
作者&投稿:范些 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. be 动词有三个(am/ is/ are) 中文的意思:“是”,如:I am a nurse. 我是一个护士。He is a doctor. 他是一个医生。 We are good friends. 我们是好朋友。其否定句只要在这三个字面加上not; 一般疑问句只要把这三个字提前到句首,然后在句尾加上“?” 即可。
2....小学英语中助动词有两个(do/ does)否定形式是(don't/ doesn't)在句中与行为动词原形连用,构成疑问句或否定句结构。如:She sings well. She doesn't sing well. Does she sing well? We watch TV every day. We don't watch TV every day.
Do you watch TV every day?
3. 小学英语中情态动词有三个(may/ can/ must) 可以,能、会,必须,本身不能单独使用;同样要和行为动词原形一起连用才能构成句子谓语部分。否定句是在这三个字后面加“not” 一般疑问句时,把这三个字提到句首,句尾加"?". 如:We must go along the road on the right. We must play football in the street.
Must we hand in our homework now? May I come in? Can you swim?
I can't cook. I can wash my clothes.

1. 由连系am,is,are构成的句子:变一般疑问句时把am,is,are提到句子的前面,句尾用问号即可。变否定句时直接在am,is,are后面加not即可。例如:
肯定句:He is a student.
一般疑问句: Is he a student?
否定句: He is not a student.
画线提问: 对he提问: Who is a student?
对 a student 提问: What is he? or What does he do?

2. 由情态动词can, may, should等构成的句子: 变一般疑问句时把can,may,提到句子的前面,句尾用问号即可.变否定句时直接在can,may,后面加not即可. 例如:
肯定句: She can swim.
一般疑问句: Can she swim?
否定句: She can not swim.
画线提问: 对she提问: Who can swim?
对swim提问: What can she do?

3. 由行为动词构成的句子: 需要加助词do或does. 变一般疑问句时把do/does放在句子前面. 变否定句时把don’t/doesn’t放在动词的前面。要注意观察动词的形式并对号入座。一般疑问句和否定句的动词三单式都要变回原型。
play-----do plays-----does

肯定句: They play football after school. He plays football after school.
一般疑问句: Do they play football after school? Does he play football after school?
否定句: They don't (do not) play football after school. He doesn’t’ play football after school.
画线提问: 对they/he提问: Who plays football after school?
对play football提问: What do they do after school? What does he do after school?
对after school提问: When do they play football? When does he play football?

1.I know the answer.(一般疑问句)
______ ______ __________the answer?
2.We can see some birds.(一般疑问句)
______ ______ see ______ birds?
3.He designs clothes.(一般疑问句)
______ he ________ clothes?
4.There are some flowers on the teachers’ desk.(一般疑问句)
______ ______ ______ flowers on the teachers’ desk?
5.There are some apples on the tree.(否定句)
There ______ ______ ______ apples on the tree.
6.I think he is very old.(否定句)
I ______ think he ______ very old.
7.Please colour it green.(否定句)
______ ______ colour it green.
8.These doctors are helpful.(变否定句)
______ _______ ______ __________.
9.You may have some hot dogs.(一般疑问句)
_______ ______ ______ ______ ________?.
10.There aren’t any pears in the box.(同义句)
There are ______ pears in the box.
11.This sign means “No smoking”.
What ______ this sign _________?
12.She looks young. (改一般疑问句)
________ she _______ young?
13.She is young.(改为一般疑问句)
______ ______ ____________?
14.My pencils are in the pencil-box.(对划线部分提问)
______ ______ your pencils?
15.I get up at six every day.(对划线部分提问)
______ ______ __________ you get up every day?
16.They like to walk home.(改为一般疑问句)
______ they ________ _______ _______ _________?
17.These are cars.(用buses改写成选择疑问句)
Are these cars______ ______ ?
18.My plant is one month old.(就划线部分提问)
_______ ______ ______ _______ plant?
19.Two boys are in our house.(改为there be句型)
______ ______ two boys in our house.
20.My plant has two green leaves.
_______ ______ _______ ______ ______ _______plant __________?
21.Miss Li goes to Hong Kong by plane.(同义句)
Miss Li ________ _________ Hong Kong.
22. The women work in the shoe factory.(就划线部分提问)
_______ _______ ______ women __________?
23.He is happy, because he is going to take a trip tomorrow.(就划线部分提问)
_______ _______ ______ _________?
24.My father can cook the meals.(就划线部分提问)
_______ ________ ________ father __________?
25. You should add water often.(一般疑问句)
_______ ______ _______ water often?

