
作者&投稿:调将 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

歌曲名:Truth Is A Lie
专辑:Forever In A Day


你的角色是同一个QQ号创建的吗? 如果是那另一个号就没点卷可拿了

1.pleasant 是形容词,用来修饰名词。surprise 单数名次,形容词后是单数名词时,就要用a/an
用法:1 后跟名词,表示名词的性质和特征
如:an interesthing book
2 放在be动词前或连系动词 sound 和 look 之后
如: It is boring
3 当形容词后没跟单数名词时不能用A/AN
如: It's an English book



1.introduction 2.what's your hobby? favourite novels, vedio games,ect.3.do you have any difficulties in learning English?4.are you familiar with my country?5.I'm a new guy here, so can you introduce some scenic spots of your town for me?通常根据上课内容问问题吧。就跟聊天...

1.Nice to meet you. How are feeling today? Has every thing turned out good with your work and life here so far?2.By the way, how do you find my oral English? Can you catch all that I said to say? How can I improve it?3.How long have been in China? Why do you ...

你能教我英语吗?是Do you teach me English?还是Can you teach me Engl...
Can \/ Could you please teach me English?could 较can显得更婉转、礼貌。please是类似"请问"的意思,显得更加有礼。

Before you begin to learn how to speak English, you'll need to know where to begin.Taking a level test can help you understand what level you are at and then you can start using resources appropriate for your level in order to learn how to speak English well. Of course, you'll not ...

1. I had no one to talk to 可以通过以下演变去理解:1)改为定语从句:I had no one to whom I could\/would talk. (用的是“介词 + 关系代词)2)将介词 to 后置:I had no one whom I could\/would talk to.3)把远离介词的宾格 whom 改为 who:I had no one who I could\/...

应该是Who teaches you English?吧,该句是问 谁教你英语,回答直接答老师即可,一般可以Mr. Wang 或 Ms\/Miss\/ Mrs. Wang 之类的。

who teaches you english?回答是miss gao does,还是miss g
Miss Gao does .

How long ___you___(teach)English? ---Over nine years 填什么 为什 ...
How long have you taught(teach)English? ---Over nine years 【how long】问的是一段时间,所以用现在完成时,表示已经教了多少年 有不会的可以再问我

A,用with表伴随的状态 B,听起来像 C,“操心”之意

he teaches us english.对主语he 画线提问怎么做
你好!因为既然问了就肯定是还没发生的,用将来时。至于为什么不用you 既然原句是问的谁教我们英语,提示是对主语提问Who teaches us English。你自己把它转换成中文理解一下?其实比较好的应该是Who will teach us English,那么宾语就没有必要改变 如果对你有帮助,望采纳。

老河口市13872586352: 请教个英语问题 -
塔桑胃苏: 标准答案: 英语里面的单数第三人称形式,如果主语为复数要求用单数形式;如果主语为复数用正常的形式.my hand 为单数所以用had 如果改成my hands就可以用have;后面那个也是如此.

老河口市13872586352: 请教几个英语问题.
塔桑胃苏: 1、你多长时间去一次学校,比如:once a week(一星期一次); 2、你怎样去学校,比如:by bus (坐公车): 3、什么时候开始上课,比如:at 9:00(在9点); 4、你想要多少水,比如:one bottle(一瓶); 5、你多长时间吃一次蛋糕,比如:once a week; 6、为什么她正在与他讲话,比如:because she like him(因为她喜欢他); 7、哪本书是你带来的,比如:the green one(绿色的那本);

老河口市13872586352: 请教英语问题 -
塔桑胃苏: aboard:副词,介词 副词:在船(或飞机、火车、公共汽车等)上;上(船、飞机、公共汽车、火车等) We went aboard.我们上了船. He was already aboard the plane.他已经登机了. Welcome aboard!欢迎乘坐! 介词:在(船、飞机、车...

老河口市13872586352: 请教一些英语问题 -
塔桑胃苏: 回复感谢You're welcome. / That's all right. / Not at all. / It's my pleasure.回复歉意That's all right./ Not at all. / Never mind.that's right 一般表示对别人的赞同 that's all right,口语较常用,回答谢意与歉意 all right,口语中=ok .

老河口市13872586352: 请教英语问题~~~ -
塔桑胃苏: 朋友,你好!第一个问题:首先,find sb adj to do sth这是一个句式,him是宾语,那么后面的内容便是宾语补足语哦.若是把him换成he,就可以加is了,当然,这就是一个宾语从句了哦.后面的那个也是一样的,find sth\sb doingsth是一个宾语补足语,所以省掉了is,若是加了is,那么后面就成了:the company is making an invention这样的宾语从句了哦 第二个问题:首先,必须要明确alive的意思,alive是一个形容词,是活着的意思.然后用我说的那个句式来套一下,只能用alive哦.

老河口市13872586352: 请教老师英语问题 -
塔桑胃苏: 这里keep就是指维持一个状态,让门开着的状态,这句话意思就是我希望你不会一直让门开着吧 THey might not have liked me.指他们过去可能还不喜欢我,现在可能喜欢了也可能不喜欢.They might not like me.指现在可能不喜欢我.希望能帮到你- -

老河口市13872586352: 英语问题、请教
塔桑胃苏: C,miss popular

老河口市13872586352: 想请教各位些英语问题
塔桑胃苏: 1. I will soon be the end of my primary school life. 2. You want to write and to whom? 3. We have the same hobby. 4. My family is not. 5. He looking for pen pals in China. 6. How can I go shopping? 7. The weather here? 8. This weekend are you going to do? 9. What is your favorite season of that?

老河口市13872586352: 请教英语问题.
塔桑胃苏: Antarctica is to the north of China.不接壤的在南边用 to the north of Beijing is in the north of China.在后者范围之内的用 in the north of Russia is on the north of China.接壤的在后者范围之外的在北边用 on the north of

老河口市13872586352: 请教英语问题
塔桑胃苏: 词组翻译 一.用糖果招待我们(三种答案)[现已经会两种: 1.give us some candy as a treat 2.treat us with some candy 3.We entertain with candy 二.在中秋节晚上 1. In the evening of the Mid-Autumn Festival 三.去上海旅行(两种答案)[现已会一...


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