
作者&投稿:向具 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

My Dream College It’s my great honor to share my dream college with you. As we all know , going to college has been attached great significance to us Chinese students . And we are sparing no effort to be admitted by our dream college.
Definitely, my dream college is Fudan University , which in my heart, is well-known for her
first-class education. On the one hand , she has attracted me since I was a child because my mother graduated from Fudan University. Meanwhile, Fudan University is located in ShangHai, which is an international city where I can get a lot of knowledge and experience. Above all , I am sure it is where I will go on fighting for my better future.
To realize my dream , whatever challenge I will face , I will never give in. Though it is a great challenge for me to realize my dream, I will make a detailed plan and make use of every minute to make it to Fudan University.

My Dream College
It’s my great honor to share my dream college with you. As we all know , going to college has been attached great significance to us Chinese students . And we are sparing no effort to be admitted by our dream college.
Definitely, my dream college is Fudan University , which in my heart, is well-known for her
first-class education. On the one hand , she has attracted me since I was a child because my mother graduated from Fudan University. Meanwhile, Fudan University is located in ShangHai, which is an international city where I can get a lot of knowledge and experience. Above all , I am sure it is where I will go on fighting for my better future.
To realize my dream , whatever challenge I will face , I will never give in. Though it is a great challenge for me to realize my dream, I will make a detailed plan and make use of every minute to make it to Fudan University.
Thank you for your listening!

It’s my great honor to share my dream college with you. As we all know , going to college has been attached great significance to us Chinese students . And we are sparing no effort to be admitted by our dream college.
Definitely, my dream college is Fudan University , which in my heart, is well-known for her
first-class education. On the one hand , she has attracted me since I was a child because my mother graduated from Fudan University. Meanwhile, Fudan University is located in ShangHai, which is an international city where I can get a lot of knowledge and experience. Above all , I am sure it is where I will go on fighting for my better future.

How is everything going? I've been busy at study for a week. I attended a new school with three grades, 32classes and about 1800 students. I'm in class three,grade one.There are 50 students in my class:15girls and 35 boys. Our teacher is full of responsibility and kindhearted. She teaches us English and works hard. Besides compulsory courses , such as Chinese, we have a great many optional courses as well. I'm looking forward to your reply. Best wishes!


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貊厚武活: My Dream CollegeIt's my great honor to share my dream college with you. As we all know , going to college has been attached great significance to us Chinese students . And we are sparing no effort to be admitted by our dream college....

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