那位英文好的能帮我把这段文字翻译成英文 谢谢了!

作者&投稿:叱干柯 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Sophomore year, I became an important student organization cadres. Rush every day to walk the in an already familiar campus,have to hesitate to the turnoff over and over again . Classroom - dining - bedroom "three-point line," the repetition of life, had unwittingly changed. The pressure of study and work, also moving further and further spur me to fast. Since then, I'm more than a nickname. "Women like the wind"
Talking, I was a junior. I started my period targeted Upgraded days. This year, the University at any one time than I have acquired more knowledge. This year, I have many more psychological twists and turns to turmoil in the more mature face themselves and face the difficulties and despair. This year, I was so much adorable Upgraded the tangle of you, and we fought all the way Angtou, such as high school years, pure simple, sympathetic. More importantly, there is no this year, I do not know that there are so many kind and friendly to you, in the way care and support me. September, New Year party predictable, the campus was full of festive atmosphere, flags flying and fall into the lofty blue sky matched the most beautiful picture. Still remember that day, each student learning Harry Reid have become the protagonist of celebration, and I can only prepare for practice and has been busy. Out an intern, though very full busy day, went from different parts of the city, always in this strange city trying to find their own latitude and longitude lines. When dragged his exhausted body lying in bed, when suddenly think of the moment memories of my youth on campus and my lovely roommates.

1981 8010 star - the first consumer xerox the GUI computer
What we see of computer icon appears the earliest in xerox laboratory. In 1981, after years of effort, Xerox completed Xerox 8010 star's establishment, this is the world's first GUI calculation system, only the inside of the round and rectangular ICONS. As you can see, calculator, files, folders and recycle bin 30 years have changed.
1983 apple lisa -- the popularization of GUI
Apple lisa began in 1978, is an advanced graphical user interface of time, because it can move "machine accessories" (early small tools), a drop-down menu folder and catalogue. But this and xerox icon, except for a single pixel abnormal similar size and outline, and use the computer icon of preference of gear.
1984 - consider different use Apple Macintosh 1.0 habit
In this year, Apple released before the Apple Lisa system used by the icon Xerox Star greatly by Xerox, while the effect of Macintosh 1.0, officially issued by the legendary design masters the icon Kare fencing, she said, Susan. "I believe that good icon closer to sign not illustrations, best able to manifest a clear, concise and memorable way idea." This philosophy as apple early commercial the secret of success.
In addition, the icon Macintosh system easily recognizable by in the abstract, with specific, and between master properly in the design also considered different nationality people use.
1985 - is recognized ugly Windows 1.0 x
In 1985, Microsoft finally released its first GUI, its icon style similar to that same year Amy gal (Amiga) company released OS, but it has no Amiga Amiga that using black, like white, blue, orange 4 kinds of color. This icon has been recognized as ugly, function is not comprehensive, in detail aspect cannot and comparable Macintosh system icon, and can easily be mistaken.
However, it is not without is, the system clock in, it is worth praising icon was designed as a running the clock. Unfortunately, this icon Win 3.0 in time was cancelled.
1990 - realize shadow Windows 3.0
Microsoft in Win 1.0 and later became blockbuster products used in the Win 2.0, after a set of ugly icon Win 3.0 in specially invite fencing Macintosh 1.0 icon of Susan Kare who participated in the design, set of ICONS in the visual effect is very good performance.
And in later win 3.1, Susan Kare continue presided over the icon of design and color selection, ICONS realized simple shading effect, and practical also got a very good improvement.
1991 - shadow color ICONS Macintosh System 7
This seems to be the Macintosh compilation step of Microsoft Windows footsteps. In the seven version announced after compiling Macintosh are introduced, the efficiency of the shadow color ICONS (although Macintosh compiled appeared very early support color).
In 1992 -- Windows 3.1 twenty-first-century icon color
In Windows 3.0 (1990) greatly improved design. 3.1 for icon of further specifies the color and design.
Windows 3.1 is the first Windows pre-assembled True Type fonts platform.
1995 - Windows 95 to join the task bar
It has historical significance for Microsoft's Windows 95 design, is a complete constructs. It introduced many typical elements, including the task bar, menus, and famous launch button, these elements is still used today.
And in icon, win95 adopted more color and the design of more stereo feeling. Believe many used to these ICONS Win98 readers are very familiar with, now also have websites provide Windows series of theme package contains this one classic.
1997 - Macintosh OS 8 ICONS looking for light source
The 1991 Macintosh OS 7 adopted colored ICONS, smooth transition after a few years in the Macintosh operating system (in was renamed Mac OS) after the eighth edition, apple I find new "light" -- Copland style.
Copland style application pseudo 3D effect, more stereo expression. Later in Mac OS 8.5 version, color is more from 256 colors expanded to millions of color, these ICONS and apple machine coordinated the platinum appearance, once suffer "apple fans adored.
是对的 给分哦

