"The human brain needs only to become fully aware of its power to conquer even the elements."求翻译

作者&投稿:仰霍 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
A single neuron in the human brain can respond only to what the neurons connected to it are doing~


A single neuron in the human brain断开

can respond only to 断

the neurons connected to it are doing断


Every year the U.S. receives tens of thousands of inventions. Of these only a few become popular and make a lot of money. There are thousands of inventions that nobody wants.
Here are some of those.
In 1879, somebody invented a new type of “fire escape”. This was a hat which had a parachute on top. You connected the hat with a strap under your chin. With this special hat you could jump from a building on fire and flew safely down. With it there was also a special pair of shoes, so the person landed safely.
There was a special alarm clock for people who had trouble in waking up in the morning. This clock had six pieces of wood that hung above your head. At the right time the pieces of wood dropped down on you when you were sleeping. They hit you but did not hurt you. Therefore, you woke up.
Another invention was the bicycle seat to stop a thief. This seat had needles in it. When the owner rode the bicycle, the needles were down But when the bicycle was not in use, the needles were up. So a thief who jumped on the bike got a nice surprise!





人类大脑只需完全发挥自己力量就能够征服一切。 祝学业有成。。。。



颍上县18735052262: Many years ago,there were a lot more bamboo -
琦豪介宁: human 单数使用时要表示人类,前面一般要用the the human集合名词,这里的A选项没有用到定冠词the 无法表示一类人,如果没有用the 那么只能表示广泛概念的人,人类,后面一把跟其他名词,组成短语 humans 是human的复数形式,表示人类,指的是人类这个群体,一般前面加形容词 你翻译成 人类开始砍伐森林 是对的.

颍上县18735052262: 英语单词 human 和human being有什么区别? -
琦豪介宁: 有以下区别: (一)human强调“人群”,human being强调“个人”, 基本上 human = human beings ,但不可以说 human = human being (二)在一些惯用的表达,两者不能互换,例如疾病的“人传人”叫human to human transmission,但...

颍上县18735052262: 阅读理解 Something big is happening to the human race - something that could be called The Great Transformation. The Transformation consists of all the ... -
琦豪介宁:[答案] 答案:C;C;B;A解析: 1.相关内容位于第二段首句,“这些发生在人们生活中的转变都是由于科技的进步”,结合四个选项的内容,只有C项“实用科学的发展”符合题意. 2.由文中可知,“技...

颍上县18735052262: 求英语作文一篇,"克隆人的利与弊",120字左右,求学霸 -
琦豪介宁:[答案] Cloning and generational relations between parents, as fathers of the human cloning, sub-generation, or the same seniority in the family or other, which we usually followed by old and young took part in starting the conflict, will be confusion all social ...

颍上县18735052262: 英语作文i want to bea dentist -
琦豪介宁: health and have no time to look after me;Angles in White"I hope I can become a dentist in the future.I was born in a dentist's family.My parents are both dentist, I believed that, will help others, own also to be able to obtain joyfully. Therefore.They are ...

颍上县18735052262: The human being all have death?这句话对吗,the要不要加,为什么 -
琦豪介宁: 要加,the human being 表人类,这句话对.

颍上县18735052262: 英文标题中能不能用省略号?例如 :The communication between human and ... -
琦豪介宁: 1 不确切,爱信不信2 这么多年反正没见过类似这样的标题,如果是论文的话,...的内容是必须写的;如果是小散文的话,也可以用 else、animals、nature、world之类的.更准确地说是,西方人没有这种含糊其辞的语言习惯.不过类似于“以'我最敬爱的某某'为题写篇作文”可能会出现这种情况.

颍上县18735052262: 填空 很急啊 1,The center of gravity of the human body - -- - behind his joint A,located B,locating -
琦豪介宁: D 分析: 横线上是个谓语,只有A、D可作谓语,排除B、C. 这是个被动句,排除B. 句意:人体的重心在他的关节处.祝:学习进步,更上层楼! (*^__^*) 如有不明白的地方,请继续追问!百度英语达人竭诚为你解答!

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