
作者&投稿:爱时 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

A, pronunciation intonation: should use standard British English or American English, standard Japanese. Pronunciation, intonation, pitch appropriate, language fluently, and it sounds beautiful.

B, emotional expression: can accurate in place to express the characters' emotions, such as happiness, sadness, sorrow, etc.

C, inosculation: namely, the plot lines with the film's characters, effect, and the extent of the embouchure consistent.

D, cooperates: namely the tacit understanding, such as between members of consistency, etc. Dialogue

3, a second link notice player comprehensive language ability and innovation ability

A, language expression: comprehensive language ability, including pronunciation intonation, word phrase collocation, skills, etc.

B, the content in the original innovation: the basis of film play degree and the effect. Can send imagination and creative freedom. The new interpretation of the original fragments, and can reach a certain field effect.

C, emotional expression: can accurate in place to express the characters' emotions, such as happiness, sadness, sorrow, etc

D, cooperates: namely the tacit understanding, such as between members of consistency, etc. Dialogue

Five, scoring rules (specific scoring criteria are as follows): 1, self introduction (): form, content must be expressed in English, VCR display accounted for 10

1. 思想内容:主题鲜明突出,寓意深刻,富有感召力。其余根据以上要求及具体情况酌情给分。 ( 说明:满分15分)
Concept and Content: has a distinct topic, delivers a strong message and applies emotional appeal. Points will be awarded according to specific performances regarding the outlines. (Maximum 15 pts)

2. 语音语调:发音清晰,音调、音高合适,连读、词重音、句重音、语调节奏等准确适中,英语语音标准,能很好把握节奏。( 说明:满分40分)
Voice and Pitch: has clear pronunciation, appropriate pitch; slurring, stressing and rhythm of vocabulary are accurate and reasonable. (Max 40 pts)

Pronunciation (20pts): words are spoken accurately, 1 point will deducted for each word skipped or pronunced incorrectly.

B: 语速(10分):语速恰当、声音洪亮,表达自然流畅,每不恰当停顿一次扣0.5分。
Pace (10pts): Pace is suitable, volume is audible, delivery is smooth and logical. 0.5pts will be deducted for each inappropriate pause.

Rhythm (10pts): Rhythm is fluid and contributes to the expression of emotions

3.朗诵能力:感情真挚,表达自然,能较好地运用姿态、动作、手势、表情,反映朗诵内容的内涵。朗诵富有韵味和表现力,能与观众产生共鸣,营造良好的朗诵效果;能够脱稿,朗诵时间控制在3-5分钟之内。( 说明:满分25分)(未脱稿朗诵扣3分)
Recital skills: Emotions are genuine, expressions are natural, is able to utilize posture, movement, hand gestures and facial appearance to reflect one's interpretation of the material. Recital is engaging and articulate; can perform without text and performance time is between 3-5 minutes. (Max 25 pts.) (Deduct 3 pts for candidates with notes or text. )

4. 综合印象:上下台致意,答谢。朗诵者着装朴素端庄大方,举止自然得体,有风度,富有艺术感染力。观众反映良好。( 说明:满分20分)注:根据以上要求及具体情况酌情给分。
Comprehensive Impression: Greets and thanks the audience as well as the judges. Clothing is formal and proper, actions are well-mannered and is attentive to artistic elements. Audience gives positive response. (Max 20 pt). Points will be awarded according to specific performances regarding the outlines.


The maximum score is 100, the average is taken from judges.

Judges will score the contestants accurate to one decimal place.

Recital does not meet minumum time required or exceeds the maximum time. 0.1 points will be deducted for every 10 seconds, time periods less than 10 seconds will count as 10 seconds.


Each contestant will recite for a minumum of 3 minutes and a maximum of 5 minutes.

1. The ideological content: theme is outstanding, profound, and rich according to the requirements and the charisma to take into consideration the specific situation points. (note: the full marks 15 points) 2. Pronunciation intonation: pronunciation, intonation, pitch appropriate, even read word stress, sentence stress, rhythm, intonation, moderate accurate English phonetics, standard, can be very good grasp rhythm. A: pronunciation (20 points) : voice accurately, of which read wrong or leak read A word deduction 1 minute. B: speed (10 points) : speak properly, loud, express natural and smooth, every inappropriate a pause button 0.5 points. C: rhythm (10 points) : beautiful rhythm, full of expression. (note: the full marks 40 points) 3. Reading ability: emotional sincere, the natural expression, can good use gestures, movements, gestures, facial expressions, reflect the connotation of reading content. Recitation of the rich lasting appeal and expressive power, with the audience can resonate, and build a good read effect; Can complete inmanuscript, reading time control in 3-5 minutes. (note: the full marks 25 points) (not complete inmanuscript recitation buckle 3) 4. Comprehensive impression: step down in regards to thank. LangSongZhe dress simple dignified and easy, natural decent behaviour, good manners, rich artistic appeal. The audience reflection is good. (note: the full marks 20 points) note: according to the requirements and take into consideration the specific situation to points. Scoring rule 1, 100 the game ", take the average score. 2, the accurate to score after the decimal point one. 3, read or no more than the specified time, 10 seconds for timing section, in the total score of 0.1 points reduction, less than 10 seconds calculated according to 10 seconds, the highest minus 0.6 points. 4, each player recitation limit 5 minutes, the shortest shall not be less than three minutes.




