ is easy and the sun will shine so bright Can you feel it coming? Open you heart throw your doubts away Livin’ the moment will make you feel so free Can you feel it too? It’s a brand new day Throw your doubts away You’ll feel much better than before You can

(Replace the “energy saving bulb” with the brand you will be advertising) (“节能灯泡”可更换成你推广的品牌)

Open your mind, Brighten your life

Want to brighten your life? It’s easy! Start with changing a few light bulbs. It’s one of the easiest things that you can do for the environment and your budget.

Open your eyes, open your mind; you can easily notice what energy saving bulbs can bring to your life.

First saving energy: an energy saving bulb uses 75 percent of electricity than a regular bulb, but gives you the same amount of light.

Secondly generating less heat: they generate less heat and easy to operate.

Thirdly long life span: they last 10 times longer than the regular bulbs.

Fourthly: they can be used both indoor and outdoor.

Last but not the least, most of them come with sleek designs and offer you “warm and inviting light” than a regular bulb’s “harsh” light.

Are you amazed yet?

If every household swaps just one regular light bulb with an energy saving bulb, together we can save enough energy to lighten three million homes.

So saving money, saving energy, protecting the environment is as easy as changing a light bulb. What a bright idea.

Let’s open our minds and brighten our life together!

** 猫迷英语专家团提供【Real。American。English。】

张开你的双臂,拥抱你的爱人;open your arms, hug your love
放开你的心灵,点亮你的人生;open your mind,bright your life

Energy saving bulb SAVE 80% of your power,it nearly means you use it at free charge.
Don't hesitate.
Open your mind,bright your life.

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冉制头孢: 1.节约每一滴水 Save every drop of water2.节约每一度电 Save every watt of electricy3.节约每一张纸 Save every piece of paper 以上 drop=量词, watt=单位, piece=量词

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冉制头孢: 低碳节能 low-carbon energy-efficient 环保地球 Planet Friendly用户至上 users supreme开拓创新 Exploiting Innovation绿色照明 Green Lighting节能环保energy efficiency and environmental protection 希望对你有所帮助.

若羌县17777768523: 节能灯泡的广告词 -
冉制头孢: 1、亿家灯火,由我点亮. (特点鲜明,就是做照明灯的.) 2、亿家节能,亿家皆能! (既表明身份,有号召环保) 3、亿家为环保——亿家节能灯 (表述直白,易懂) 4、守护光明,守护绿色——亿家节能灯 (阐明了产品的两大特点:照明、节能) 5、亿家·宜家——节能环保专家 (广告语朗朗上口,容易传播) 6、地球一小时,亿家用品质支持! (“地球一小时”是全球性的节能行动,就是在晚上关闭一小时灯光,以支持环保.这个广告语,能很好的诠释亿家节能灯的使命)

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冉制头孢: 节能灯价格不是问题,要的是质量,省电就是省钱,全民节约能源大家一起来!

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冉制头孢: There are too many pollutions on the earth.The pollutions make us become weak and make us ill.Save energy is very important to our planet.First,we can use the fan instead the air condictioner.Remember to turn off the light when you leave the room....

若羌县17777768523: 用英语写,五条,关于如何节约用电. -
冉制头孢: Unplug your mobile phone charger when the phone is fully charged. Turn off the lamps when you leave a room. Turn off the monitor when you leave your computer for a while. Use energy-saving devices, such as LED lamps. Use E-mail instead of printed mail to send a message.

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