
作者&投稿:窄德 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
帮我翻译成英文! 我想你了,真希望能在次亲你~

i miss you!I wanna kiss you again!。wanna比较符合口语,意为want to。hope的话比较正式,个人觉得不是很符合。wish加could是虚拟语气,用虚拟语气一般可能性较小。例:i wish i could fly。所以不是很适合 0.0

To improve the teaching quality, Guangming Middle School wants to employ a foreign teacher, with requirements as follows:1-Native language is English, standard and fluent;--字数限制,无法发完全文

Goodwill Ambassador is a collective term sometimes used as a substitute honorific title or a title of honor for an Ambassador of Goodwill; but, most appropriately for a generic recognition, it is a job position or description that is usually indicated following the name of the individual recognized in the position. Goodwill ambassadors generally deliver goodwill or promote ideals from one entity to another, or to a population.
A goodwill ambassador may be an individual from one country who resides in or travels to another country, in a diplomatic mission (or international friendship mission) at a peer to peer level; that is: country to country, state to state, city to city; or, as an intermediary representing the people at the other extreme of an organization.
Goodwill Ambassadors have been an official (or unofficial) part of governments and cultures for as long as diplomacy has existed; to exchange gifts and presents; humanitarian relief; or development aid, using well known celebrities, scientists, authors, known activists, and other high society figures. Goodwill missions of countries are usually carried out or overseen by the head of state, and do not necessarily involve diplomatic credentials outside of a letter of presentation (or letter of credence). However some states do issue credentials that include diplomatic immunity for their goodwill ambassadors such as Haiti.[1]
友好大使已经是政府和文化群落(有相同思想意识特征和某种特定生活方式的一群人)的官方的(或非官方的)组成部分,外交存在的时间有多长,这种友好大使维持的时间就有多长;其目的是利用众所周知的名人,科学家,作家,知名度很高的活动家,和其它上流社会的名人等来互相交换礼品和赠品,人道主义援助或发展援助等。各国的友好使团通常由国家元首落实和监管,因此除了呈交信件(或称之为“国书”)之外并不一定牵连到外交部的信任状。然而,有些国家确实为他们的友好大使发布了包括外交豁免权的信任状,例如海地(拉丁美洲国家,首都太子港) 国家就是如此。
Many governmental, multilateral, nongovernmental, and nonprofit organizations utilize goodwill ambassadors to promote their programs and reach out to others with programs that are based on good relations that are usually secular and apolitical. Among the organizations that use goodwill ambassadors to deliver agendas include Sister Cities, the United Nations, organizations of the United Nations, the African Union, Muscular Dystrophy Association, Rotary International, and many others including the government of the United States of America as seen in 2009 when former President Bill Clinton traveled to North Korea on a special goodwill mission.[2]

很多政府的,多边的,民间的(非政府的)和非营利性等机构组织都利用友好大使来提升他们的计划项目,并利用基于友好关系(通常是世俗和非政治的友好关系)所建立的计划或项目来接触别人。还有利用友好大使来递交议程的组织机构,其中这些组织机构包括: 姐妹城市(友好城市),联合国,联合国的各种组织机构,非洲联盟, 肌肉萎缩症协会,国际扶轮社,和许多别的重要人士包括美国政府(参见2009年美国前总统比尔·克林顿带着一个特派友好使团到朝鲜的行程)等等。







亲善大使已经被官方(或非官方的)的一部分,只要政府和文化外交已经存在;交换礼物和礼物;人道主义救济;或发展援助,使用众所周知的名人,著名科学家,作家,活动家,和其他社会人士。友好代表团的国家通常是进行或监督的国家元首,而不一定涉及外交证书在信的介绍(或国书)。然而一些国家发行证书,包括外交豁免权的亲善大使,海地等。[ 1]

许多政府,多边,非政府和非营利组织的亲善大使,利用推广计划及与他人的程序的基础是良好的关系,通常是世俗和政治。在组织使用亲善大使将议程包括姐妹城市,联合国,联合国组织,非洲联盟,肌肉萎缩症协会,国际扶轮社,和其他许多国家包括美国政府在美国看到的2009时,前总统比尔克林顿前往北朝鲜一个特别友好使命。[ 2]

首先,欢迎来自英国的同学们,和他们多交流一下,以便自己英语水平的提高,为了能和他们更好的相处,我会了解他们的兴趣爱好,带他们去游览广州的历史文化和名胜古迹,然后我会带他们去吃各种有名的小吃,让他们了解中国的多姿多彩。First of all, I would greet all the students from UK,and ...

英文简历翻译 翻译机翻译的请绕行 追加重分奖励哦
Personal Information Name: XX state of health: health Gender: Female Date of birth: 1988 08 17 Age: 20 nationalities: Han Graduate school: the Nanjing Information Engineering University of origin: Nanjing, Jiangsu Specialties: Japanese International Business Education: Undergraduate Education ...

怎样学好英语 想学好英语,首先要培养对英语的兴趣。“兴趣是最好的老师”,兴趣是学习英语的巨大动力,有了兴趣,学习就会事半功倍。我们都有这样的经验:喜欢的事,就容易坚持下去;不喜欢的事,是很难坚持下去的。而兴趣不是与生俱来的,需要培养。有的同学说:“我一看到英语就头疼,怎么能培养对英语的兴趣呢?”...

