
作者&投稿:毕肤 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

好处 :






One, regular blood donors can lower blood viscosity

When blood viscosity at a relatively high level, adequate blood donors, particularly suitable donated blood visible component, which can effectively lower blood viscosity, the prevention of various diseases.

Second, men can donate blood regularly Cancer Prevention

British scientists study found that men can donate blood cancer, it is because contains a lot of iron in the blood, and the body of continuing high level of iron content will be promoting cancer, regular blood donors to be effective in lowering blood-content hemosiderosis, health men can donate blood regularly received from the cancer effects.

Third, the middle-aged blood donation can Yishou
Mostly succeeds in one's pursuit the human to the middle age, the financial circumstance is good, the meals also are the taste beautiful nature are superior, the nutrition is rich, does not pay attention slightly, can cause the nutrition surplus, the fat stack and obese, specially is engaged in the non-physical labor the middle-aged person, this time like again does not pay attention to the adjustment, can appear target exceeding the allowed figure and so on blood iron, blood fats, the blood viscosity advances, atherosclerosis and so on, thus heart blood vessel of brain diseases as well as cancer and so on suggestion hypertension, coronary disease, cerebral thrombus.

Blood donors can reduce all ingredients in the blood, reducing the ratio is the largest iron and blood protein, can reduce blood viscosity so that the blood flow faster, in healthy middle-aged people under the guidance of a doctor or adequate blood donors in a blood species composition can stimulate the bone marrow and other blood hematopoietic organs to maintain strong state, in the blood of young growing proportion of red blood cells to enhance immune resistance and the ability to prevent disease, prolonging life.OBJECTIVE: To investigate.

那些人不可以献血 :



















Those who can not donate blood:

Sexually transmitted diseases, leprosy and AIDS patients and HIV infection.

Patients with hepatitis, hepatitis B surface antigen positive, hepatitis C antibody positive.

Allergic disease and recurrent allergic patients, such as recurrent urticaria, bronchial asthma, allergic drug (Simple urticaria can not donate blood during the acute episode).

All TB patients, such as tuberculosis, renal tuberculosis, lymph nodes and bone tuberculosis, and other nuclear.

Patients with cardiovascular diseases, such as various heart diseases, hypertension, hypotension, myocarditis and Thrombotic phlebitis and so on.

Patients with respiratory diseases, such as chronic bronchitis, emphysema and bronchiectasis pulmonary insufficiency.

The digestive system and urinary system diseases, such as severe stomach and duodenal ulcer, chronic gastroenteritis, acute and chronic urinary tract infections, nephrotic syndrome, chronic pancreatitis.

Blood disease, such as anemia, leukemia and polycythemia vera disease and various out, coagulation disorders.

Endocrine diseases or metabolic disorders patients, such as the pituitary and adrenal disease, hyperthyroidism, Acromegaly, diabetes insipidus and diabetes.
Organic nervous system disease or mental illness, encephalitis, sequelae of traumatic brain injury, epilepsy, schizophrenia, hysteria, neurasthenia and so serious.

In patients with endemic diseases and parasitic diseases, such as leishmaniasis, schistosomiasis, filariasis, hookworm disease, and cysticercosis paragonimiasis disease, Keshan disease and Kaschin-Beck disease, and so on.

The health impact of various malignant tumors and the patients with benign tumors.

Done with stomach, kidney, spleen, and other important internal organs surgery.
Patients with chronic skin diseases, especially infectious, allergic, systemic inflammatory skin diseases, such as yellow psoriasis, eczema and generalized systemic psoriasis, etc..

Eye diseases, such as keratitis, iris inflammation, neuritis and fundus changes in the high myopia.

Autoimmune diseases and collagen diseases, such as systemic lupus erythematosus, dermatomyositis, scleroderma, and so on.

A history of drug abuse, homosexuality, multiple sexual partners are.

Medical doctors can not donate blood when the other patients.

