关于Cradle Of Filth 的一首Temptation

作者&投稿:佟和 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
求:污秽摇篮Cradle of filth乐队的专集~


The Principle of Evil Made Flesh(1994) Dusk... and Her Embrace(1996) Cruelty and the Beast(1998) Midian(2000) Bitter Suites to Succubi(2001) Damnation and a Day(2003) Nymphetamine(2004) Thornography(2006)

说的是within temptation(诱惑的本质)吧 也是我最钟爱的女声

Within Temptation(诱惑本质,或译"内部诱惑",成立于1996年,自从荷兰美声歌特金属乐团the gathering(聚集),约莫95.96年开始,在欧洲大放异彩之后,使得这样的美声式柔美金属乐型式,逐渐受到愈来愈多的乐迷喜爱,the gathering的音乐风格也对相当多的新生代乐团产生启发和影响,而the gathering的影响力有多大,从同为荷兰乐团的后生晚辈Within Temptation和after forever身上就能听到.

1996年,吉他手Robert Westerholt离开其原属的乐团The Circle(后来更名为Voyage),希望另组新团以展开全新的开始,首先他找来他的女友Sharon den Adel担任主唱,接着他又邀请The Circle的前团员加入,于是bass手Jeroen van Veen和吉他手Michiel Papenhove两人决定跳槽来新团,最后,他们再找来一位鼓手Dennis Leeflang,Within Temptation就这样正式成军。不过此时他们仍缺一名keyboard手,很快地这个位置就由Robert的弟弟所补上,WT的阵容也终于抵定。
不久后,他们想方设法联络了不同的唱片机构,WT录制了一卷4曲的demo tape,并寄发给多家唱片公司,希望争取唱片合约,而这张demo也引起多家厂牌的注意,Within Temptation 最后决定与 DSFA Records签约。在与DSFA签约之后,一切进入正轨, Dennis Leeflang却离开了,没什么特殊原因,只是与其他队员性格不合,接着Ivar de Graaf顶替了他的工作。1997年4月,Within Temptation的首张专辑《Enter》出版发行,乐队一炮而红,随后受邀参与了该年度大型金属盛会"Dynamo\'97",此后的几个月,他们一直都在欧洲各地演出,歌迷的队伍也在随之扩大。1997年年底成员又一次发生变化,鼓手Ivar离队,Ciro Palma补进,多少令人有些无奈。整个1998年乐队把工作重心都放在演出上,并且再次受邀参与"Dynamo\'98",几乎与此同时EP《The Dance》悄然上市,虽然只有三首作品,却依然口碑极佳。时间步入1999年,Within Temptation决定暂停任何演出活动,并开始着手新专辑的创作,而Ivar也在此期间重新归队,一切都在暗示,一场酝酿许久的腥风血雨即将来临!

经过一年多的漫长等待,Within Temptation第二张专辑《Mother Earth》于2001年8月21日正式发行。钢琴、笛子、诗唱班配合得恰倒好处,再辅以华丽的管弦乐,那感觉简直美妙极了,尽管此时乐队的金属成分正在逐渐褪去,不过也许这正是荷兰歌特金属的一个趋势,你瞧The Gathering也是如此,弦乐部分大有喧宾夺主的势头,而金属乐中最为原始的吉他、贝司、鼓却在无形中沦为陪衬。还有一点值得说明,此专辑还推出了 2CD的特别版,多收录了一张制作精致的CD-ROM,里面有些乐队介绍和照片,还收录了几首现场演出时的Video,其中Sharon穿着礼服狂甩头的动作实在有够经典,令人过目难忘。

2005年1月 11日,Within Temptation的第三张专辑《The Silent Force》终于问世,一如既往的端庄、亮丽、华贵,依然是管弦乐加唱诗班的完美组合,如同史诗般壮烈,意境深远,充满张力。不仅如此,专辑在制作上也十分精良,甚至不输给任何一个时下流行组合。激情与神秘肆意碰撞,狂野与缠绵相应成趣,透过阴冷的野风,凉入骨髓可又叫人血脉喷张。Sharon的个人魅力有增无减,而且随着岁月的变迁逐渐散发出一种成熟的美,也许那不仅仅是美,而是灵魂深处隐藏许久的性感,对于这样一个女主唱我无话可说,她的美艳让我不忍离去,而又无福消受。