《配乐诗朗诵评分标准》 比赛要求: 1、朗诵限定时间为5分钟之内。 2、要求内容健康,用普通话朗诵,可以不脱稿。 3、参赛的配音音乐由参赛者自备。 4、要求参赛者仪表整洁大方,朗诵时富有感情。 5、可编排适当的动作或舞蹈。 评分标准: 1、诗歌内容 (4分)。 2、诗歌与音乐的搭配效果 (2分)。

教师篇 | 全国有声语言艺术教育测评标准体系正式出台!
四、测评标准与评分依据 1、语音与发声模块:自我介绍、单音节字、双音节词、绕口令、中华古典诗词、现代诗歌、公众礼仪、气息控制。 语音部分要求:读音准确、语音规范 ① 声母n\\l发音含混不清;② 声母f\\h发音含混不清;③ 声母j\\q\\x发音出现严重尖音问题;④ 声母b\\p、d\\t、ɡ\\k等声母...

“诗情画意诵春天”比赛评分标准及方法 一、评分标准 1、仪表形象:(2分)服饰大方得体、举止从容,精神饱满,面带微笑,态度亲切。2、语言表达:(4分)鞠躬问好,有礼貌,普通话标准,吐字清晰、字音正确,声音响亮、节奏富于变化,语调轻重缓急、抑扬顿挫切合朗读的内容。3、态势神情:(1分)姿态、...


学校课文朗诵比赛活动方案 篇1 一、比赛目的: 为切实贯彻落实《语文课程标准》“能用普通话正确、流利、有感情地朗读课文”之精神,促使我校语文老师重视朗读教学,加强朗诵训练与指导,激发学生朗诵的兴趣,养成良好的朗诵习惯,丰富学生的语言积累,全面提高学生的朗诵能力,经研究决定开展小学生课文朗诵比赛活动。现将有关...


散文的朗读没有一个固定的形式,不过可以有一些基本的技巧,就是在读之前了解文章的整体思想,然后把自己当作作者,用语言把文章表达出来! 一定要避免我只是读文章的误区.起初会有表达障碍感,不过慢慢练习就会好起来了!◎朗读的评分标准 语音(包含发音声调)占百分之五十 气势(包含句读语调文气)占百分之四十 仪态(包含...

(三)比赛规则 1.抽签决定出场顺序。 2.诵读作品自选,但必须是中华经典诵读篇目。 3.参赛选手必须脱稿朗诵。诵读时可加音乐伴奏,伴奏音源由选手自备。 4.每位参赛选手比赛时间限制在8分钟以内。(超时将酌情扣分) 5.评分标准: 比赛采取100分制,其中: a.作品内容(15分):选材内容符合比赛要求,具有一定的教育意义;...

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鄢盆硝呋: The criteria for the scoring of recitation Total score is 100 pts, the starting point is 80 pts. Content and organization(30pts) a.Relevant and healthy content.b.Clear structure and logical sequence.c.without referring to the written paper. Language(30...

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鄢盆硝呋: 评分标准:(10分) 1、发音准确,语调自然流畅(5分); 2、表达生动、富有感染力(3分); 3、仪态整洁、表演端庄大方(2分). 4、背诵的加2-3分

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鄢盆硝呋:[答案] standard pronunciation, natural and impressive expression smooth expression, no breakdown, appropriate speed proper diction without grammatical mistake natural look and good-mannered precise timing

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鄢盆硝呋: Five, scoring rules (specific scoring criteria are as follows): 1, self introduction (): form, content must be expressed in English, VCR display accounted for 10

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鄢盆硝呋: 箭与歌 Henry Wadsworth Longfellow(1807-1882)我向天空射一枝箭, 不知道著落在何地何方; 因箭飞行迅速不能看见 早已超越了我的眼光.我向天空唱一支歌, 不知道飘落在何地何方; 因为谁有那麽锐利的眼光, 怎能够追寻歌声的飞扬? ...

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鄢盆硝呋: standard pronunciation, natural and impressive expression smooth expression, no breakdown, appropriate speed proper diction without grammatical mistake natural look and good-mannered precise timing

紫金县15753594128: 英语演讲比赛的评分标准是什么? -
鄢盆硝呋:[答案] 参考一下: 21世纪杯英语演讲比赛评分标准 英语演讲比赛决赛评分标准(满分100分 ) 第一部分 讲演(60分) (1)语言 (20分) 要求:发音准确、吐词清晰、语调流畅、语速适中 (2)内容 (20分) 要求:内容详实、立意较高、文笔流畅、积...

紫金县15753594128: 朗诵比赛评分标准 -
鄢盆硝呋: 1、紧扣主题,内容充实生动,有真情实意.寓意深刻,富有感召力.1分 2、衣着得体 0.5分 3、 精神饱满,姿态得体大方 2分 4、感情饱满真挚,表达自然,能通过表情的变化反映朗诵的内涵 1.5分 5、吐字清晰,声音宏亮,正确把握朗诵节奏 2分 6、能正确把握朗诵内容,声情并茂,朗诵富有韵味和表现力,能与观众产生共鸣 3分

紫金县15753594128: 英语演讲比赛评分标准是什么? -
鄢盆硝呋: 1.脱稿..2.语言准确,流畅..3.语音、语调准确..4中心明确.5表达自然..

紫金县15753594128: 英语大赛的评分标准是什么 -
鄢盆硝呋: 参考一下: 21世纪杯英语演讲比赛评分标准 英语演讲比赛决赛评分标准(满分100分 ) 第一部分 讲演(60分) (1)语言 (20分) 要求:发音准确、吐词清晰、语调流畅、语速适中 (2)内容 (20分) 要求:内容详实、立意较高、文笔流畅、积极向上 (3)临场表现 (20分) 要求:着装整洁、仪态端庄、表情自然、声情并茂 第二部分 现场(40分) (1)能准确理解题意(10分 ) (2)反应敏捷(10分) (3)回答流畅准确(10分) (4)思维具创造性(10分) 参考资料: http://www1.hrbust.edu.cn/xueyuan/waiguoyu/show.aspx?id=154&cid=99

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