初三毕业生来到新高中的感受 英语作文

作者&投稿:郗苛 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
初三毕业生到新高中第一天的感受 英语作文~

The first day of high school life,I have some thoughts and feelings.The passage of time can always give people some special things.In the new environment,I feel a bit excited.Be able to recognize the new students and teachers is my greatest gains.In the next three years,we will learn、work and progress together to make our dreams come true.I will have new friends,and share the joy and sadness with them.The process of learning is also a growing process.Similarly,I will also face many difficulties.I might have difficulties in learning and getting along with classmates ,bearing some pressure in life.However,I will get stronger and get through every step of high school three years.

In the past six years, the teachers well-intentioned as we paved the road to success today, it will also encourage us to confidently meet the start of a new semester.
Today, I went to a new school, but also to meet new learning life. Into the new campus on the first day, I was nervous, there may be no confidence in their own right, always worried about the new semester will adapt, however, causing their performance decline. At the same time I also have excited because I was able to meet new classmates and teachers, but also to experience new learning to live in this junior.
Into the new campus, the first thing that catches the eye is the patch of green ocean. Verdant meadows, lush trees, covered with dew green leaves, fragrant flowers in the green leaves of care even more mouthwatering, really vibrant ah!
I often think, at this beautiful campus, throughout the year will be like it? So, to my mind again and again emerge out of the Four Seasons Figure campus: pink and leaves in the spring, full of vitality; leafy summer, full of vitality; The red chrysanthemum in autumn, covered with a smile; north whiz winter, biting cold, but also do not have some fun!

the plan for the new term Another new term comes again,so i should have a study plan to promot myself. firstly,i descide to finish my homework more carefully than before.And pay more attention to the knowledge which i didn't know it clearly. secondly,i will do a lot of read to widen the range of my knowledge.and try to combine thoery to practice. Finally,i will learn to adjust, to be more positive and more helpful. That's what i plant to do in a new term. 该计划为新学期做准备另一个新的学期又来了,所以我应该有一个学习计划来促进我自己。首先,我决心完成布置的家庭作业。我比以前更小心。,注重知识,弄清楚我所不知道的。其次,我要做大量的阅读扩大知识面,并且试图结合理论到实践中去。最后,我将学会调整自己,更积极、更主动。这就是我在一个新的学期计划。 I am so proud of my city——shanghai. For she has successfully held shanghai 2010 Expo,when i was there,i was astonishingly.I have never seen so many buildings like these before .I can hardly describe it in words,so beautiful and so magnificent . When i was in American pavilion,i have seen the most brillant screen in the world . When i was in Germany pavilion, i was so excited about the big ball which can sway everywhere.There are so many magics in shanghai 2010 Expo,i am absorbed in it 。我很自豪我的城市——上海。因为她已成功地举行了2010年上海世博会,当我在那里时,我很惊呀。我从未见过这么多的建筑,我喜欢这些,那么漂亮,富丽堂皇难以描述。我在美国,馆,见过世界上最高明的屏幕。当我在德国馆,让我很兴奋的大球体可以动摇无处不在。有这么多的魔法在上海2010年世博会举行,我沉浸其中。


在这个人生特殊的季节里,我要大声告诉自己:走好毕业路,享受毕业生活的快乐。 初三毕业作文 篇4 时间飞逝,如今我已经是一个初三的毕业生,即将离开生活四年的学校,同学,老师,学校的一切心中是舍不得的,但是这是人生的必经点,必须要去高中体验新生活,离开初中生活。 在这四年中,我们从六年级的幼稚一步步变成了懂事...





梦想着走进高中,可谁知,高中结束,又要开始新的梦想征程。十几年的梦想再完美,高考,也会使你倾盆如洗。现在,大家面临着新的梦想,但请不要做梦!梦,每个...高三毕业感言心得及感想大全3 溽暑相聚,溽暑挥鞭。岁月的时钟画了三个完整的圈。 圈也者,如此说,别样看。三年的跋涉,绝非只为一个回转的圈。春的萌动...




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妫亨樟脑: the plan for the new term Another new term comes again,so i should have a study plan to promot myself. firstly,i descide to finish my homework more carefully than before.And pay more attention to the knowledge which i didn't know it clearly. ...

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妫亨樟脑:[答案] 仿佛昨天才刚刚迈进这所学校的门槛,转眼间,我们要毕业了.时光飞逝,我们都由入学时还要过六一节的儿童长成了玉树临风的少男,婀娜多姿的少女,真得好快! 我作为一个即将面临中考的毕业生,我有太多的感悟与体会,同学们相处了三年...

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