buy sth to sb与 buy sth for sb有什么区别吗

作者&投稿:燕伟 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
buy sth to sb与 buy sth for sb有什么区别吗~

buy sth to sb
例句:I bought a bag to my mother. 我买了一个包给我母亲。
buy sth for sb
例句:I bought a bag for my mother. 我为了母亲,买了一个包给她。


buy sth to sb 给某人买了某些东西 是临时起意的,没有计划的。
例句:I buy a car to my father . 我买了辆车给我父亲。临时起意
buy sth for sb 为某人买了某些东西,是之前就计划好的。
例句:I buy a car for my father. 我给我父亲买了辆车。计划好的。
buy sth to sb 正在给某些人买东西,可以使用现在时态。
例句:My mother buys a bike to me. 我母亲给我买了辆自行车。
buy sth for sb 已经给某些人买了东西,是过去时态。
例句:My mother buys a bike for me. 我母亲已经给我买了辆自行车

buy sth to sb根本没有,完全结构错误








1.语法结构:buy sth to sb表示给某人购买某物,而buy sth for sb表示为某人购买某物


- I bought a book to my mom.


- I bought a book for my mom.


2.动作主体:buy sth to sb通常指一个第三方为某人购买某物,而buy sth for sb则可以是购买者自己为某人购买


- He bought a bouquet of flowers to my wife.


- I bought a bouquet of flowers for my wife.


3.目的:buy sth to sb侧重于传递物品给某人,而buy sth for sb侧重于为某人获取某物


- I bought a necklace to my girlfriend.


- I bought a necklace for my girlfriend.


4.搭配习惯:buy sth to sb较少使用,不如buy sth for sb常见


- My friend bought a gift to me.


- My friend bought a gift for me.


"buy sth to sb"表示为某人买某物,表示购买某物后交付给某人,强调购物行为的结果是为某人购买物品。常用于表示将物品转交给特定的人。而"buy sth for sb"表示为某人买某物,表示为某人购买某物,强调购物行为是为了满足某人的需要或需求。常用于表示为某人购买某物作为礼物、帮助或满足他们的需求。它们在释义、用法、使用环境、影响范围和形象上存在一些区别,具体内容如下所示。

1. 释义区别:

 "Buy sth to sb"指的是将某物购买给某人,即购买物品的目的是为了赠送给某人。

 "Buy sth for sb"指的是为某人购买某物,即购买物品的目的是为了满足某人的需求或期望。


She bought a necklace to her sister for her birthday.(她买了一条项链给她妹妹作为生日礼物。)

He bought a new laptop for his son to use in college. (他为他的儿子购买了一台新的笔记本电脑,供他上大学使用。)

2. 用法区别:

 "Buy sth to sb"通常用于表示礼物、赠品或特殊的赠送情况。

 "Buy sth for sb"则更常用于日常生活中为他人购买物品的情况。


I bought flowers to my mom as a thankyou gift.(我给妈妈买了一束花作为谢礼。)

She bought groceries for her family on her way home.(她在回家的路上给家人买了些杂货。)

3. 使用环境区别:

 "Buy sth to sb"通常在特定的场合或情境下使用,强调礼物的赠送行为。

 "Buy sth for sb"则可以用于多种日常场景,强调为他人购买物品的行为。


He bought a bottle of wine to the host of the party.(他给聚会的主人买了一瓶酒。)

She bought a new book for herself at the bookstore. (她在书店为自己买了一本新书。)

4. 影响范围区别:

 "Buy sth to sb"侧重于涉及个别或特定的对象,强调个人之间的交流和关系。

 "Buy sth for sb"则更加广泛,可以涉及到多个对象,不限于个人之间的关系。


He bought a souvenir to his best friend from his trip.(他为他的好朋友从旅行中买了一个纪念品。)

The company bought new laptops for all employees. (公司为所有员工购买了新的笔记本电脑。)

5. 形象区别:

 "Buy sth to sb"暗示着一种赠送、给予的行为,强调物品的传递和礼仪方面的意义。

 "Buy sth for sb"则更加实际和常见,侧重于说明购买者满足他人需求或期望的行为。


He bought a necklace to his girlfriend to show his love.(他给女友买了一条项链,以表达他的爱意。)

She bought a new phone for herself to replace the old one.(她为自己买了一部新手机,来替换旧的那部。)

buy sth to sb与 buy sth for sb区别:

1、buy sth to sb,表示做某事给某人,如I bought a bag to my mother.(我买了一个包给我母亲)(本来没有打算)。 
2、 buy sth for sb,表示为了某人而做某事,如I bought a bag for my mother。(我为了母亲,买了一个包给她)(有目的)。


buy sth to sb

1、Online retailers are making it hard for best buy to compete on price. 


