
作者&投稿:海怪 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


玲玲:你好,萨莉!进来坐坐。对不起房间有点不整洁。我收拾一下桌椅。 萨莉:嗨!瞧这些扇子!它们很漂亮!你有一个相当好的收藏品。 玲玲:是的,我有五六十把扇子。你收藏什么东西吗? 萨莉:有,我收藏娃娃。我弟弟收集邮票。 大明:我收藏票——你知道的,汽车标和火车票。 玲玲:真的吗?但是我真正的爱好是音乐。我一直拉小提琴和听音乐。 玲玲:什么使你对音乐如此感兴趣? 萨莉:我爸爸是一位音乐家。我经常听他拉小提琴。八年前他就给了我第一把小提琴。 玲玲:而现在音乐把你带到中国来。你下次什么时候演奏? 萨莉:在这学期末。在北京电视台有一个音乐会。 大明:因此你现在能轻松一点,对吗? 萨莉:哦,不。我要和你一起上学。 玲玲:太棒了。 萨莉:但下星期五不行…… 大明:下星期五有什么要发生? 萨莉:我要去北京电视台。我将在明星大搜索节目中做一个采访。 大明:我听说过那个节目。人们唱歌或演奏音乐,而听众选择最佳歌手或作曲者。 玲玲:哇!你将会真的很出名。 特别的爱好 很多学生都有爱好,比如阅读、绘画、在花园里种菜和照顾动物等。有些爱好是休闲型的,其他是创意型的。爱好可以使我们成长,培养我们的兴趣,帮助我们学习新的技能。 大卫 史密斯是个学生,他的爱好是写作。在2000夏天,他在夏令营度过四周。除了常见的活动如驾驶帆船、登山和山地自行车运动之外,还有一个有专业作家参加的讨论会。她叫我们想象我们在一个故事中。然后我们写写我们在夏令营中的经历。在高中时,他写了一个关于青少年的故事,于2003年出版成书。很多十几岁的青少年都喜欢读他的书,而大卫也因此成为一名成功的年轻作家。 大卫是幸运的,他的爱好不仅给他带来了快乐,同时还带来了成功。不过,他还对很多其他事情感兴趣。“我也喜欢排球。”大卫说:“我花一些空闲时间为校排球队打排球。也许将来我会写更多的书,但我也不肯定。” 有时候,我们很难记住“不要把所有的时间都花在最大的爱好上”这个建议。生活中有很多其他有趣的事情可做,我们应该尝试新的或不同的事情。




I went to the cinema with my mother. 我和我妈妈去看电影了。


With the development of science and technology, our living standards have missed a lot. 随着科技的发展,我们的生活水平得到了很大的提高。


The woman with a baby in her arms was my teacher in the middle school.




The window had been broken with a stone. 窗户被一块石头打碎了。

He was killed with a knife. 他被人用刀刺死了。


Mr. Black came to China with a plane called 737. 布来克先生乘坐一架名为737的飞机来中国的。


He passed the exam with her help. 在她的帮助下,他考试及格了。

三、with 的特殊用法。


The dog was fighting with the cat. 狗在和猫打架。


Everything was going well with us. 我们的一切都进行得很顺利。

Something is with the computer. 那台电脑出了毛病。


She walked out with a smile. 她笑着走了出去。


They started working with the machine running.

He is used to sleeping with the window closed.

With a lot of homework to do, Tom can't go out to play.

She left the house with the windows open/closed.

Don't leave the room with the lights on.

The boy killed two birds with a stone.

The teacher came into the classroom with a book in his hand.








at, in, on在表示时间上的区别

1. at指时间表示:


They came home at ten o'clock. 他们是点钟到家。

(2)较短暂的一段时间。可指某个节日或被认为是一年中标志大事的日子。如: He went home at Christmas. 我们在圣诞节回家。

2. in指时间表示:

(1)在某个较长的时间(如世纪、朝代、年、月、季节以及泛指的上午、下午或傍晚等)内。如:in 2004, in March, in spring, in the morning, in the evening, etc


He will arrive in two hours. 我们两个小时内到达。

3. on指时间表示:


On Christmas Day(On June 1st), there will be a party. 圣诞节那天,将有一个派对。


He arrived at 10 o’clock on the night of May 5th. 他在五月五日晚上十点钟到家。

(3)on time 准时,按时。如:

If the train should be on time, I should reach home before dark. 如果火车准时到达,我应该在天黑之前到家。


1. She got married______ the age of 22.

2. We left Hangzhou______ the afternoon of October 15th.

3. He called me_______ Sunday morning.

4. He phoned me_______ the early morning of June 4th.

5. They arrived______ the late afternoon of 20th December.

6. My daughter was born_______ July 1961.

7. The First World War broke out_______ 1941 and ended_______ 1918.

8. I shall take a holiday_______ summer.


1)at 2)on 3)on 4)in 5)in 6)in 7)in in 8)in

一. at, in和on表示地点时的区别

1. at表示地点:

(1)用于指较小的地方。如: I shall wait for you at the station.

