
作者&投稿:中海 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


If a student is too lazy to study,he will not deserve passing the exam.

1、汤姆长大后将成为一名专业歌手。Tom is going to be a ( professional) singer when he ( grows) up.
2.翻译成汉语。Though making things ,with over own hands may take much time ,some people ,now known as DIYers-do-it-yourselves,enjoydoing it very much.

1. professional, grows
2. 手工翻译如下:

1, Tom grows up to be a professional singer. Tom is going to be a singer when he () () up. 2. To translate into Chinese. Though making things, with over own hands may take much time, some people, now known as DIYers-do-it-yourselves, enjoydoing it very much.

professional grows

professional专业的;grows,主将从现原则.虽然用自己的手做东西会花费很多的时间,但现在一些被称为DIYers(do it by yourself "er"是职业的后缀)的人却非常喜欢这样做。

1 professional grow

Your suggestions and advices are very valuable to us.Ever since Simon came to China, he has greatly improved his Chinese skills.In the past, many Chinese suffered from disease and hunger.We are working hard everyday to save enough money for a new car.Your parents are very strict...

remembers 记得,记住。expected 希望,期待。different (different kinds of,各种各样的)keep 保持 by (make a living by以。。。方式来谋生。)

1,C 2,off have..off 请假,休息 3,another 4,open air是指户外。

1、D表示自从,自从我们上次见面已经有三年了;2、B,through表示穿过,over表示在什么上方;3、B,when表示当那天(the International Day of Families)到来的时候;4、on the phone表示在打电话,选on就对了;5、against表示反对,翻译:布莱克先生强烈反对将动物们关在动物园里,他认为动物也享受自由...

1-B:prefer to do, rather than do 固定搭配 2-D:同学你打了两个B 不过我想最后一个应该是D scenery表风景,第一个空填painting不成立,所以排除BC,第二个空places of interest表景点,所以选D。3-C:getting on with:固定短语,表开始或在做某事。taken over表强行夺走某人财产,不成立,故...

1.好消息是百分之80的失明病例可以被治愈或预防。The good news is 80% to become blind a case and can be cure or prevent°from.2.这座山太高了,我不能爬到山顶。(分别用so...that,such...that,too...to来写)This mountian is so high,that I can't climb it to the top Th...

(一)1,puncture 2,stupid\/silly 3,earring 4,license 5,teenage (二)1,should be allowed to 2,instead of 3,stay up 4,clean up 祝学习天天进步!

took off my clothes and wanted others to wash them for me(同义句改写)I took off my clothes and wanted to _have___ __them ___ ___washed__He slept very late last night.He studied.(合并成一句)He _stayed ___ _up___ _late___ last night ...

九年级英语第三单元课文句子整理 2016-10-28 15:22:35 大家在新课文的学习中一定不要忽略对九年级英语第三单元课文句子的掌握,尤其是对于差的同学来说,句子是相当重要的做题手段~ 1.It must belong to Carla.它肯定属于卡拉。(标题) 【解析】belong   v 属于 = be owned by ...

泰山位于山东北部5公里,是值得一游的名胜。(north of)这座历史纪念碑是为纪念解放战争中的英雄而建造的。(in memory of)Mount Tai lies 5 kilometers to the north of Shandong province and is a place worth visiting. 这句话的汉语逻辑不对啊,山东北部什么地方五公里啊?this monument was ...

青川县18425037752: 九年级英语翻译句子:1.对……意外2.你在做什么3.你需要帮忙吗4.看看这些5.我正在寻找你在澳大利亚拍的照 -
聂梅洛卡:[答案] 1.be surprised at... 2.What are you doing? 3.What may I help you? 4.look at these 5.I'm looking for the photos you have taken in Australia.

青川县18425037752: 求解几道九年级英语翻译句子题. -
聂梅洛卡: 1、汤姆长大后将成为一名专业歌手.Tom is going to be a ( professional) singer when he ( grows) up.2.翻译成汉语.Though making things ,with over own hands may take much time ,some people ,now known as DIYers-do-it-yourselves,enjoydoing it very much.虽然通过自己的双手去制造东西或做手工可能要很多时间,但是有些人,像现在的DIY爱好者都非常享受其中.

青川县18425037752: 九年级英语题.翻译句子1.数码相机能拍高质量的画面.(take imagines)2.他说他打算去看望他的父母亲.(be going to) -
聂梅洛卡:[答案] Digital camera can take high quality images. He said he was going to visit his parents. 超9年级了吧...

青川县18425037752: 几道英语九年级小题,能回答几个算几个,1、翻译一个短语:forget a dentist's appointment2、翻译两个单词:德国人、化妆舞会3、Could I get you some ... -
聂梅洛卡:[答案] 忘记约见牙医 Germans sirekl esihgire daio fjaio fji dale

青川县18425037752: 英语九年级翻译题求答案
聂梅洛卡: 1. That teddy bear must be Ben's, he is the only child in the family. 2. That 《Zhaohuaxishi》might belong to Mary. 3. Our math teacher couldn't have gone to Shanghai, I saw him just this morning. 4. Whose magazine is this? It's Jack's. 5. Some ...

青川县18425037752: 填空题:三道根据汉语翻译句子,九年级英语紧急~我在线等!1.车
聂梅洛卡: 1 seats for 2 with the time going 3 whatever you do

青川县18425037752: 九年级英语翻译词组和翻译句子.1.一直做某事 2.装满岩石和沙子3.许多方面4.例如5.到达6.水上运动7.搬家 -
聂梅洛卡:[答案] 1.be always doing sth./keep doing sth. 2.sth.be filled with rocks and sand 3.many aspects 4.such as/for example 5.reach/arrive at(小地点)、arrive in(大地点) 6.water sports 7.可直接用move(house),例如:He came to help us move

青川县18425037752: 九年级英语翻译,急~~~!!
聂梅洛卡: 【1】为了提高口语水平,鲍勃加入了英语俱乐部.(in order to) In order to improve his English, Bob joined the English club. 【2】我昨天花五十元买了一个双肩背包.(pay...for...) I paid fifty yuan for the backpack yesterday. 【3】当我陷入困境时,...

青川县18425037752: 九年级英语翻译句子汉译英1,这音乐让我想起了巴西的舞曲The music_________________Brazilian dance music2,无论你做什么,都不要错过这个展览__... -
聂梅洛卡:[答案] 1.remind me of 2.whatever you3.too much food4.stay away from sweets5.considering6.this person is not mind to eat bake food7.the music is suitable for me 8.cola taste better than water

青川县18425037752: 九年级英语句子翻译 -
聂梅洛卡: 1、Tom开着灯睡觉,真是愚蠢. 【It's so stupid that Tom sleeps with the lights on 】2、Mary带给我一张便条,上面写着祝你好运. 【Mary gives me a note, which writes "good luck to you" on it.】3、你最好不要担心他,他不再是个小孩子了....

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