哪些动词后面不可以加 to do sth?

作者&投稿:曹凌 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
有哪些动词后不能加sb to do sth~

  sb. to do sth. 是跟在感知动词(feel, hear, see, watch, notice, observe, find 等)和使役动词(let, make, have, bid, get, order, let, tell, allow 等)后的“宾语 + 宾语补足语”,意思分别是“感知到某人做过某事”和“让(或使/命令/允许/告知)某人做某事”。这两类动词中只有 let, make, have 和 bid 这四个使动动词后不定式不能带 to。

  I let them (borrow the car0. 我允许他们借这辆车。
  Can you (make the horse go)? 你能赶走这匹马吗?
  He had my assistant (run the errand). 他让我的助手跑腿。
  I bid you (be seated). 我命令你坐下。

1、decide to do sth.
(2)例句:Both can be transformed by what you decide to do right now, in this moment. 它们都能由你在现在此刻做出的决定来改变。
2、want to do sth.

(2)例句:Tell them you don't want to do it any more. Don't beat yourself up about it 去跟他们说你不想干了。别为了这个难为自己。
3、forget to do sth.
(2)例句:Yes, people actually forget to do this, with terrible outcomes. 是的,人们实际上会忘了退出,这会造成可怕的后果。
4、may do sth.
(2)例句:He may have missed his train.他可能没赶上火车。
5、can do sth.
(2)例句:She can speak Spanish.她会讲西班牙语。



在同一个句子或联系紧密的对话中,为了避免重复,作宾语或补足语的不定式再次出现时,不定式符号to后面的内容常常被省略,只保留不定式符号 to。常用于动词refuse, would like, would love, wish, want, hope, expect, intend以及形容词afraid, happy, glad, willing, ready等之后。
The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street, but his mother told him ________.
A. not to B. not to do C. not do it D. do not to
答案: A
-Are you a farmer?
-No, but I used to be.
用it, one, that替代句子中重复出现的名词、代词或句子;用so, neither / nor引起的分句,表示前面的情况也适用于后者。
①We needed a new cupboard for the kitchen. So Peter made ________ from some wood we had.
A. it B. one C. himself D. another
②-I would never come to this restaurant again. The food is terrible!
A. Nor am I B. Neither would I C. Same with me D. So do I
答案:① B ② B
1. 有时为了避免重复,可用so或that作替代语,替代前面所说的内容。可用于动词think, believe, hope, suppose, expect, guess, imagine以及be afraid, of course, certainly, perhaps等后面。
-You haven't lost the ticket, have you?
-________. I know it's not easy to get another one at the moment.
A. I hope not B. Yes, I have C. I hope so D. Yes, I\'m afraid so
答案: A
2. 含有情态动词的答语中可以使用省略回答,只保留情态动词;情态动词后有be或作助动词的have时,保留be或have。
-I don\'t mind telling you what I know.
-You ________. I'm not asking you for it.
A. mustn\'t B. may not C. can't D. needn't
答案: D
3. 疑问句中的省略回答。
①-Susan, go and join your sister cleaning the yard.
-Why ________? John is sitting there doing nothing.
A. him B. he C. I D. me
②-What do you think made Mary so upset?
-________ her bicycle.
A. As she lost B. Lost C. Losing D. Because of losing
答案:① D ② C
4. 祈使句中的省略回答。
-Write to me when you get home.
A. I must B. I should C. I will D. I can
答案: C
Though ________ money, his parents managed to send him to university.
A. lacked B. lacking of C. lacking D. lacked in
答案: C

英语中有些动词后接另一个动词作宾语时,通常要用动名词,而不接不定式,这类动词主要:admit(承认), advise(建议), allow(允许)。appreciate(感激), avoid(避免), consider(考虑), delay(推迟), discuss(讨论), dislike(不喜欢), enjoy(喜爱), escape(逃脱), excuse(原谅), fancy(没...

哪些动词后不能加不定式,如 finish,越多越好
1.在固定词组had better之后。注意:had better的否定形式是had better not do sth.。例如:You had better go home now.你最好现在回家。It's cold outside. You'd better not go out.外面很冷,你最好不要出去。2.在let, make, see, feel, watch, hear等感官或使役动词后,要跟不带to的...


不及物动词后面要加介词后才能加宾语或宾语从句 如:go to school, talk about the movie...至于说it, 这是个代词,代词是可以做宾语的。所以it不会直接跟在不及物动词的后面o 如:go for it, talk bout it


后面动词加 ing 是所谓的 “过去进行时"例如:he was eating dinner when i came home.我回到家时他正在吃晚餐。(这句说的是一件发生在过去时间点的事,可能是10分钟之前,也可能是两小时前)was 后面动词加 ed,也是发生在过去,不过是所谓的 ”被动语态“表达。例如:that book was borrowed f...

请问除了有哪些动词后面是不能够加 to do的?列如 spend in doing之类...
“to doing” 不是什么固定结构,仅仅因为"to"做介词词性时,后面可以加doing(此时doing叫动名词,任何一个动词加ing都可以变成动名词,可以加在任意介词后使用,因为“介词+名词”)。所以,to后面要加“doing"其实是因为to和其它动词(或形容词、名词)搭配,构成了特定的短语,其中to做介词。此时就...

