until和 before 的用法究竟怎么区分?

作者&投稿:错龚 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

before 在...以前 after 在...以后 until 直到


1. before用作连词时,意思是“在……之前;还没来得及 …… 就”。例如:

Before she could move, she heard a great noise, which grew to a terrible roar. 她还没来得及动弹,就听见有很响的声音,接着就成了可怕的隆隆轰鸣声。

Before I could say a word, she had stormed out of the room. 不等我说一句话,她就冲出了房间。

Don’t count your chickens before they are hatched. 不要高兴得过早。

2. 用于It + be + 时间段 + before...句型中,意思是“在……之后才……”。例如:

It will be five years before I come back.



(a) Please come to my house after dinner.晚饭后
(b) He ran after the bus. 追赶
(c) His mother waited for him night after night.(一个)接着(一个)
(d) It's sad to fail after all that work. 由于
(e) They are still friends after all their differences.

(2) 副词:
(a) three hours after; (b) departed shortly after; (c) after all I don't really know him. 终究
(d) He told me afterwards that he had not enjoyed the film. 后来

(a) I saw them after I arrived.后来
(b) They arrived soon after. 后来
(c) tomorrow, or the day after...

(4) 名词:
(a) afternoon午后; (b) afterthought事后的想法; (c) aftermath后果


1. 如果主句中的谓语动词是终止性动词,应采用“... not ... until ...”结构,意为“……到……时候才……”。例如:
You mustn’t eat anything until you see the doctor. 看过医生之后,你才能吃东西。
2. 如果主句中的谓语动词是延续性动词,那么谓语动词用肯定式或否定式,它们所表达的意思有所不同。
1) 如果谓语动词为肯定式,则until译为“到……时候为止”。例如:
I watched TV until she came back. 我看电视一直看到她回来。
2) 如果谓语动词为否定式,则until应译为“到……时候才”,即“在……以前不”。如:
I did not watch TV until she came back. (= I began to watch TV when/after she came back.) 直到她回来我才开始看电视。
3. 用终止性动词作谓语时, until既可以和not连用,又可以和never, nobody, nothing, few, little, seldom, hardly等含否定意义的词连用。例如:
I had not seen him until 1990. (= I had never seen him until 1990.) 1990年以前我从未见过他。
Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today. (= Never put off what you can do today till tomorrow.) 今日事,今日毕。

一、在下列情况下,两者可互换用,但含义略有不同.before表示“在……之前”的意思,强 调时间先后关系;而until表示“直到……才”的意思,主句是肯定句则表示主句动作的终 止时间;主句是否定句则强调主句动作的起始时间.
(1)The noise of the street didn't stop until/before it was midnight.
(2)The children won't come back until/before it is dark.
(3)I didn't leave the lovely boy until/before his mother came home.
(1)He lived with his parents until/before he graduated from school.
(2)I will wait until/before he comes to my help.
(3)I shall stay heer until/before you come back.
(1)He fell asleep before I could take off his clothes.
(2)We arrived there before it atarted to rain.
(3)The holiday came to the end befor I knew it.
(4)He almost knocked me down before he saw me.
(1)It was quite some time before he found the elephant at all.
(2)We had walked a long way before we found some water.
(3)We had sailed for two days before we saw the land.
(4)The fire lasted about four hours before the firefighters could
countrol it.
(5)It was midnight before my brother came home.
(6)It was three months before they met again.
(1)We can leave early in the morning before it gets too hot.
(2)I must write it down before I forget it.
(3)We do want to buy something now before prices go up.
(1)I would give up my job before I'd agree to be dismissed.
(2)He will die of hunger before he will steal.
(1)It was not long before the whole country rose up.
(2)It will probably not be long before they understand each other.
(1)We discussed the problem until/before he came back.我们一直讨论到他回
(2)We didn't discuss the problem until he came back.我们一直等到他回来后才讨论问题.
(1)It was not until he told me that I knew it.
(2)It was not until he finished his homework that he went home.

until 多和not 连用 before 单独使用,就这一点就可以完全区分开来了

until指到……才 常与not连用

苍南县15011251464: before和until的区别 -
储胡缬沙:[答案] until 意为“到……为止”,before意为“在……之前”.这两个词在用法上有相同的方面,也有不同的方面. 相同方面: ① 如果主句(或简单句)中的谓语动词为延续性动词的肯定式,用until或before均可,但在意义上有一定的差别.如: She lived ...

