(1)“Don't smokem in the room,”he said to me(改为间接引语) (2)He asked me what he could do for ...

作者&投稿:卞芸 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
He said to me," Don't smoke"改为间接引语怎么改?~

He said to me," Don't smoke"改为间接引语是

He told /asked me not to smoke.


1. He told/asjed me not to smoke in the room.
2. He asked, "What can I do for you?"


He told me not to smoke in the room.
"What can I do for you?" He asked.

*** 猫迷英语专家团提供【Real。American。English。】

He told me not to smoke in the room.
"What can I do for you?" He asked.

1. He told me not to smoke in the room.
2. He asked me, "What can I do for you?"

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1 don' blame me ___the accident!
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1.Don't make___(friend)with such a man.2.We need
1friends 2shoppling 1不和男的交朋友 2我们需要去商场之前列购物清希望帮助你

1:Don't worry. We ___ sent for the policemen. ( ) A: would B: h...
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1,Don't watch 2, in class 3, wear their uniforms 4,bring to me 5,don't have 1,Don't take 希望能够帮到你,精锐教育长宁英语组。

don 1撇t的音标是什么
don' t的英语音标是[dəʊnt],美语音标是[dont]。n. 禁忌,禁止的事 v.不做(=do not)例句:Dont 'think it will all be that easy.翻译:不要把这事看得那么容易。doesn't和don't的区别 一、单复数不同 1、don't 解析:don't是do的复数否定形式。2、doesn't 解析:...

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我想去找个地方休息1小时 英语翻译
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邢眨利迈:[答案] 1 make 2 first 3 get 4 ·hottest 如有帮助,请帮忙将我的答案选为【采纳为满意回答】,谢谢支持

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邢眨利迈: sum41的 over my head open your eyes welcom to hell no reason 还有hoobastank的crawling in the dark

留坝县13589714682: 求枪炮与玫瑰的don'tcry的歌词谢谢
邢眨利迈: 最佳答案检举 [00:18.45]Talk to me softly. 温柔地与我交谈.[00:21.97]There's ... 18]Come the morning light now baby ! 天将破晓了,宝贝![03:26. 27]And don't U ...

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留坝县13589714682: 请用适当的介词完成句子 1.Don't go out - _ - school nights.2.Jim has to go home - _ - school.请从方框中选择合适的单词并用其适当的形式填空 talk loud child ... -
邢眨利迈:[答案] 1.louder 2.by 3.washes 4.talking 5.Children's

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