Along with the popularization of personal computers as well as the growing number of their users, online sales stands out in a variety of sales channels. Nowadays, people become increasingly accustomed to it. As far as I am concerned, two major factors may have a deep influence on the consumers' online shopping. One is external factors such as social culture, network security, logistics distribution, network construction and so on; while the other apears in an internal form, like receptivity to new ideas, consuming behaviors, consumer psychology and preference, etc.
Therefore, knowing the motives of online shoppers and their contributing elements plays a fairly significant role in making a profit through online sales.

With the popularity of personal computers and use the increase of population, and sales network in many of the sales channel to the fore, now it is about its accepted and approved by the extent of the high has become more and more. I think that influence consumer behavior are the major factors of net buys two types: one is the social culture, network security, logistics and distribution and external factors such as the website construction, the second is the ability of consumers to accept new things, consumer behavior patterns, consumer psychology and the internal factors such as intended. So in order to profit in the online sales, grasps the consumer online shopping motivations and its influencing factors are particularly important.

With the popularization of personal computers and the use of population increase, sales network in many sales channels in talent showing itself, now people on the acceptance and recognition degree is more and more high. I think that influence consumer shopping behavior has two categories: one is the social culture, network security, logistics distribution and site construction and other external factors, two consumers the ability to accept new things, consumer behavior, consumer psychology and the intention of internal factors. So to online sales profits, grasp of consumer online shopping motivation and factors of influence is particularly important.

With the wider use of personal computers and the expanding of users, selling goods on the internet stands out among many selling methods. Nowadays, the acceptance and recognization degree of people goes higher and higher. From my own perspective, there are two main factors which influence consumers' online shopping: one is exterior factors including society culture, internet security, goods delivery, network buliding and so on; another one is interior factors such as consumers' ability to accept new things, consuming modes, consuming psychology and intend etc. So in order to get profits from sell online we shall attach great importance to consumers' motivation of shopping online and other related factors. 个人翻译的,你不放心的话可以先看看哈~希望你能满意O(∩_∩)O~

With the popularization of personal computers and the use of population increase……

谁的英文比较不错 能帮我翻译一下吗?谢谢大家了,认识个外国朋友真的很...

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我真心的希望有一位翻译高手能帮我把我的这段话翻译成英文或是俄文 我...
假如 你认真看的话 , 或者能体会到我的一片祝福之心的话,请仔细看我的.我自己一句一句翻译的. 大家可以 考察我.楼主可以选其中好点的句子.it seems that it is a mistake that i met you .but my characteristics tell me that" Makes the best of a bad situation".it is my only way ,...

哪位英语高手能帮我把下面的内容翻译成英文啊 万分感谢!
Years work experience, three and a half years market experience, the auto industry work an in-depth understanding of the market, and to have the brand marketing manager in the post the authentication. Proficient in various kinds of office software. To work conscientiously, responsible,...

请英文超好的朋友帮我把迈克尔杰克逊的所有歌曲名字用中文翻译出来,谢 ...
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翻译为:Time went by quickly, the experience is over a period of several months, during which time, the practice of learning enriched my life, I learned a lot of book knowledge can not experience. Through practice, I touched a lot, get a lot of new knowledge on many issues ...