英语句子中 有些动词后会加s 有些却不加 这是为什么
动词后加s是表示第三人称单数的意思,第三人称主语后谓语动词加s ,有的时候是加ES。你那后面的I needs是错误的说法 ,改为I need...遇到第一、第二人称时,则不用加s,例如:1,I\/You need some food (我,你,我们,你们,他们等的动词在一般现在式中都是原形,不用加S)I need a book...

系动词后面不可以加实意动词。因为系动词后跟形容词或名词做表语 .

be动词后面不可以加need的原形,一般用needed,表示被动,意思是被需要。例句:1、It is not too late, but prompt action is needed.现在还不算晚,但是需要立即采取行动。2、The area is needed for a land reclamation project.一个土地开垦项目要在这一地区进行。3、What is needed in such ...

明山区18548762755: 英语:动词后 只加 doing 不加 to do的词有哪些? -
笪侧烧伤:[答案] 在以下这些动词的后面只能加doing,而不能接动词不定式:suggest 建议//finish完成// stop 停止(做某事)// can't help 禁不住// mind 介意//admit 承认// enjoy 喜欢//put off 推迟//delay 耽误// practise 练习//c...

明山区18548762755: 哪些行为动词后面只能加doing而不能加to do?比如finish`keep`enjoy后面只能加doing而不能加to do.但像like`stop`begin`forget后面可以加doing或to do表示相... -
笪侧烧伤:[答案] 动词+ to do afford aim appear agree arrange ask be decide bother care choose come dare demand desire determine expect elect endeavor hope fail happen help hesitate learn long mean manage offer ought p...

明山区18548762755: 那些动词后只能加动词ing形式不可加to do 快点啊( ̄^ ̄)ゞ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ -
笪侧烧伤:[答案] 动词+ doing 常见的有:enjoy,finish ,keep ,practice ,mind ,miss ,advoid ,imagine 当然还有很多,如: admit appreciate complete consider delay deny detest endure escape prevent fancy postpone practise recall resent resist resume risk suggest face ...

明山区18548762755: 后面只能接DOing,不能接to do的动词有哪些 -
笪侧烧伤: 只能接动名词做宾语的动词常见的有: 避免错过少延期avoid, miss, put off,postpone 建议完成多练习suggest, finish, practice 喜欢想象经不住enjoy, imagine, can't help 承认否定与妒忌admit, deny, envy 逃避冒险莫原谅escape,risk, excuse, 忍受...

明山区18548762755: 哪些行为动词后面只能加doing而不能加to do?? -
笪侧烧伤: 动词+ to do afford aim appear agree arrange ask be decide bother care choose come dare demand desire determine expect elect endeavor hope fail happen help hesitate learn long mean manage offer ought plan prepare pretend promise refuse ...

明山区18548762755: 英语中哪些动词后面只能接doing sth.?我们老师说有20个,而且这20个动词后面不接to do sth. -
笪侧烧伤: avoid. miss. delay. suggest. finish. enjoy. imagine. admit. deny. envy. escape. rist .forgive. stand. keep. mind. can't help. resist. consider .be worth.........不知道够没够20个

明山区18548762755: 哪些行为动词后面只能加doing而不能加to do??
笪侧烧伤: 1. allow doing (区别:allow sb. to do sth.) 2. keep doing 3. keep /carry on doing 4. keep sb. doing 5. enjoy doing (He enjoys nothing but playing the computer.) 6. finish doing 7. be afraid of doing 8. be worth doing (This piece of music is worth ...

明山区18548762755: 英语中,后面跟动词短语,不需加"to"的动词有哪几个? -
笪侧烧伤:[答案] 省to 的动词不定式 1) 情态动词 ( 除ought 外,ought to): 2) 使役动词 let,have,make: 3) 感官动词 see,watch,look at,notice ,observe,hear,listen to,smell,feel,find 等后作宾补,省略to. 注意:在被动语态中则to 不能省掉. I saw him dance.=He was ...

明山区18548762755: 英语:动词后 只加 doing 不加 to do的词有哪些??? 急急急~~~
笪侧烧伤: 在以下这些动词的后面只能加doing,而不能接动词不定式: suggest 建议//finish完成// stop 停止(做某事)// can't help 禁不住// mind 介意//admit 承认// enjoy 喜欢//put off 推迟//delay 耽误// practise 练习//consider 考虑//miss 错过 //escape逃脱// keep 继续// advise 建议// allow 允许//permit 准许// avoid 避免 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*) 有不会的可以再问我:)

明山区18548762755: 有什么动词后面只能跟doing而不可以跟do? -
笪侧烧伤: 动词系列 admit appreciate avoid consider deny enjoy finish practice quit regret risk stop (stop to do 意义不同)常见跟-ing词组 approve of be better off can't help count on do not mind forget about get through insist on keep on look forward to object to think of/about

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