Very bloody~

Is conducive to people's physical and mental health and blood metabolism, help for the Lok selfless thinking and behavior beneficial to the body's immune function in the establishment and improvement, and sound the human immune system can enhance people's ability to resist disease. "Oxfam by more than happiness", which is the reason; In addition, the health-age citizens regularly (between 6 months and above) suitable (for each 200-400 ml) blood donors, blood metabolic benefits, reduce cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and cancer the incidence of disease. 2, the Ministry of Health and the Red Cross Society of China stipulates: the unpaid donations 20 times, 30 times, 40 times, unpaid blood donors were awarded bronze, silver and gold medals. 3, unpaid blood donors enjoy free use of blood. Jiangxi Provincial People's government document states: unpaid blood donors citizens for medical purposes, the blood donors in one month to four years to enjoy a free three times the volume of my blood donation, blood donation total over 1000 ml of lifelong unlimited free use of blood, their parents , spouses, children can be free blood donors with a total offer by the blood, which means blood donors in caring dedication to the community, but also to themselves and their families provided a blood guarantee

The total blood volume of an adult is about 40-50 ml. Blood donors in the weight standard for men 50 kg for women 45 kg. Once a person blood donors 200-400 ml, the total output of 5% -10%, coupled with the extract is the peripheral blood, the body will automatically originally stored in the spleen, liver and other internal organs, released into the blood vascular, maintain constant blood volume, blood donation after the loss of moisture and inorganic compounds, 1 - 2 hours will be added; plasma protein, within 12 days can be added; platelets, WBC and RBC also quick return to the original level. Therefore, the donation will not affect the health of blood donors.
Therefore, in accordance with the regulations healthy people donate blood, the body will not have any impact. Blood donors, the human hematopoietic tissue will be automatically accelerated hematopoietic generally After half a month will be able to return to the original level of blood donors after appropriate supplementary nutrition is necessary, but not feasting and drinking and indulge. Appropriately increasing the provision of adequate nutrition to cause blood raw materials, added by the need to focus on hematopoietic protein, iron, vitamin B12, folic acid, and so on.
Worth reminded is: if not substantial best-activities would not conducive to digestion and absorption of nutrients, causing gastrointestinal dysfunction, and obesity due to excess heat.
Human high iron content in the blood will be a distinct increase the risk of suffering from heart disease, and can precisely suitable blood donors in the blood iron content greatly reduced.




好处 :






One, regular blood donors can lower blood viscosity

When blood viscosity at a relatively high level, adequate blood donors, particularly suitable donated blood visible component, which can effectively lower blood viscosity, the prevention of various diseases.

Second, men can donate blood regularly Cancer Prevention

British scientists study found that men can donate blood cancer, it is because contains a lot of iron in the blood, and the body of continuing high level of iron content will be promoting cancer, regular blood donors to be effective in lowering blood-content hemosiderosis, health men can donate blood regularly received from the cancer effects.

Third, the middle-aged blood donation can Yishou
Mostly succeeds in one's pursuit the human to the middle age, the financial circumstance is good, the meals also are the taste beautiful nature are superior, the nutrition is rich, does not pay attention slightly, can cause the nutrition surplus, the fat stack and obese, specially is engaged in the non-physical labor the middle-aged person, this time like again does not pay attention to the adjustment, can appear target exceeding the allowed figure and so on blood iron, blood fats, the blood viscosity advances, atherosclerosis and so on, thus heart blood vessel of brain diseases as well as cancer and so on suggestion hypertension, coronary disease, cerebral thrombus.

Blood donors can reduce all ingredients in the blood, reducing the ratio is the largest iron and blood protein, can reduce blood viscosity so that the blood flow faster, in healthy middle-aged people under the guidance of a doctor or adequate blood donors in a blood species composition can stimulate the bone marrow and other blood hematopoietic organs to maintain strong state, in the blood of young growing proportion of red blood cells to enhance immune resistance and the ability to prevent disease, prolonging life.OBJECTIVE: To investigate.
那些人不可以献血 :


















Those who can not donate blood:

Sexually transmitted diseases, leprosy and AIDS patients and HIV infection.

Patients with hepatitis, hepatitis B surface antigen positive, hepatitis C antibody positive.

Allergic disease and recurrent allergic patients, such as recurrent urticaria, bronchial asthma, allergic drug (Simple urticaria can not donate blood during the acute episode).