In recent years, rapid development in global economic integration. Since November 2001 the establishment of China-ASEAN Free Trade Area is proposed, in recent years, the building of a free trade zone has made significant progress, but as the world economic globalization and regional ...

I profoundly realized my shortage of poor English. Thus, I have actively participated in some activities relating to English, in order to improve my English level. Moreover, I have kept studying and progressing on my spare time. I have learnt quite a lot of knowledge about IT, ...

仅供参考:In this thesis, it uses the electrokinetic potential scanning and the exchange mesh method has appraised in the boiler main body system solution the water-soluble imidazole lin corrosion inhibitor rust inhibition energy, and explained the slow eclipse mechanism. The experiment ...

乌兰察布盟18227394787: 那位英语好的,帮忙把这段话翻译成英文的~~急啊! 谢拉 -
吴忠头孢: (1) 1.What we learnt today is very important,and the time when we will learn next time won't change. 2.The things which were learnt today is very important,and the time which we'll spend learning won't change. 3.The things which we learnt today is ...

乌兰察布盟18227394787: 各位英文高手,能否帮我把这段文字翻译成英文,急用谢谢 -
吴忠头孢: I come from a China's north land of plenty Inner Mongolia, where hasthe bountiful land, the industrious good people, the cold winter havegiven Inner Mongolia person's strong disposition. In the last fewyears, my hometown development is very quick...

乌兰察布盟18227394787: 谁英文厉害的帮我把这段话翻译成英文
吴忠头孢: Belive me,you will be the second bliss girl in this world because of me,and because of you,I am the most bliss boy.

乌兰察布盟18227394787: “真诚感谢您的关心,支持与帮助” 哪位好心的朋友能帮我把这段话翻译成英文呢啊,不要在线翻译,要准确 -
吴忠头孢:[答案] I 我 或者 We 我们 后面是 sincerely appreciate your concern,support,and help.

乌兰察布盟18227394787: 求英语高手帮我将这段文字翻译成英语 -
吴忠头孢: Yu Qing River solitary audience, many pedestrian middle tears. Northwest Wang Chang, poor countless mountain. Castle not cover the river from flowing eastward. Jiang later Zhengchou I, deep mountain partridge smell.

乌兰察布盟18227394787: 谁英文好,帮我把这段中文翻译成英文!...
吴忠头孢: I'm honored to meet you. In the army to take good care of yourself. More about your family! To be happy every day, I wish you good health! 望采纳,谢谢

乌兰察布盟18227394787: 哪位英语高手能帮我把这段话翻译成英语呀?谢谢了!
吴忠头孢: On the ground there is a bottle of juice, a man with a turtle fight, the results of a turtle to grab the men are very angry, when a man from his car moved juice shipped a box of juice, drink sitting next to the tortoise, the tortoise he shipped juice the car to drive away, a man was surprised.

乌兰察布盟18227394787: 哪位英文高手能帮我把一段中文翻译成英文..(拒绝翻译软件)
吴忠头孢: Battle alone 一个人的战役With no omen, the dark came as a tidal wave 没有任何预兆 黑夜来的像轮海啸 Alcohol was burning in the throat but the pain was not eased 酒在咽喉燃烧痛却没有减轻丝毫 Memories roared again. There were fights ...

乌兰察布盟18227394787: 英语翻译谁能帮我把这段文字翻译成英文?:在我们的生活中,运动是少不了的,很多人都非常喜欢运动,运动有利于我们保持健康,使我们的身体变得更... -
吴忠头孢:[答案] In our daily life,sports is very important for us.it is good for us to keep health to make our body to be stronger.that is why so many people like sports.so let us keep doing exercise every day!

乌兰察布盟18227394787: 找位英语好的帮我翻译下这段话 非常感谢
吴忠头孢: 翻译为: 光阴似箭! 我知道欢快和笑容都结束了! 我希望我能超越他!但是这看起来不大可能! 谢谢!

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