
作者&投稿:展苏 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

sportsman sportswoman

physical education 简写P.E.

sport 是运动,不是体育

He teaches PE.

He teaches P.E.

He teaches PE

He teaches PE

I major in PE Education 或者My major is PE education

英文:Apparently, most schools often organize sports activities, such as football games, races and etc. However, people have different views about these sports activities. Most teachers hold the opinion that sports activities are good to the health of the students and can reduce the ...

PE Teacher Wanted We need a PE teacher who is able to 1) teach 12-15 years old teenagers;2) make friends with them;3) teach many kinds of sports, like sprint, running, jumping, playing bascketball, etc.If you are interested in the job and meet our requirements, please ...

体育一词,其英文本是Physical education(HAOBC),指的是以身体活动为手段的教育,直译为身体的教育,简称为体育。随着国际交往的扩大,体育事业发展的规模和水平已是衡量一个国家、社会发展进步的一项重要标志,也成为国家间外交及文化交流的重要手段。体育可分为大众体育、专业体育、学校体育等种类。包括...

我的英语是体育老师教的 英语怎么说
my english is teached by the P.E teacher.

体育的英语缩写通常会加点,是为了避免与其他单词或缩写混淆。例如,“G.A.”可以指“General Assembly”或“Georgia”等,但是“G.A.”加点后就可以指“Gymnastics Association”了。同样地,“U.S.”可以指“United States”或“University of Sussex”,但是“U.S.”加点后就可以指“United States”...

可以的,因为体育也是一门学科。The PE is difficult.

体育课的英语叫做physical education,简称P.E.。体育课(Gym class)是体育教学的基本组织形式,主要使学生掌握体育与保健基础知识,基本技术、技能,实现学生思想品德教育,提高运动技术水平。中小学体育课的教学任务和学校体育的总任务是一致的,包括:锻炼学生身体、增强体质;传授体育的基本知识、技术和...

体育教育(Physical Education):即狭义的体育,俗称“小体育”。它是教育的组成部分,是通过身体活动和其他一些辅助性手段进行的有目的、有计划、有组织的教育过程。体育教育本身是一个完整的体系,分为普通体育教育和专门体育教育两大类。其基本特征是突出的教育性和教学性。体育教育以教学为主要途径,以...

have sports 2. doing sports 3. play sports 4. Physical exercise 体育运动是在人类发展过程中逐步开展起来的有意识地对自己 身体素质的培养的各种活动。采取了各种走、跑、跳、投以及舞蹈等多种形式的身体活动,这些活动就是人们通常称作的身体练习过程。

中江县15372909493: 我的叔叔是一名老师.他教体育.他喜爱他的学生.翻译英文. -
鱼顾咪多:[答案] my uncle is a teacher he teaches p.e he likes his students.

中江县15372909493: 体育的英语怎么写 -
鱼顾咪多: 最常用的是sports和PE (Physical Education)这两个词. 也还有其他的表达方式sports activities,physical training,physical culture. 其实大家说的都是对的,只是楼主你自己对英语的认识有问题,不要看见sport就认为是运动的意思.英语里有很多一词多义,意译和专有名词的固定用法,不是你知道的简单的那几个意思.

中江县15372909493: 体育用英语怎么写 -
鱼顾咪多: 体育 [词典] sports; physical culture; physical training; sports activities; gym; [例句]我终于发现了一个可以和体格健全的人平等竞争的体育项目. I had at last found a sport where I could compete on equal terms with able-bodied people

中江县15372909493: 体育用英文怎么写? -
鱼顾咪多: physical education缩写为“PE”

中江县15372909493: 英语作文:sprots in our school -
鱼顾咪多: Sports in our school There are many sports in our school.When we have a P.E. lesson,we will have sports.For example:play badminton,play basketball,play table tennis,run and so on.My favourite sport is playing …Because …I like having sports,and ...

中江县15372909493: 英语翻译:他是我们班跑步最快的 -
鱼顾咪多: 他是我们班跑步最快的,翻译是:He is the fastest runner in our class.句子解释: fastest 英['fɑ:stɪst] 美['fɑ:stɪst] adj. 快的( fast的最高级 ); 走得快; 感光快的; [摄影术]快动作的(镜头); [例句]The defending world racing champion ...

中江县15372909493: 他和同学们一起做体育运动的英语句子怎样写 -
鱼顾咪多: 他和同学们一起做体育运动不能这样翻译:He and his classmates to do sports,这样的句子缺少谓语,因为to do是动词不定式,不能在句中做谓语,这个句子可以有多种表达方式,例如:He does sports activities with his classmates.也可以:He and his clasmates do sports activities together.供你参考!

中江县15372909493: 以''Sports in our school''为题,用英语写一篇短文,反映学校体育锻炼的情况.次数80左右. -
鱼顾咪多: Sports in Our SchoolHello everyone,I am a reporter from the school newspaper,now I am reporting in front of the playground.Students in our school have had more time for sports since the activity started.Most students exercise for more than four ...

中江县15372909493: 体育课用英语怎么写? -
鱼顾咪多: physical education (简称PE)

中江县15372909493: 用英文写一小段话,紧急,快
鱼顾咪多:Yao Ming,the tallest player in NBA,comes from China.He works for Houstin Rockets,and is one of the best basketball stars all over the world now.In the Beijing Olympic games,he held the flag for China.And he helped China to be the eighth in the ...

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