All TB patients, such as tuberculosis, renal tuberculosis, lymph nodes and bone tuberculosis, and other nuclear.

Patients with cardiovascular diseases, such as various heart diseases, hypertension, hypotension, myocarditis and Thrombotic phlebitis and so on.

Patients with respiratory diseases, such as chronic bronchitis, emphysema and bronchiectasis pulmonary insufficiency.

The digestive system and urinary system diseases, such as severe stomach and duodenal ulcer, chronic gastroenteritis, acute and chronic urinary tract infections, nephrotic syndrome, chronic pancreatitis.

Blood disease, such as anemia, leukemia and polycythemia vera disease and various out, coagulation disorders.

Endocrine diseases or metabolic disorders patients, such as the pituitary and adrenal disease, hyperthyroidism, Acromegaly, diabetes insipidus and diabetes.
Organic nervous system disease or mental illness, encephalitis, sequelae of traumatic brain injury, epilepsy, schizophrenia, hysteria, neurasthenia and so serious.

In patients with endemic diseases and parasitic diseases, such as leishmaniasis, schistosomiasis, filariasis, hookworm disease, and cysticercosis paragonimiasis disease, Keshan disease and Kaschin-Beck disease, and so on.

The health impact of various malignant tumors and the patients with benign tumors.

Done with stomach, kidney, spleen, and other important internal organs surgery.
Patients with chronic skin diseases, especially infectious, allergic, systemic inflammatory skin diseases, such as yellow psoriasis, eczema and generalized systemic psoriasis, etc..

Eye diseases, such as keratitis, iris inflammation, neuritis and fundus changes in the high myopia.

Autoimmune diseases and collagen diseases, such as systemic lupus erythematosus, dermatomyositis, scleroderma, and so on.

A history of drug abuse, homosexuality, multiple sexual partners are.

Medical doctors can not donate blood when the other patients.

Donating your blood is very good act to help
those who need blood.In this way, you can not
only save others' lives, but also you can
raise your immume system by speeding up
the metabolism.I often donate my blood to
the sick because I think it a duty to do so.
For every citizens, he or she should be
aware of that without donation of blood,
the society will not stable, the great
number of people will die because of
the lack of blood.

can save others' life,meanwhile,be good to our health

Speed up metabolism.

让人误解成了:献血在适当条件下有益=献血对任何人群都永远无害=献血治百病以前我们听到的那些献血的好处,例如促进新陈代谢、增强免疫 力、保持造血器官的活性等等,都是没有科学研究证据的推论性意见。有一些统计研究认为献血的人群比不献血的人群健康状况更好、寿命更长等等,但正如 果壳网友球球在回复中指出:大部分...

大到捐献骨髓,献血,帮助希望工程…… 虽然如同空气般的爱有时会被“污染”,“稀释”,甚至“消失”,但是还是希望更多的人去感受一下朴实语言中深厚的爱,我想《爱的教育》这本好的书将会把这种美好的感受带给更多的人。远程教育英语作文 With the rapid development of science and technology, tele-...

1, while a student at the Columbia University, Li Ming and a20 year old girl from Hongkong Wang Yingcheng good friends 2, encouraged by his professor, John decided to take medicine as their lifelong occupation.3, Dr. Johnson came less than a month after Mcgill University, ...

2.mother母亲 3.my dream 我的梦想 4.reading selectively or extensively 有选择地读书还是博览群书 5.youth 青春 6.water 水 7.my veiw on job-hopping 我的跳槽观 8.books 书 9.self-dependence 自立 10.blood donation 献血 11.haste makes waste 欲速则不达 12.changes of Chinese people...

要英文吗?2014-10-18 5个回答 写给女朋友献血后的留言 答:感谢女朋友无私的献血 让我即将终结的生命得以延续 我将用我的馀生好好的保护你.爱著你 不让你受一点点的委屈 2

回答量:108 采纳率:98% 帮助的人:23.7万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 在平平淡淡的学习、工作、生活中,大家都经常接触到作文吧,作文根据写作时限的不同可以分为限时作文和非限时作文。你知道作文怎样才能写的好吗?下面是我精心整理的高三英语作文8篇,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。 高三英语作文...