2、This can help you decide on the hardware you should buy to set up or upgrade your servers. 


3、Agile is like the new brand of sneaker that we want to buy to help make our development teams jump higher, run faster. 


4、When you use a relational database, there's something more valuable than the hardware and software you buy to manage the data& the data itself is the ultimate asset. 


5、In early 2012, when the losses appeared to be mounting, there was no discussion by any of the three about what bonds or derivatives they might sell or buy to minimize their losses& also known as trading. 


buy sth for sb的用法

1、At the moment we are debating what furniture to buy for the house 


2、Are you here alone? No, my friend goes to buy for drink. 


3、I don't know which to buy for his birthday. 


4、Can you help me decide what to buy for Peter's birthday? 


1、buy sth to sb,表示做某事给某人2、 buy sth for sb,表示为了某人而做某事用to的话,表示做某事给某人,如I bought a bag to my mother.(我买了一个包给我母亲)(本来没有打算)
用for的话,表示为了某人而做某事,如I bought a bag for my mother.

① 翻译和含义解释:
- "buy sth to sb":把某物购买给某人。
- "buy sth for sb":为某人购买某物。
② 语法详解:
- "buy sth to sb" 是一个非常不常见的表达方式,通常不符合英语语法规范。正确的语法结构应该是 "buy sth for sb"。
- "buy sth for sb" 是由动词 "buy"(购买)后接名词短语构成,表示主语为某人,购买某物。
③ 具体用法举例:
- "buy sth to sb":
- I will buy this gift to my friend.(我会买这个礼物给我的朋友。)
- This book is bought to my sister.(这本书是买给我妹妹的。)
- "buy sth for sb":
- I will buy a gift for my friend.(我会给我的朋友买份礼物。)
- This book is bought for my sister.(这本书是为我妹妹买的。)
总的来说,正确的表达方式是 "buy sth for sb",表示为某人购买某物。而 "buy sth to sb" 是一个不常用的错误表达,不符合英语语法规范。所以在实际使用中,应该使用 "buy sth for sb"。

凤凰县15648123091: 买某物给某人、用英语怎么说 -
良园谷正: buy sb(某人) sth(某物)或者buy sth for sb(两个短语能互相替换,意思相同)

凤凰县15648123091: buy sth. to sb.对吗? -
良园谷正:[答案] Buy sth to sb =buy sb sth 为某人买某物

凤凰县15648123091: buy sth to sb还是buy sth for sb? -
良园谷正: ① 翻译和含义解释:- "buy sth to sb":把某物购买给某人.- "buy sth for sb":为某人购买某物.② 语法详解:- "buy sth to sb" 是一个非常不常见的表达方式,通常不符合英语语法规范.正确的语法结构应该是 "buy sth for sb".- "buy ...

凤凰县15648123091: buy sth to sb 还是for sb -
良园谷正: 主要做及物动词,有时也做不及物动词,后面常接双宾语,间接宾语通常放在直接宾语之后,用介词连接.buy sth for sb=buy sb sth:给某人买某物buy sth from some place:从某地买某物

凤凰县15648123091: buy sth to sb 与buy sth for sb有什么区别吗 -
良园谷正: 只能说buy sth for sb.或buy sb. sth 而没有buy sth to sb.这种表达法的

凤凰县15648123091: buy sth 后面是跟to sb还是for sb? -
良园谷正: for,给某人

凤凰县15648123091: buy sth to sb与 buy sth for sb有什么区别吗 -
良园谷正: 当然有区别了,buy sth to sb ,是指买东西送给某人,buy sth for sb.是指为某人买东西.

凤凰县15648123091: 英语中的buy sth to sb和buy sth for sb有什么区别? -
良园谷正: 首先我们来看下buy、sth和sb的大致意思: buy:词性为动词,用付款方式获取物品 sth:词性为代词,sth作为代词,代表不确定或未具体指明的物品 sb:词性为代词,sb作为代词,代表不确定或未具体指明的人 通过下面的表格我们了解下buy...

凤凰县15648123091: buy sth for sb 还是 buy sth to sb ? -
良园谷正: buy sth for sb

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