苍南县15011251464: until和before用法的区别是什么 -
储胡缬沙: 一、在下列情况下,两者可互换用,但含义略有不同.before表示“在……之前”的意思,强 调时间先后关系;而until表示“直到……才”的意思,主句是肯定句则表示主句动作的终 止时间;主句是否定句则强调主句动作的起始时间. 1.主句为否...

苍南县15011251464: before和until的区别及用法,要有例句 -
储胡缬沙: 实际上,只要我们把握住两者使用时本身的含义及主句动词是终止性的,还是延续性的,肯定式,还是否定式两大点,就能容易地解决这类问题.现详细阐明如下:一、在下列情况下,两者可互换用,但含义略有不同.before表示“在……之...

苍南县15011251464: until 和before的区别 -
储胡缬沙: until 意为“到……为止”,before意为“在……之前”.这两个词在用法上有相同的方面,也有不同的方面. 相同方面: ① 如果主句(或简单句)中的谓语动词为延续性动词的肯定式,用until或before均可,但在意义上有一定的差别.如: she ...

苍南县15011251464: before,after,until的用法与区别? -
储胡缬沙: before 在...以前 after 在...以后 until 直到 before的用法: 1. before用作连词时,意思是“在……之前;还没来得及 …… 就”.例如: Before she could move, she heard a great noise, which grew to a terrible roar. 她还没来得及动弹,就听见有很响...

苍南县15011251464: before的用法和例句以及句型 -
储胡缬沙: 一、可以用作介词⒈)指时间上早于,在……之前,如:She has lived here since before the war.她从战前就一直在这儿住.⒉)指位置在前面,如:We knelt down before Grandma's grave.我们在奶奶的墓前跪下.⒊)指顺序或排列在之前,如...

苍南县15011251464: 延续性动词和短暂性动词的用法以及区别!例如:短暂性动词有哪些 怎么用延续性动词. -
储胡缬沙:[答案] 英语中,按动词延续的时间长短,可将动词分为延续性动词和短暂性动词.延续性动词如learn,study,work,play,wait等.短暂性... 其后的介词宾语或从句表明这段时间的终点,用法相近,但在句首只能用until.在肯定句中,主句要用延续性动词;正在否定...

苍南县15011251464: 英语语法填空中什么时候用BEFORE,什么时候用UNTIL -
储胡缬沙: 1.可以用意思来填2.until/not until是指:直到什么时候为止...其中非延续性动词用后者,延续性动词用前者. 例句:Not until my father came back did I fell asleep. I was awake until my father came back. 注意:倒装时倒装主句,从句语序不变.改为...

苍南县15011251464: until与before的具体区别,急 -
储胡缬沙: 一.Before表示“在… 之前”,而until表示“直到…才…”,主句肯定表示主句动作的终止时间,主句否定强调动作的起始时间.1,主句为否定时,谓语动词为终止性动词.常见的动词有open, start, leave, go, arrive, finish, begin, stop, etc.For ...

苍南县15011251464: until和before作为连词引导时间状语从句有何区别? -
储胡缬沙: until一般地说,用来作time up to 解,当我们谈到目前正在进行而将来某一时刻将停止的事情或情况时,用until,before用来变将来某一时刻表会发生或在此以前会发生的动作.而且与UNTIL主句的动词一定不是短暂性的动词,是可以有延续性的动词,比如come,go,open等是不会和UNTIL用在一起的.

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