无偿献血_百度翻译 无偿献血 [名] Blood Donation without Repayment;[例句]一上午,有178名爱心人士参加了无偿献血和造血干细胞的捐献。One morning, there are178 people who participated in caring non-remunerated blood donation and blood stem cell donations.进行更多翻译 ...

英语作文——大学影响最深的一个人(求英文翻译) 中文:刚刚从高中步_百 ...
When I just entered university, everything seems fresh to me. Seeing schoolmates from disparate places is like opening a new world. However, the world is so big that not all of the people would become intimate with you, neither would you have impression about all of them. I am...

无偿献血者的MSM群体,实际上是英文"men who have sex with men"(男男性接触者)的缩写,通常在国内被理解为同性恋群体。与之相对的是WSW,即女女性接触者。在中国的无偿献血政策中,有一项明确指出,有性行为的男性同性恋者是不被允许献血的,这是为了确保血液安全和献血者的健康。

做一张无偿献血的宣传海报 口号“爱惜生命 献血光荣” 请问英文怎么翻 ...
Cherish the glorious life of blood或者 Love life Glorious blood

盐田区18059829358: 求一篇题为《无偿献血的意义》的英语作文 -
豆厚熊胆: Unlike what most people perceive it, blood donation is actually good to human health, because it promotes metabolism in our bodies. We should advocate for volunt籂长焚短莳的锋痊福花ary blood donation for helping others.

盐田区18059829358: 用英文回答献血的利弊 -
豆厚熊胆: Blood donation without payment is a selfishless thing without doubt..and it will do good to our health .However, i think we should pay great attention to the environment in which we are going to donate. As we know,there are more and more people ...

盐田区18059829358: 翻译英语据说根据联合过的一项调查显示60%的人通过献血将有利于身体的健康,其中30%的人可以免费用血 -
豆厚熊胆: 是这样翻译的!It is said that under the joint authority of a survey show that 60% of the population through blood donation will be conducive to physical health, of which 30 per cent were free blood

盐田区18059829358: 以献血活动写一篇英语作文要求1献血与健康的关系,促进新陈代谢 -
豆厚熊胆: People's opinion about donating vary from person to person. Some people think it is a very good thing .They hold this opinion because it could save somebody's life.However,others don't insist on donating blood because it may cause some ...

盐田区18059829358: 写一篇提倡无偿献血的英语作文 -
豆厚熊胆: As is obviously revealed in the bar chart above, over the past seven years (1998—2004), the proportion of free blood donation in clinical blood collection has been climbing and rocketed to over seventy percent in 2004, which is a welcome ...

盐田区18059829358: 献血的好处 -
豆厚熊胆: 好处 : 一、适量献血可降低血液的粘滞度 当血液粘滞处于较高水平时,适量献血,特别是适量捐献血液中的有形成份,可有效地降低血液粘滞度,预防多种疾病. 二、男子定期献血可防癌 英国科学家研究发现男子献血可以防癌,这是因为血液...

盐田区18059829358: 大哥哥大姐姐帮帮我!!我不会翻译,急用!!我今天做了一件有意义的
豆厚熊胆: I did a meaningful deed today. I went to Li village and donated blood to the residents there. All of that started as an attempt to fulfill one of my dreams. But when it came to...

盐田区18059829358: 献血有活血的好处吗 -
豆厚熊胆: “献血”最大好处就是可以救助病人,也是无偿献血者仁心义举的表现.同时可促进人体的新陈代谢,是一种利人利己的行为.而且,根据各地区的规定,献血者及家庭成员还可以享受相应的用血优待政策.

盐田区18059829358: 无偿献血需要注意的方面(保证身体健康,献血后适当补充营养)用英语写 -
豆厚熊胆: 无偿献血需要注意的方面(保证身体健康,献血后适当补充营养) Voluntary blood donation needs to pay attention to the aspects (to ensure good health, blood donation after appropriate supplement nutrition) 无偿献血需要注意的方面(保证身...

盐田区18059829358: 英文翻译献血给红十字会是有意义的
豆厚熊胆: 献血给红十字会是有意义的 Donate blood to the Red Cross is meaningful

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