
作者&投稿:蓍荔 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Examples are money transmission facilities and advice on corporate finance in the case of banks, life assurance cover in the case of insurance companies.
例如,各银行提供的资金往来业务(facilities 银行业务、服务项目一般都用这个词)与企业融资咨询业务,以及各保险公司提供的人寿保险业务。
in the case of banks 指涉及银行时的情况
n the case of insurance companies 指涉及保险公司时的情况。


The council of the stock exchange decides whether permission can be given for placing or whether the issue has to be made by way of an offer for sale.

When the consideration for shares being sold is large,placing permission is unlikely to be given,but this is always subject to the stock exchange's discretion.

证券交易委员会决定是否给于出售许可, 及是否通过招股的方式发行。 在考虑出售的股份量很大的情况下,通常不太可能得到出售许可, 但是总是经过证券交易所慎重考虑后做出决定。




placing: (股票的)配售
consideration: 代价(即股票发售涉及的金额)

discretion: 酌情、酌情权

1.1。Income is an increase in an entity’s net assets resulting from its operations over a period of time.收入增加一个实体的净资产造成其操作需要一段时间。2.2。Net assets are the excess of the entity’s economic resources (assets) over its obligations (liabilities).净资产是多余...

SEC = Securities and Exchange Commission,v. = against LIFE PARTNERS,INC. 被起诉的公司名 D.C.Cir = United States District Court for "DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA CIRCUIT "d= district c= columbia cir=circuit 87 E3d 536 可能是档号

我实在找不到了!!!return’s book-to-tax adjustment valuation allowance 计价备抵,[金融] 估价备抵;备抵跌价损失 return-to-provision the company’s interim provision calculation 我帮你查查………

highlighting its crucially important theoretical and practical significance. The paper ends by describing the present state of the development of China's GEM market and proposes essential factors which are key to the future development of the GEM market.纯手工翻译,希望对你有帮助 ...

金融英语翻译:hedge exposure是什么意思?
对冲;例句:That is true even of those used to hedge exposure to swings in currency and energy markets.即使是对那些过去常常对冲外汇市场和能源市场波动风险的人来说也是如此。

你问的应该是公司金融有关的术语,levered firm: 负债(杠杆)公司(负债在金融里面就可以叫做杠杆)unlevered firm: 无负债(全股份)公司(此时公司总资产=投资者权益)Homemade Leverage: 自制杠杆 是利用个人从投资者通过借入相应利率和期限的贷款,同时购买无负债公司的股票,来复制一个有负债公司的...

original maturity 就是从开始发行到成熟的时间, 如五年的债券有 original maturity of five years, 一年后, 这个债券有 maturity of four years.

国际金融 International Finance 电子商务 Electronic Commerce 外贸英语函电 English Communication in Foreign Trade 外贸英语合同 Contracts for Foreign Economic Relations & Trade 计量经济学 Econometrics 管理信息系统(I) Management Information System(I)跨国公司经营 Transnational Corporation Operation 世界...

Granted sweeping powers by the White House 意谓 给予白宫无限大的权力 data on which America's markets depend.美国市场依靠的资料\/数据 最后一句相关语法:回应之前的句子:reliability of financial information about companies 全句为:美国市场依靠的数据就是公司财政资料的可靠性 ...

掺水股也可以定义为以完全无代价的送红股方式发行的股票,或者以低于面值的价格发行的股票,或者为支付劳务、服务及购买按合理估价低于其面值的产权而发行的股票.赞成 高云公子 对bonus的译法。 bonus share的金融专用词汇是“红股”consideration 是 代价的意思,这里译为:“对价”指与票面价值对应相等的...

罗江县15923421512: 金融专业英语(已取消职业资格认证考试) - 搜狗百科
瞿浅十一:[答案] 金融 [jīn róng] finance; banking ; 例句: 1. Leveraged finance is growing fast. 杠杆金融正发展迅速.

罗江县15923421512: 金融用英语怎么说 -
瞿浅十一: 金融 [jīn róng] finance; banking ; 例句: 1. Leveraged finance is growing fast. 杠杆金融正发展迅速.

罗江县15923421512: 问关于金融英语的英译中,谢谢!
瞿浅十一: financial english

罗江县15923421512: 金融用英语怎么说?用汉语怎么读? -
瞿浅十一: 在手机上安装一些有声字典,如 金山词霸.输入Finance,点发音就行了.

罗江县15923421512: 求金融英语翻译? -
瞿浅十一: 对于没有多少钱想去投资的的投资人来说, 这种途径常常是吸引人的,因为他们能用非常少的钱来买大量的股票.

罗江县15923421512: 金融英文单词翻译 -
瞿浅十一: credit transaction 信用交易; 赊帐交易 <主金融词汇> credit transaction 信贷贸易 Individual credit transactions 个人信用交易

罗江县15923421512: 金融用英语怎么说?用汉语怎么读? -
瞿浅十一: 在手机上安装一些有声字典,如 金山词霸.输入Finance,点发音就行了.

罗江县15923421512: 求金融英语翻译!!
瞿浅十一: Many different commodities were once used as money in history. While in the evolution of money precious metals such as gold and silver were finally chosen. They took the position of money universally. The reasons were that gold and silver do ...

罗江县15923421512: 金融英语翻译:hedge exposure是什么意思? -
瞿浅十一: 对冲;例句:That is true even of those used to hedge exposure to swings in currency and energy markets.即使是对那些过去常常对冲外汇市场和能源市场波动风险的人来说也是如此.

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