There are some birds in the tree. 树上有些鸟。
→There aren’t any birds in the tree. 树上没有鸟。
He likes the girl, too. 他也喜欢这个女孩。
→He doesn’t like the girl, either. 他也不喜欢这个女孩。
We have already seen the film. 我们已看过这部电影。
→We have not seen the film yet. 我们没有看这部电影。
He likes singing and dancing. 他喜欢唱歌和跳舞。
→He doesn’t like singing or dancing. 他不喜欢唱歌也不喜欢跳舞。
All of us laughed when we heard it. 听到这事时我们都笑了。(肯定句)
All of us didn’t laughed when we heard it. 听到这事时我们并未都笑。(部分否定)
Not all of us laughed when we heard it. 听到这事时我们并未都笑。(部分否定)
None of us laughed when we heard it. 听到这事时我们都没笑。(完全否定)
【注】可能涉及部分否定的词语有both, all, always, every等,即not both表示“并非两者都”,not all表示“并非所有的都”,not always 表示“并非总是”,not every表示“并非每个…都”。

be 动词有am(用于I) is(用于第三人称单数) are (用于第二人称及所有人称的复数)
助动词有do 和does(用于三单形式)
情态动词有can may should must 后面都跟动词原形

do does did
is am are

be是英语动词中比较特殊的一类动词,其使用频率很高,牵涉到各种句型、时态和语态等用法,今天就跟大家分享一下be动词的各类用法。系动词be作为系动词(也叫连系动词,link verb)的be,是英语学习者接触最早的用法,而且其用法也很多。其基本含义为“是”,基本用法结构为“主语+be+表语”,也就是常说...


表示存在:例如,There is a book on the table.(桌子上有一本书。)表示时间和日期:例如,What time is it?(现在几点了?)Today is Monday.(今天是星期一。)用于进行时态和完成时态:例如,I am studying.(我正在学习。)She has been to Paris.(她去过巴黎。)总之,be动词在英语中...

be动词的三种形式是is、am、are。1、is,英音:[iz] 美音:[ɪz],用于第三人称单数现在时。例句:Mr. Smith is a very good English teacher.史密斯先生是个很好的英语教师。2、am,为不及物动词,系动词。例句:I am a teacher and they are my students.我是老师,他们是我的学生。...

助动词和be动词的区别和用法如下:Be动词(Be verb)是英语中最基本、最常用的动词之一,也是学习英语的重要基础。在英语句子中,Be动词可以表达状态、性质、存在等意义。为了更好地掌握be动词的用法,整理了相关于be动词的适用情形。1、I am, you are, he\/she\/it is, we are, they are. 这是最...

be动词,意思和用法很多,一般的意思是:是,此种用法,有多种变化形式,is,am,are,was,were,being,been,to be.另外,be动词还有成为的意思。根据句子中不同的人称、数和时间,型态,应该选择相应的be动词。协助主要动词构成谓语的词叫助动词(Auxiliary Verb),也叫辅助动词。被协助的动词称作...

问一个小白问题,最近在学英语,英语中be动词前面一般是什么词?_百度知 ...
第一人称主语有I , we; 第二人称主语有you; 第三人称有it,he, she, they。be是动词原形,要根据主语人称和数的不同来选用be动词的不同形式(am, is,are; was , were),还要注意be动词有过去式。如:I am \/ was…; He \/ She \/ It is \/ was …; They \/ We are \/ were…。

英语中的be动词是构成句子基本结构的重要组成部分,它们在谓语中起着关键作用,不仅表示主语的存在状态,还与语态的转换密切相关。主要的be动词有:be (是)is (用于单数主语)am (用于第一人称单数)are (用于复数主语)除了这些基本形式,还有一些特殊的be动词用法,如在被动语态中,其结构为"be + 动词...

am, is, are, was等。am用于第一人称单数,is用于第三人称单数,are用于第二人称单数及所有复数,过去式为was(第三人称单数),这些形式在句子中承担着不同的语法功能,如构成被动语态、进行时态或表达存在、状态等。就像“I am a student”(我是学生)、“She is happy”(她很高兴)、“...