学习英语口语,推荐选择美联英语,该机构师资力量雄厚,专业口碑值得信赖。常用英语口语有:1. How are you doing?(你好吗?)2. I'm doing great.(我过得很好。)3. What's up?(出什么事了\/你在忙些什么\/怎么了?)4. Nothing special.(没什么特别的。)5. Hi. Long time no see.(...

有关自我评价范文3 有很强的团队合作意识、理解力、执行力,能出差。通过这么多年在装修行业中不断地经历参与、学习摸索、亲历亲为,以及在项目实施过程中经常到现场或驻现场让我积累了丰富的行业经验与技能,能够很好的完成本职工作。 本人有长期工作经验,且英语基础较好,沟通能力较强,处事能力较突出。性格较为宽容、...


我在家里是独生女,父母亲十分疼爱我,对我百依百顺,因此,我养成“衣来伸手,饭来张口”的习惯,而且经常不吃这不吃那,弄得父母天天为我的饭菜操心,不然我就不吃饭,有时稍微有什么小事不顺心,我就会生气,耍点小性子。 记得有一次,在英语村午睡起来,我们要吃水果,因为水果放在冰箱时很冷,老师为我们切西瓜,大家...

Facing the problem of wage arrears for migrant rural China's complex social problems, preventing the problem of wage arrears for migrant rural is the construction of a harmonious society in China, maintain social stability in the face of very important issues, prevent wage arrears for ...

福利社里面什么都有就是口袋里没有半毛钱 诸葛四郎和魔鬼党到底谁抢到那支宝剑 隔壁班的那个女孩怎么还没经过我的窗前 嘴里的零食手里的漫画心里初恋的童年 总是要等到睡觉前才知道功课只做了一点点 总是要等到考试后才知道该念的书都没有念 一寸光阴一寸金老师说过寸金难买寸光阴 一天又一天一年又...

望采纳母亲有多少种叫法 中国各地口语中,母亲有很多不同的称呼,包括妈、妈妈、妈咪(来自英语“Mummy”的粤语发音)或阿 妈,阿家妈,有些地区子女(特别是古代)对母亲的称呼是娘、阿娘或娘亲,又有阿母、老妈子(粤语,北方话“老妈子”是指中年或老年女仆)、老母等称呼,满语称额娘。对别人称自己的梗亲有家母、家慈...

吉利区18275845381: 有英语高手可以帮我翻译一下这一段文字吗?最好要地道一点的,很急.谢谢! -
柴关正大: the olympics is blue to me. blue stands for peace and beauty. it's like what the olympics used to be, filled with wisdom and strength. i wish the blue olympics could get better, just like the sky and the ocean.the olympics is red to me. many ...

吉利区18275845381: 希望有英语专业的人能够帮我翻译一下这段话,不要用网络翻译器翻译,谢谢. -
柴关正大: It's just a pen, it is 12 cm in length, is 1 cm in diameter.It features rarely, may only be used to write, but very practical.Technology product with each passing day, but we still can't live without.Especially our students, stayed with us after a dozen years, ...

吉利区18275845381: 希望英语厉害的亲们帮我翻译这段文章
柴关正大: This music sounds full of energy with a sense of mystery, as if you are flying in the sky. Meanwhile, it contains a realxing and vivid Europe style, which express Qiqi 's Dream of youth.

吉利区18275845381: 请英语高手帮我翻译一下这段话,不要在线翻译的,谢谢 -
柴关正大: 亲,你好 This is my the first members of the volunteer organization, and it is also one of the first batch ofvolunteers who receive badges. The heart-shaped poster also have my photos, but for some reasonI temporarily left the organization, so now I want to know whether the organization has welcomed meback.祝您生活愉快

吉利区18275845381: 希望一个英语厉害的人帮我翻译这段话,用英语 -
柴关正大: By the a "youth warm, shared Harmony" variety show on New Year's show our country's prosperity and prosperity. In full display but also to the people brought up the fun and joy, but also to satisfy the majority of the growing cultural needs of the ...

吉利区18275845381: 希望有英语翻译高人翻译下面这一段话,(杜绝翻译器),翻译的好会追分! -
柴关正大: 同意楼上所说,汉英有别.用英语翻译这种句子,这是不可完成的任务!!不过我还是要接受挑战,如果满意,请楼主要加分哟!!Six decades of trek through thick and thin, polishing our principles and morals Six decades of non-stop teaching, ...

吉利区18275845381: 谁可以帮助我用纯正的英语翻译这段话?我非常着急!非常感谢!(*^ -- ^*) -
柴关正大: 楼上很多都是用软件翻译的,“ I know you are busy recently his charity” 这个译得可真好玩.Hello! good morning! my name is Orange, I know you are very busy with your philanthropy recently, i occaionally saw a report about you from a magezine with your photo on the cover, and i admire you so much, then i became one of your fans.把名字放在前面比较好.

吉利区18275845381: 希望英语强悍的亲帮着翻译下这段文字,其实这是一本书的序,但苦于找不到书,也搜不到英文翻译,只好麻烦 -
柴关正大: In fact it is the preface of a book, but i cannot find this book and its English traslation.

吉利区18275845381: 社会实践英文自我介绍 希望英语能力强的您可以帮我翻译一下线面这段文字,谢谢,急求! -
柴关正大: In this year summer social practice, I chose the local class teaching, I mainly responsible for English, sometimes on some mathematical problems, our class is several classmates do, called off classes for the next year, can participate in college ...

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