
作者&投稿:云馥 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

your voice is fantastic.

歌曲:love, oh love 歌手:lionel rich你看看是不是这首歌
歌词:Show the world and all it's people
All the wonders love can bring
Give us strength and understanding
Give us all one song to sing
Let the music play
Play it loud and make it clear
It's time to stand up
To a new world that is now so near
From the bottom to the top
To the leaders of the land
We all have one heart
Everyone of us must lend a hand
And let there be joy in the world
And let there be no sorrow
(let there be)
And let there be peace on earth
And let there be peace on earth
For all the world
We've got to see

That love, oh love
What a blessed thing (oh, yeah)
Say it loud
Make it clear today

All the walls are falling down
No more children off to war
If we search in our hearts
All the suffering will be no more
And let there be joy in the world
And let there be no sorrow
For all god's children
Let them see

That love, oh love
What a blessed thing (oh, yeah)
Say it loud
Make it clear today

And freedom, no more lies
We can save this world if we try
One world I know we can make it
Yes, it's only in your heart
Yes, it's only in your dreams
You can climb the highest mountains
You can make the whole world sing

Love, oh love
What a blessed thing (oh, yeah)
Say it loud
Make it clear today

Everyone sings a sentence.


Everyone sings a sentence

lets' sing the way

Yang: 你刚才想对这位外国人说什么?小贩: 我就是想让她买我的东西啊!Yang: She wants you to buy her things.Diana: Oh! What does she have?Yang: 她问你,你有什么?小贩: 一些中国的折伞。Chinese umbrella. Red. Beautiful!Diana: Good! I’m looking for them! Do you have ...

问题四:说唱的英文名叫什么 中文Rap它p舞曲起源于60年代,BPM约在100-110拍,中文翻译成:“说唱、饶舌”。Rap是流行于当时于黑人青年当中的音乐种类,它是一种很奇怪的音乐类型:它以人声的吟唱来代替音乐中旋律的部分,加上鼓的清晰浓郁节奏;朗朗上口的通俗歌词,Rap一下子成为了年轻人的最爱。...

I heard the song sung in English 我听到有人用英语唱过这首歌:
1.heard 是句子的谓语动词,是不可缺少的句子主干成分 sung 过去分词作后置定语,修饰名词the song 2.heard 是过去式,是一般过去时态句子中,动词的表示 sung 是过去分词作后置定语,修饰名词the song to 后面可以跟两种形式,to 是介词时,后接动名词 再一个就是to do 不定式 3.I heard to sung...

她唱歌很好听的英文:She sings very nice nice 读法 英 [naɪs] 美 [naɪs]adj. 精密的;美好的;细微的;和蔼的 短语:1、have a nice trip 祝你旅途愉快 2、have a nice time 玩得痛快;玩得高兴 3、nice talking to you 很高兴和你聊天 4、nice work 干得好 5、what ...

"演奏"是中文中的一个词汇,指的是用乐器表现音乐或歌曲的过程。在英语中,"演奏"也有对应的表达方式,下面将介绍几种常见的表达方式及其使用场景。Play"是最常用的表示"演奏"的词汇,它的词性既可以是动词,也可以是名词。作为动词时,"play"通常用来表示演奏乐器或者演唱歌曲。例如:He plays the ...

Resounding 英[]rɪˈzaʊndɪŋ词典释义 resoundingadj.反响的,共鸣的;响亮的,宏亮的;彻底的,完全的;夸张的,虚夸的 sonorousadj.洪亮的;响亮的;圆润低沉的;(尤指语言、文字等)感人的 resonantadj.共振的;洪亮的;回响的;能共鸣的 loud and clear嘹亮;响亮;...

独角[脚]戏 monodrama;one-man show go it alone 例句: put on a one-man show; go it alone;唱独角戏 He'll soon realize that it's better to play a part in a big show than try to run a one-man show.他马上就会看到演独角戏不如搭班子好。

He is good at both singing and dancing.He sings and dances well.杜聿明(1904年11月28日-1981年5月7日),字光亭,汉族。陕西省米脂县人,著名抗日将领,国民革命军陆军中将,黄埔系骨干将领。出身于黄埔军校,后在国民革命军机械化部队任职,历任第二百师师长、第五军军长,率部参加桂南会战,...


… I have been moved by your voice, immersed in the spoken in the spring……翻译:你的歌声犹如天籁般动听,悠然飘入我的心田中。你唱的歌是那么的好听;那么的吸引人;那么的值得赞颂!你的歌声好似雨水的滴答,清澈明亮,宛如夜莺的吟唱,委婉动人,好像风儿的絮语,轻灵飘过……我已被你的...

永吉县15964659257: 每人用英语怎么说?? -
羽侍蛇胆: everybody

永吉县15964659257: 很多个国家的人每人唱一句组成的英文歌,这首歌很有名的,求歌名 -
羽侍蛇胆: Fuck Love - Iggy Azalea Fuck love, give me diamonds Fuck love, give me diamonds Fuck love, give me diamonds Fuck love, give me diamonds I'm already in love with myself So in love with myself I'm already in love with myself Fuck love, give me ...

永吉县15964659257: 英语在线翻译 -
羽侍蛇胆: 你能为我们唱一首歌吗?我会尽我最大的努力. Can you sing a song for us to do? I will do my best.

永吉县15964659257: 英语翻译这是我做英语演讲要用的,主题是介绍一个歌手.首先我要唱两句歌,然后问大家“谁知道这首歌是谁唱的(是谁的歌)”.我想知道这个问句应该怎... -
羽侍蛇胆:[答案] 一般的话就是 :Can you guess whose song it is? 但地道点的就该用figure out 所以:Can you figure out who is the singer of this song? 音乐创作风格 her/his musical creation styles 歌曲特点 the features of his/her songs 成名历程the experiences about...

永吉县15964659257: 唱歌用英语怎么说? -
羽侍蛇胆: 唱:sing 歌曲:song 唱一首歌可以翻译为:sing a song

永吉县15964659257: 在聚会上,大家唱“生日快乐”歌,吃生日蛋糕.每个人都很快乐.用英语怎么说? -
羽侍蛇胆: Everyone sing "Happy Birthday"and eat birthday cake at the party ,everyone was happy.

永吉县15964659257: 请用英语唱.【用英语怎么说】 -
羽侍蛇胆: 你好,很高兴能够在这里回答你的问题,这道题的正确答案应该为: Please sing in English. 用英语 in English *************************************************************** ^__^真心祝你学习进步,如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问, 另外如果你觉得我的回答对你有所帮助,请千万别忘记采纳哟! ***************************************************************

永吉县15964659257: 谁能陪我度过这一天,谁能给我唱生日歌,谁能陪我一醉方休.这句话用英语怎么翻译 -
羽侍蛇胆:[答案] Who can accompany me through the day,who can give me to sing the birthday song,who can accompany me drunk.

永吉县15964659257: "他们一路唱着歌"用英语怎么说 -
羽侍蛇胆:[答案] They are singing songs all the way .

永吉县15964659257: 你们擅长唱英语歌吗用英语怎么说 -
羽侍蛇胆:[答案] do you good at singing english songs

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