3. 口诀的简洁性和实用性:这个口诀简洁明了,容易记忆,对于初学者来说非常实用。它能够帮助学习者快速掌握be动词的基本用法,避免在语法使用上出错。正确的使用be动词是英语表达准确的重要基础,因此这样的口诀对于英语学习是非常有帮助的。以上就是对be动词口诀的解释。希望这个回答能够帮助你更好地理解...

仙居县17750825220: 怎样运用be动词,助动词,情态动词速求 -
有哗冠心:[答案] be vi 现在时 I am, you are, he is, we are, you are, they are (缩略式 I'm, you're, he's, we're, you're, they're), (否定缩略式 I'm not, isn't, aren't), 过去时 I was, you were, he was, we were, you were, they were (过去时否定缩略式 wasn't, weren't), ...

仙居县17750825220: 助动词/be动词/情态动词/分别是哪些?
有哗冠心: 助动词 do ,does, did, have, had ,has be 动词 am, is ,are, was ,were, been 情态动词 may, might, can ,could , will ,would ,must ,shall, should, need, dare ,ought to,

仙居县17750825220: be动词、助动词、情态动词 -
有哗冠心: be动词 am is are /was were 助动词 do does did 情态动词 cac could should must may shall

仙居县17750825220: 有哪些是be动词和助动词,情态动词? -
有哗冠心: be动词 am ,is are ,was,were 助动词 do,does,did 情态动词 can,may,must,might,should,need,could,ought to,would....

仙居县17750825220: be动词是什么,助动词是什么 -
有哗冠心: 1、be动词. 表示“是”的动词be.这个词在不同的主语后面和不同的时态中有不同的形式,is,am,are,was,were,have/has been等要特别予以注意. 例如:He is a teacher.(他是个教师.) He was a soldier two years ago.(两年前他是个士兵...

仙居县17750825220: 英语中什么时候用be动词 什么时候用助动词 什么时候用情态动词? -
有哗冠心: 一、be动词. be动词可以表示“是”(即状态),也可以表示“在”(存在),如: I'm a doctor. I'm Sonia Robertson. Is that his camera? Was Wendy in the seventh grade last year? Will it be fine tomorrow? 二、助动词和情态动词. 助动词和...

仙居县17750825220: 情态动词、be动词、助动词有什么区别? -
有哗冠心: 情态动词与助动词 I. 要点 助动词本身无意义,在句中帮助主要动词构成一定的时态,语态、语气,或是帮助构成否定句和疑问句,常用的助动词有be, do, have, shall(should), will(would). 情态动词表一定的词义,本身并不表示动作或状态,而仅仅...

仙居县17750825220: 英语 be动词 系动词 助动词 情态动词 实意动词 -
有哗冠心: 助动词就是do,情态动词就是can实意动词就是可以加ing 的动词be动词就是is am are

仙居县17750825220: 助动词有哪些,情态动词有哪些 -
有哗冠心: 最常用的助动词有:be, have, do, shall, will, should, would 情态动词有四类: ①只做情态动词:must,can(could),may(might)…… ②可做情态动词又可做实义动词:need,dare,will ③具有情态动词特征:have(had,has) to,used to,ought to ④情态动词表猜测:一肯一否三不定(must一肯,can not一否,may,might,could,三不定.)

仙居县17750825220: 英语中情态动词和助动词分别有那些 -
有哗冠心: 系动词亦称联系动词(Link Verb),作为系动词,它本身有词义,但不能单独用作谓语,后边必须跟表语(亦称补语),构成系表结构说明主语的状况、性质、特征等情况. 说明: 有些系动词又是实义动词,该动词表达实义时,有词义,可单...

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