
作者&投稿:爨待 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
求文档: 2006年呼和浩特中考英语试题及答案 谢谢!~

The idea of owning his own house is very close to an Englishman’s heart. He usually wants a home w__(1) five or six rooms and a garden. And he is r__(2) to spend a good part of his adult l__ (3) paying for such a house. He has to pay a certain amount of money each week or each month f__(4) twenty or thirty y__(5). Then, when those long years have p__(6), the house is h__(7), and he has paid more than twice the p__(8) for it. But he is still a happy owner a__(9) a happy man. The value of his home is now very much g__(10) than it was when he first bought it



2.请用钢笔或圆珠笔直接答在试卷上。 、
题号 一 二 三 四 五 六、 总分
( ) 1Who’s wanted on the phone?
A.Lucy. B.Dave. C.Jim.
( )2.Where are they talking?
A.At a restaurant. B.In a shop. C.At a party.
( )3.What will the man drink?
A.Tea. B.Coffee. C.Coke.
( )4.How much will the man pay for one month?
A.$30. B.$90. C.$120.
( )5.When are they going to see David and Clare?
A.At 9:00 in the morning. B.At 5:00 in the afternoon.
C.At 7:00 in the evening.
( )6.Who often takes the girl to movies?
A.Her mother. B.Her father. C.Her uncle.
( )7.When are they going to see the movie?
A.This morning. B.This afternoon. C.This evening.
( )8.How many people are going to the movie?
A.Two. B.There C.Four.
( )9.When does Joe want to get up today?
A.At 7:40. B.At 8:00. C.At 8:20.
( )10.What do you think Joe is?
A.A teacher. B.A student. C.An engineer.
( )11.What are Linda and Hank going to do tomorrow night?
A.Go to a game. B.Visit Lisa. C.Finish a report.
( )12.Why does Hank leave this message?
A.Because he will be late to meet Linda.
B.Because he won’t be able to go with Linda.
C.Because he wants to tell Linda some good news.
( )13.What will they have for lunch?
A.Chinese food. B.Indian food. C.American food.
( )14.Why does the man want to go to the zoo?
A.Because the animals there Can act.
B.Because he likes to stay with animals.
C.Because there are some special animals.
( )15.Which of the following does the woman want to do instead of going to the zoo?
A.Go shopping. B.Try special food. C.Visit the art museum.

Lucy 16.
Mary 17.
Kate 18.
T0m 19.
Mike 20.

二、单项选择(20 小题,每小题1分,共20分)
( )21.一Be careful, you will make mistakes in your exams.
--I know that,Mum.One can never be too careful.
A.and B.or C.nor D.but
( )22.1 wanted to explain,but he didn’t give me any .
A.excuse B.chance C.way D.choice
( )23.—My pen is lost and I can’t find it anywhere.
一S0 you will have to buy .
A.It B.few C.one D.any
( )24.—What beautiful shoes you’re wearing! They must be ex.pensive.
—No.they only 10 yuan.
A. spent B.took C.paid D.cost
( )25.一Do you know Hong Zhanhui?
一Yes.He’s the college student has moved Chinese people a lot.
A. who B.which C.what D.whom
( )26.I arrived at the airport the plane had taken oft.
A. after B.while C.when D.before
( )27.—Where’s Mr. Yu, do you know?
一Well.it's hard to say.But I saw him——a football game just now.
A. was watching B.watching C.had watched D.watched
( )28.--I feel really before the interview
—-Take it easy.Sure you are the best.
A. patient B.serious C.nervous D.cool
( )29.一Must I go and do it now?
—NO,you__.We still have two more days.
A.shouldn’t B.Can’t C.needn’t D.won,t
( )30•Xiao Li is the fight person to show the foreigners around,for of us can speak English.
A. all B.each C.both D.none 、
( )31.—come and join US.Jimmy!
--I’m sorry, but I'm really busy now.If I____time,1 would certainly go.
A-will have B.have had C.had D.have
( )32•I hear the 2006 World Cup is held in Germany________ June 9m____July 9th.
A. On;and B.from;to C.between;on D.during:to
( )33.一You’ve left the light on.
—0h,sorry._____and turn it off.
A.I’ve gone B.I’11 go C.1 went D.I’m going
( )34.--I’ve got a little_____in my house.
一Why not keep two or more?
A.juice B.mice C.bread D.fish
( )35.一Y()u are standing too near to the rⅣ.Can you move a bit____?
一0K.Mum.Is it all fight here?
A.faster B.slower C.farther D.nearer
( )36.As close friends,they used to walk to school________
A.face to face B.1ittle by little C.step by step D.side by side
( )37.—They say there’s a new restaurant nearby.
_ Yes,and it——for no more than a week.
A.has been open B.opens C.is opening D.is opened
( )38.——the water was cold,Wei Qinggang jumped into it to save others.
A.Although B.When C.If D.Because
( )39.Peter says that the Whites are on holiday, but no one knows——.
A.where they have been B.where are they
C.where are they from D.where they have gone
( )40.--I’m going to act in Jack Chan’s new movie!
---Congratulations! You’re really——.
A.a lucky dog B.a black sheep C.a cold fish D.a white elephant
三、完形填空(1 5小题,每小题1分,共1 5分)
Once upon a time,there was a child ready to be born.So 41 he asked God,”they tell me you are sending me to 42,but being SO small and helpless, 43 am I going to live there?”
“44 the many angels(天使),I chose one for you.She will be waiting for you and will take care of you.”God replied.
‘'But here in Heaven(天堂),I do 45 else but sing and smile! That’s enough for me to be happy.”
God said,‘‘Your angel will sing and smile for you every day.And you will feel your angel’s love and be 46.”
The child said,“And how am I going to be able to understand when people talk to me 47 I don’t know the language that men speak?”
God told the child,‘‘Your angel will tell you the most beautiful and sweetest words you will ever hear, and with 48 patience(耐心)and care,your angel will teach you 51.”
The child said,“I’ve 50 that on the earth there are bad men.who will protect me?”
God said,“Your angel will protect you 51 it means risking her life(冒生命危险).”
“But l will always be sad because l will not see you any more.”
“Your angel will always talk to you about 52 and in fact,1 will always be next to you.”
At the moment there was much peace(静寂)in Heaven,but voices from the earth could already be heard,and the child,in a hurry, asked,‘'Oh,God,if I am about to 53 now, please tell me my angel’s 54!”
“It is not hard to remember,” God replied 55.“You will call your angel Mommy.”
( ) 41.A.every day B.any day C.one day D.some day
( )42.A.the earth B.the moon C.the country D.the sea
( )43.A.where B.how C.why D.when
( )44.A.Between B.For C.Among D.With
( )45.A.nothing B.everything C.anything D.something
( )46.A.10nely B.happy C.excited D.surprised
( )47.A.though B.whether C.after D.if
( )48.A.no B.1ittle C.much D.some
( )49.A.where to go B.how to speak c.what to say D.which to choose
( )50.A.heard 。 B.remembered C.forgotten D.said
( )51.A.when B.as soon as C.since D.even if
( )52.A.me B.you C.US D.her
( )53.A.die B.work C.study D.1eave
( )54.A.address B.name C.number D.job
( )55.A.angrily B.sadly C.softly D.shyly