(2)用于门牌号码前。如: He lives at 115,Zhongshan Road.

2. in表示地点:

(1)用于指较大的地方。如: He lives in Shanghai.


A.商店、学校、机关等,若看作一个地点(point)用at。如:met him at the post-office.

B.若看作一个场所(place)用in。如: I’m now working in the post-office.

3. on表示地点,一般指与面或线接触,意为“在„„上;在„„旁”。如:

The picture was hanging on the wall.

New York is on the Hudson River.

二. in,on在方位名词前的区别

1. in表示A地在B地范围之内。如:

Taiwan is in the southeast of China.

2. on表示A地与B地接壤、毗邻。如:

North Korea is on the east of China.

3.表示方位的名词east(东),west(西), south(南), north(北)等前面都能用表示方位的介词in, on和to,那么这三个介词的用法:


Beijing is in the north of China. 北京在中国的北部。


Korea is on the northeast of China. 朝鲜在中国的东北面。


Japan is to the east of China. 日本位于中国的东边。


1.He live ______ 235,NanJing Road.

2.My family lived ______ Tianjin three years ago.

3.Threre is a big clock ______ the wall.

4.Japan is _______the east of Korea.

5.Russia is _______the north of China.

6.Tianjin is ______ the north of China.

7.Guangzhou is ______ the south of China.

8.The garden is ______the south of the house.

1、There be 句型表示:在某地有某物(或人)

2、在there be 句型中,主语是单数,be 动词用is ; 主语是复数,be 动词用are ; 如有几件物品,be 动词根据最*近be 动词的那个名词决定。

3、there be 句型的否定句在be 动词后加not , 一般疑问句把be 动词调到句首。

4、there be句型与have(has) 的区别:there be 表示在某地有某物(或人);have(has) 表示某人拥有某物。

5、some 和any 在there be 句型中的运用:some 用于肯定句, any 用于否定句或疑问句。

6、and 和or 在there be句型中的运用:and 用于肯定句, or 用于否定句或疑问句。


How many + 名词复数 + are there + 介词短语?

How much + 不可数名词 + is there + 介词短语?


What’s + 介词短语?

Fill in the blank with “have,has”or “there is , there are”

1. I________a good father and a good mother.

2. ____________a telescope on the desk.

3. He_________a tape-recorder.

4. _____________a basketball in the playground.

5. She__________some dresses.

6. They___________a nice garden.

7. What do you___________?

8. ______________a reading-room in the building?

9. What does Mike___________?

10. ______________any books in the bookcase?

11. My father_________a story-book.

12. _______________a story-book on the table.

13. _______________any flowers in the vase?

14. How many students____________in the classroom?

15. My parents___________some nice pictures.

16. _____________some maps on the wall.

17. ______________a map of the world on the wall.

18. David__________a telescope.

19. David’s friends___________some tents.

20. ______________many children on the hill.


1、There ____a lot of sweets in the box.

2、There____ some milk in the glass.

3、There ____some people under the the big tree.

4、There ____a picture and a map on the wall.

5、There____ four cups of coffee on the table.

Fill in the blank with “ have, has ”

1. I_________ a nice puppet.

2. He_________a good friend.

3. They__________ some masks.

4. We___________some flowers.

5. She___________ a duck.


一、by+地点名词。表方位,意为:“在…旁边”。如:by the lake/river/tree/window/door等。

After supper she would sit down by the fire,thinking of her young and happy days.晚饭后她坐在火旁,回忆她青春快乐的年代。


As we boys were running towards the playground,Jim pass by the table.当我们这些男生跑向操场时,吉姆从桌旁路过。

二、by+时间名词。意为:“到…时(已发生某事),最晚、不迟于…,在…之前”。如:by now/then/this time/next Friday等。

The train leaves at 6:00 pm.So I have to be at the station by 5:40 pm at the latest.火车下午六点开,所以最晚我得五点四十赶到



1、by+交通工具、交通方式名词(名词前不加冠词,不变复数)。意为:“乘…”。如by train/taxi/bus/bike/boat/plane/air等。

“I usually go there by train”.“Why not try going by boat for a change?”“我常乘火车去那儿。”“为何不尝试一下坐船呢?”

