
作者&投稿:斐皆 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I like this school very much, I really want to study here. *** 猫迷英语专家团提供【Real。American。English。】

I hope you would like this book.(望采纳,谢谢!)



Here is an art of traditional Chinese calligraphy for you.这是送给你的一副传统中国书法作品。
I wish you would enjoy it (用enjoy比like好,enjoy有欣赏的意思,用would就更委婉)
will you be back to China again? (现在在中国,就用back咯,就是再次回来)


This is a Chinese calligraphy. Wish you like it. Will you visit China again?

祝你学习愉快! (*^__^*)

Here is an art of Chinese calligraphy.
Hope you enjoy it.
Will you be back to China in the future?
感觉比较口语。。 你这翻译了是做什么用呢?书面的还是口语的。

This is a Chinese calligraphy works. Hope you would like it. Would you still come to China again?

祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*)

This is a Chinese calligraphy works, I hope you like it. Will you come to China again?

帮忙用英语翻译一下这几句话 1.科比的名言 2.科比是我最喜爱的篮球明星...
名言是:爱我或者恨我,这是一方或另一方。一直以来都是这样。恨我的比赛,我的狂妄自大。恨我的消逝,我的饥饿。恨我是个老兵。一个冠军。恨。你最喜欢的心里。而恨我爱,因为同样的原因。科比是我最喜爱的篮球明星,他效力于NBA洛杉矶湖人队 ===Kobe is my favorite basketball star, he played...

1.抱歉,我只会讲一点英语。I am sorry. My English is limited.2.抱歉,这句话我听不懂。I am sorry. I cannot get it. (this)(这个要有上文,因为你是接着上一句说的,没有必要说this sentence.)3.在生命最精彩的时刻 留下你美丽的瞬间!--- 这句话逻辑上有问题,“时刻”和“瞬间”...

专业为你解答,全手动翻译,句句包含定语从句 1.As is known to all, China covers 9.6 million square kilometres, which is the third-largest country in the world in land area.2. China has a total number of 55 ethnic minorities and one majority, the Han Ethnic Group, which ...

1.云娃娃 云娃娃是云,不是娃娃,所以是Baby Cloudie,不是Cloudy Baby.2.可是我却没有固定的形状。But I don't even have a hard shape!3.无论模仿成什么形状,马上就被风吹散了。Whenver I change into something with a shape, I'll be blown off by the wind!4.哎!看那朵云,刚才还...

原文:同学们大家好!学校将举行一年一度的校运会,在2009年12月23日至25日在学校运动场举行。比赛项目有 跑步, 跳高, 游泳, 帆船, 篮球等.有兴趣的同学在12月15日之前到学生会办公室报名。希望同学们积极参加.谢谢!翻译:Students Hello, everyone!Schools will hold its annual athletic meets, in...

Up to now, its charmness keeps shining brightly still. It is called "changing diversely within an inch". Now let's make a further step into this splendid art to take a deep look inside.Keywords:seal cutting, stream source, seal character zebraye翻译....

我喜欢蓝色 我喜欢蓝色,因为蓝色是天空的颜色,是大海的颜色,它象征着宽广,纯真;我喜欢蓝色,更因为那是你喜欢的颜色,它象征着我们之间的爱。I like the blue I like blue,Because blue is the color of the sky,Is the color of the sea,It symbolizes a broad, pure;I like blue,But ...

翻译为:1.因为我英语不太好,而且对美国的习俗懂得也不多,所以如果有时候我说了什么不太礼貌的话希望你不要介意,我绝对是无心的。Because my english isn't that well and I dont know much about American culture, so If I say something not approprate please forgive me, because I didnt...

有人的地方就有江湖,有江湖的地方就有男女,有男女的地方就有三角恋 Some rivers and lakes where there is, there are rivers and lakes where there are men and women, there are men and women in places as triangles

1.We must try our best to do better as long as we get to the court.We must win if we would die.Don't hold our hand!2.Believe in God.

木兰县15297498587: 用英语翻译几句话:这是一幅中国的书法作品,希望你能喜欢.你还会再来中国吗? -
貊霞洛凯: 说实话,你送书法很难被理解的.因为书法里边博大精深的.外国人不知道,说不准,拿回家就倒着挂起来了(经验) Here is an art of traditional Chinese calligraphy for you.这是送给你的一副传统中国书法作品.I wish you would enjoy it (用enjoy比like好,enjoy有欣赏的意思,用would就更委婉) will you be back to China again? (现在在中国,就用back咯,就是再次回来) 希望帮到你

木兰县15297498587: 求中译英:这是一本用英语写成的介绍中国文化的书. -
貊霞洛凯: This is a book on Chinese culture written in English.

木兰县15297498587: 根据汉语写英文1.这用英语怎么讲?2.它是一幅中国地图. -
貊霞洛凯: How do we say it in English? It's a map of china.

木兰县15297498587: 用英语翻译几句简单的中文 -
貊霞洛凯: They have the experience of the reception of foreign students, so they can help you adapt it quickly. You have to catch the opportunity to make friends with them. You should respect their rules of family.

木兰县15297498587: 他去图书馆看了一本有关中国历史的书的翻译是:什么 -
貊霞洛凯: 他去图书馆看了一本有关中国历史的书的翻译是:He went to the library and read a book about Chinese history

木兰县15297498587: 有几句汉语,用英语翻译一下 -
貊霞洛凯: This book is the cheaper than that one It is important to more than that He was the most courageous in four boys He became thinner You give children more, they want more或the more you give children,the moer they want

木兰县15297498587: 中国书画 -- 英文翻译到底是Chinese Painting and Calligraphy还是Chinese Calligraphy and Painting ? -
貊霞洛凯: 没区别 中文的话词中两个并列成分之间不带连词的话有顺序讲究 比如“书画”而不说“画书”,“取纸笔来”而不说“取笔纸来” 但是英语就不存在这个问题 "pen and paper”"paper and pen"都表示“纸笔”不用纠结这个问题 英语爱词霸沙龙上看到的中国书画就翻译为 Calligraphy and Painting

木兰县15297498587: “这本书是最早被介绍到中国的英国文学名著之一”这句话用英语怎么说呢? -
貊霞洛凯: This book is one of the British literary classics that were introduced earliest into China.

木兰县15297498587: 求英语高手帮忙用英语翻译一段话,急,在线等 -
貊霞洛凯: 例句:li wasn't sure if you know i have a crush on you for many years.我不晓得你是否明白我的想法:我从很早以前就已经喜欢你好几年了 所以吧,个人觉得 文中“我喜欢你很久了”用 have a crush on you 这个词组更地道、恰当,更符合外国人...

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