阅读短文,根据要求完成下面各小题。 1 In the United States people sometimes go camping for vacat

作者&投稿:盈辰 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
初中英语短文翻译In almost every big university(大学)in the United States、、、、、、、~

让球移动是很难的。 11名其他球队的队员试图阻止该名男子踢球。如果他不移动球十码,他的球队踢了一脚球其他球队。

The People of the United States美国人民

The Uited States is a nation of nations and the population is very mixed.The "first Americans" were the Indians.But when the settlers came,they killed many of the Indians and drove the rest to the west.
After the American Revolution people from other countries came in great numbers.Most of them came from the countries of Europe.
Not all of the people came to the land of their own free will.
The poor and unemployed were forced to move from their villages
and leave for America.
people in prison for political or religious words and deeds
were given the choice to stay in prison
or leave the country for the new land.
And several thousand African Negroes were brought in to be sold as slaves.
The newcomers brought with them not only different ways of life,
but also with something else--willing hands to build railroads,
dig mines,plow fields,and make steel.
The United States could not have become a great advanced country
without the labor of the newcomers.
The United States is truly a nation of nations.
Americans set up a single national government in 1787 by uniting thirteen separated states.The American people came out of the peoples of the whole world.

小题1:In the woods.
小题1: To make sure the fire won’t get too big and dangerous.
小题1: 在美国,人们有时在假期去野营。
小题1: 记住在火的四周砌上石头,这样火就不会蔓延而带来危险。
小题1: Camping in the US.

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