2、by+ 地点或工具等具体名词。表路线、途径,意为:“通过(某物、某地)”。如:by the back door/country roads等。

The man entered the room by the back door.那人通过后门进入了房间。


Our bodies are strengthened by taking exercise. 身体是靠锻炼强壮的。


By the end of last year,another new gymnasium had been completed.

It takes a long time to go there by train;it`s quicker by bus.

Our minds are developed by learning.


1、表升降、增减的程度。如:by one-fifth/20 percent/£3等。

With production up by 60%,the company has had another excellent year.(NMET2000)产量上升了百分之六十,这家公司今年的业绩极好。

五、by+身体部位名词或衣服名词。表示被抓住身体/衣物的某一部分,常与动词catch/take/hold/等连用。如:by the hair/hand/arm等。

The soldier grabbed the child by the collar.那个士兵揪住了孩子的衣领。



1.by the way

2.one by one

3.step by step

4.shoulder by shoulder

5.by oneself

6.The demand for food is increasing by one third every year.

7.The policeman caught the thief by the arm.



I went to the cinema with my mother. 我和我妈妈去看电影了。


With the development of science and technology, our living standards have missed a lot. 随着科技的发展,我们的生活水平得到了很大的提高。


The woman with a baby in her arms was my teacher in the middle school.




The window had been broken with a stone. 窗户被一块石头打碎了。

He was killed with a knife. 他被人用刀刺死了。


Mr. Black came to China with a plane called 737. 布来克先生乘坐一架名为737的飞机来中国的。


He passed the exam with her help. 在她的帮助下,他考试及格了。

三、with 的特殊用法。


The dog was fighting with the cat. 狗在和猫打架。


Everything was going well with us. 我们的一切都进行得很顺利。

Something is with the computer. 那台电脑出了毛病。


She walked out with a smile. 她笑着走了出去。


They started working with the machine running.

He is used to sleeping with the window closed.

With a lot of homework to do, Tom can't go out to play.

She left the house with the windows open/closed.

Don't leave the room with the lights on.

The boy killed two birds with a stone.

The teacher came into the classroom with a book in his hand.








at, in, on在表示时间上的区别

1. at指时间表示:


They came home at ten o'clock. 他们是点钟到家。

(2)较短暂的一段时间。可指某个节日或被认为是一年中标志大事的日子。如: He went home at Christmas. 我们在圣诞节回家。

2. in指时间表示:

(1)在某个较长的时间(如世纪、朝代、年、月、季节以及泛指的上午、下午或傍晚等)内。如:in 2004, in March, in spring, in the morning, in the evening, etc


He will arrive in two hours. 我们两个小时内到达。

3. on指时间表示:


On Christmas Day(On June 1st), there will be a party. 圣诞节那天,将有一个派对。


He arrived at 10 o’clock on the night of May 5th. 他在五月五日晚上十点钟到家。

(3)on time 准时,按时。如:

If the train should be on time, I should reach home before dark. 如果火车准时到达,我应该在天黑之前到家。


1. She got married______ the age of 22.

2. We left Hangzhou______ the afternoon of October 15th.

3. He called me_______ Sunday morning.

4. He phoned me_______ the early morning of June 4th.

5. They arrived______ the late afternoon of 20th December.

6. My daughter was born_______ July 1961.

7. The First World War broke out_______ 1941 and ended_______ 1918.

8. I shall take a holiday_______ summer.


1)at 2)on 3)on 4)in 5)in 6)in 7)in in 8)in

一. at, in和on表示地点时的区别

1. at表示地点:

(1)用于指较小的地方。如: I shall wait for you at the station.

(2)用于门牌号码前。如: He lives at 115,Zhongshan Road.

2. in表示地点:

(1)用于指较大的地方。如: He lives in Shanghai.


A.商店、学校、机关等,若看作一个地点(point)用at。如:met him at the post-office.

B.若看作一个场所(place)用in。如: I’m now working in the post-office.

3. on表示地点,一般指与面或线接触,意为“在„„上;在„„旁”。如:

The picture was hanging on the wall.

New York is on the Hudson River.

二. in,on在方位名词前的区别

1. in表示A地在B地范围之内。如:

Taiwan is in the southeast of China.

2. on表示A地与B地接壤、毗邻。如:

North Korea is on the east of China.

3.表示方位的名词east(东),west(西), south(南), north(北)等前面都能用表示方位的介词in, on和to,那么这三个介词的用法:


Beijing is in the north of China. 北京在中国的北部。


Korea is on the northeast of China. 朝鲜在中国的东北面。


Japan is to the east of China. 日本位于中国的东边。

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