作为首发单曲出现的"Stand My Ground"是我的最爱,歌好听,MTV好看,Sharon的唱功更是无以伦比,然而这只是表面,那种爽到发稍的感动才是最要命的;"Pale"则带有几分淡淡的哀伤和古老的东方情节,尤其是副歌部分表现得更为突出,绝对是首难得的抒情佳作。另外精装专辑还有意想不到的惊喜,不仅歌词、团员近照一应俱全,还有四张Within Temptation的明信片免费附送。其实对于这样的专辑一点儿都不用怀疑,首先,在上一张《Mother Earth》的时候他们就已经拿下了荷兰与比利时的第一;其次,他们的作品很有个人风格,并且从民谣中吸取了很多灵感,这比其他乐队来得要聪明得多;再次,乐队那种难以捉摸而又无法言表的气质,足以攻克任何坚固的防线,尽管Sharon的嗓音温暖有余,可依然无坚不摧。

歌特金属,无疑是将忧郁、柔美、缓慢、哀伤融合在一起的艺术形式,这一点在以Within Temptation为代表的荷兰乐团身上便能找到答案,为什么在从90年代在欧洲便开始大放异彩的美声式柔美金属乐会茂盛生长于荷兰,这个海平面下的属于郁金香的国家。

  那个女的叫做Victoria Harrison,艺名叫做Dirty Harry。英国摇滚歌手,现在在美国洛杉矶发展。我也挺喜欢她的声音的。
  Early life

  Born in London, Harry spent her early life living in Singapore and New York as well as in the UK, and was raised under strict conservative family values – a vicar grandfather and mother in charge of a local Sunday school.

  At a young age she turned her back on this strict background and alongside Madonna, Harry connected with singers like Patti Smith and Janis Joplin – great influences in both her youth and musical stylings.

  As she grew up, Harry became more and more involved in the London music scene, throwing herself into the social scene at early age. She first experienced the London nightlife at 14 – frequenting the club circuit and London fetish clubs Torture Garden and Slimelight in particular – earning her ‘Dirty’ tag along the way and building a reputation for herself on the underground music scene before launching a music career of her own.

  [edit] The Trouble With... Harry

  Originally recording as "Dirty Harry", Harry recorded two singles (the limited release industrial pop track "Eye" and the similarly styled "Nothing Really Matters") on her own label, Dirty World Records, as well as an early version of her debut album "The Trouble with... Harry". However, the album's release was not to be an easy process and complications ensued, resulting in a legal battle leading to Harry dropping her 'Dirty' tag and rebranding simply as Harry.

  The album was re-recorded and edited under this new name and finally, years after its inception, released in April 2003, through Telstar Records along with the album's supporting singles - "So Real", "Imagination" and "Follow Me". "The Trouble with... Harry" charted at #37 in the UK album chart.

  In 2003 Cosmetics giants Rimmel used "Imagination" - Harry's industrial pop cover of Belouis Some's hit - to front a TV advertising campaign. The song was also the lead track on Harry's 'Under the Covers' EP which also featured the video for the song.

  [edit] Songs From The Edge

  In 2004 Telstar Records went bankrupt and Harry relocated to Australia for a while before returning to England and then to Hollywood to provide vocals on Tommy Lee's solo album. Whilst in Los Angeles, Harry worked on several collaborations and began work on the follow-up to "The Trouble with... Harry" and took up her 'Dirty' label once again.

  In late 2006 Dirty Harry was chosen as the face and voice of internet retail giant buy.com’s $30 million national US marketing campaign, recording a song for, and appearing in the TV advert for the company - providing a platform from which to launch her music career in the US.

  In November 2006 Dirty Harry finished recording her eagerly awaited second album ("Songs From the Edge"). Recorded in Los Angeles, the album was produced by multi-platinum Grammy nominated producer Luke Ebbin (Bon Jovi, Rival Schools) and features Curt Schneider engineering and playing bass, David Levita on guitar and Victor Indrizzo on drums.

  Later that month Dirty Harry teamed up with celebrated music photographer and long time fan of hers, Mick Rock to create a number of promotional shots for the the forthcoming album. The photoshoot took place in New York and several of the photos have been uploaded to the official site and myspace.

  Over the Winter of 2006, four new tracks from the album were previewed on Dirty Harry's Myspace and Reverbnation profiles, giving fans a taste of the new sound of Dirty Harry. A further four tracks were briefly added to the Reverbnation page in January, but were soon taken down.

  In February 2007 Dirty Harry was confirmed as part of the line-up for 2007's SXSW Festival in Austin, Texas but it was soon announced via the official website that due to a "...recent opportunity Harry will not be performing at SXSW this year and instead will be preparing to hit the road on tour." This was followed up by the announcement that Dirty Harry would play a gig at the El Rey Theatre in Los Angeles, supporting British band Razorlight as well as numerous other gigs across Los Angeles.

  In April a music video was recorded for the probable lead single, Frayed At The Edges. The music video was filmed in a single day in Los Angeles - set in Hollywood, a rehearsal studio used by Harry and the Roosevelt Hotel. At the same time, an EPK was recorded of Harry talking about the new album, her influences and development as an artist.