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163. 那种心跳的感觉 (高明骏\/陈艾湄) 164. 剑伴谁在 (梁朝伟\/梅艳芳) 165. 拾荒蛋糕 (叶佩雯\/谢霆锋)166. 真爱在明天 (黎明\/周慧敏) 167. 固定伴侣 (陈慧珊\/苏永康) 168. 细数 (吴克群\/江美琪)169. 始终只爱你 (辛晓琪\/李宗盛) 170. 我心仍在 (林忆莲\/杜德伟) 171. 笑比哭好 (谢...


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德清县15934085832: 2006年中招考试科目 -
米耍水杨: 总共考6科!各是语文、数学、英语、物理、化学、政治 语数英各科总分150分,物化政各科100分. 可是全部总分只算语数英的总分,物化政是按等级划分的 要上一类中学,物化政的等级至少都要AAB!(今年达到80分就是A了)如果达不到AAB,分数再高也上不了的!

德清县15934085832: 谁有关于2006年到08年的河南省普通高等学校对口招收中等职业学校毕业生试题和答案
米耍水杨: 2006年到08年的河南省普通高等学校对口招收中等职业学校毕业生试题和答案就在 http://shanghai.kuyiso.com 专家讲解

德清县15934085832: 浮动汇率含义的英文解释 -
米耍水杨: 浮动汇率是固定汇率的对称.根据市场供求关系而自由涨跌,货币当局不进行干涉的汇率...

德清县15934085832: 那里有04——08河南中招英语试题
米耍水杨: 我给你找到了 http://zhongkao.sace.cn/type.php?typeid=121 非常详细 如果你感觉可以 就给我采纳吧 我找了好久啊!!!~~~~~ O(∩_∩)O谢谢

德清县15934085832: 2008年河南省中考英语试卷 -
米耍水杨: http://edu.sina.com.cn/shiti/2008/0701/113807580.html英语

德清县15934085832: 谁能帮忙写一篇英语作文.谢谢.内容:从2006年起,我国政府让所有儿童都... -
米耍水杨: Dear Student Union I have just read an article on “Hope Project” in an English newspaper. A girl named Xiao Juan was so poor th...

德清县15934085832: 求文档: 2006年呼和浩特中考英语试题及答案 谢谢! -
米耍水杨: The idea of owning his own house is very close to an Englishman's heart. He usually wants a home w__(1) five or six rooms and a garden. And he is r__(2) to spend a good part of his adult l__ (3) paying for such a house. He has to pay a certain ...

德清县15934085832: 请问谁知到新乡市2006年中招考试的考点都有那些? -
米耍水杨: 一中 铁二中 铁一中 二中 三中 四中 八中 九中 十中 十一中 十二中 二十二中 三十中 应该就是这么多了

德清县15934085832: 2008河南省中招英语震灾作文 -
米耍水杨: Dear friends, I'm awfully sorry to hear that a horrible and severe earthquake unexpectedly hit your hometown. Faced with such a rarely-seen disaster, you remain so calm and strong-willed that we are all moved to tears. A friend in need is a friend ...

德清县15934085832: 谁知道06年单独命题的省市都有那些呀?谢谢!
米耍水杨: 北京,上海,天津,福建,重庆,湖南,湖北,浙江,辽宁,山东,江西,安徽,广东,江苏.

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