  Through the official website it was announced that "Songs From the Edge" would have an online worldwide release date of 25th September 2007 with the physical album available to purchase from the official store on the official Dirty Harry website. The Orchard, the world’s leading digital distributor of independent music, will handle all digital marketing and promotion for the new CD.

  [edit] Collaborations

  * In 2004 Harry performed a duet on Raymond Watts' album Pigmartyr. The track was called "Take".
  * In 2006 Dirty Harry appeared as guest vocalist on "Making Me Crazy" for Tommy Lee's solo album Tommyland.
  * Two tracks were also recorded ("Set Fire to Me" and "Never Stop") with Crystal Method for DJ Hyper's album We Control.
  * In the same year, she sang alongside Dani Filth in Cradle of Filth's recording of "Temptation" (a cover of Heaven 17) for the album Thornography. She was also in the music video for the song alongside the band.

  [edit] Television appearances

  In 2003 she appeared in a controversial episode of Channel 4 television program Faking it, where she was to help transform a choir girl into a "rock chick"[1]. Controversy arose when participant Laura-Jane Foley claimed she had been misrepresented by the show, however the episode in question had already run into trouble before it even aired, with regular sponsors Smirnoff refusing to be associated with its scenes of "irresponsible drinking" in which Harry appeared hungover after a night out.

  Her filmwork also includes a role as Sophie Johnstone in the 1992 TV series Homeward Bound and a small role as lady of the night, Maria, alongside Jonny Lee Miller in the 1999 British film Plunkett & Macleane.

  In May 2003 Harry appeared on "Re:covered" (a TV show on the BBC) where she performed "Imagination" and a cover of Blondie's hit "One Way Or Another".


大理市17172337755: Cradle Of Filth - 搜狗百科
剑眉小建: 恶灵天皇(Cradle of Filth)在1991年成立于英国,由主唱Dani Filth领军所组成的黑金属乐团.因为他们的装扮几乎都是吸血鬼的模样,所以有人称为吸血鬼派黑金属.Dani Filth利用特有尖高音式的黑腔搭配交响弦乐与阴暗气氛的背景,唱出高文学素质的歌词,影响许多后进黑金属乐团,包括台湾的闪灵乐团主唱Freddy唱腔也有类似Dani Filth的唱法. 网上找的.呵呵.谢谢.请采纳

大理市17172337755: Cradle Of Filth(污秽摇篮)的简介?? -
剑眉小建: Cradle Of Filth(污秽摇篮)英国歌特/黑金属 国籍:英国 组建时间:1992 乐队成立于1992年,来自英国的Colchester,在乐风上,他们受到了一些老团如: Celtic Frost、 Bathory、Diamanda Galas和Mercyful Fate等的影响,同时也具备了一些...

大理市17172337755: 谁给介绍一下污秽的摇篮? -
剑眉小建: Cradle Of Filth(污秽摇篮)英国歌特/黑金属 国籍:英国 组建时间:1992 乐队成立于1992年,来自英国的Colchester,在乐风上,他们受到了一些老团如: Celtic Frost、 Bathory、Diamanda Galas和Mercyful Fate等的影响,同时也具备了一些...

大理市17172337755: Cradle Of Filth是什么意思?
剑眉小建: 淫秽摇篮

大理市17172337755: 关于cradle of filth
剑眉小建: from the cradle to enslave——cradle of filth http://media-server.amazon.com/media/B00004RDIX001001/From.mp3born in a burial gown——cradle of filth http://www.deathmetal.net/sounds/Cradle_BornBurialGown.mp3hell awaits——cradle of ...

大理市17172337755: Cradle of filth最经典的歌曲
剑眉小建: Cradle Of Filth的歌曲《no time to cry (sisters of no mercy mix)》 下载: 复制以下( http://www2.vvpo.net/song4/UUauth/Music/C/Cradle of filth/live bait for the dead cd2/2.wma)

大理市17172337755: cradle of destruction 什么意思? -
剑眉小建: 毁灭的摇篮吧..参考cradle of filth的意思是污秽的摇篮~~

大理市17172337755: 写的是吸血鬼的歌曲 -
剑眉小建: 建议 : 你可以听 Cradle of Filth 歌[乐队特辑]Cradle of Filth乐队名: Cradle of Filth (污秽摇篮)音乐风格: Extreme Gothic Metal (极端哥特金属) ,Black metal(黑暗金属)音乐主题: Vampires, Dark Erotica, Legends, Tales (吸血鬼, 黑暗色情, 传奇, 叙述) http://www.metalstorm.ee/bands/band.php?band_id=74&bandname=Cradle%2BOf%2BFilth

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