
作者&投稿:博狗 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Everyone has a different view on life. One's perception can significantly impact the way that he/she views the rest of the world. This perception can be both positive and negative. Perception often plays a big role in determining how one is viewed by both themselves and others. People are often judged by their appearance and their actions. However, it is things such as their personality and their character that truly define them as individuals. In Budge Wilson's "The Metaphor," Miss Hancock is faced with the fact that other individuals often overlook her. Though others may not be aware of what they are doing, their actions can greatly impact another individual throughout their lifetime. The way that one is perceived can both positively and negatively affect the way that others view them as an individual, which can greatly affect their entire life.
The short story "The Metaphor" is based around this perception. Charlotte admires and looks up to her grade seven teacher, Miss Hancock. Miss Hancock is a very kind and caring person "I could tell that she was feeling concerned and kind, not nosy," (Pg. 69) but unfortunately she is often overlooked because of the way that she dresses "Her head was covered with a profusion of small busy curls, which were brightly, aggressively, golden." (Pg.66) However, as Charlotte and the rest of her classmates discover, she is actually quite a sophisticated person "Miss Hancock was equally at home in her two fields of creative writing and literature. It was the first tine I had been excited, genuinely moved, by poems, plays, stories." (Pg. 66) The more that the students developed, the happier Miss Hancock became "But we were delighted with ourselves. And she with us." (Pg. 67) She took great pride in her job and really enjoyed teaching her students. The more the children got to know Miss Hancock, the more they began to appreciate her as an individual, and the happier Miss Hancock became.
When Miss Hancock came to teach at the high school, she was filled with eccentricity and liveliness. This enthusiasm quickly turned into disappointment as the students swiftly discounted Miss Hancock. The student's first impression of Miss Hancock was that she was a joke, and they didn't take her very seriously. This rapidly dampened Miss Hancock's spirit "By then, stripped of 15 years of overblown confidence, she offered her material shyly, hesitantly, certain of rejection, of humiliation," (Pg. 77) until she realized that Charlotte was in her class "There was a desperate hope in them [her eyes] that I could hardly bear to witness" (Pg.77) However, Charlotte felt quite embarrassed, and somewhat reluctant to accept Miss Hancock in front of her peers. Miss Hancock's courage was broken once again. The emotional scars that she suffered was caused mainly because of the way that she was perceived by the older students. Charlotte was afraid to comfort Miss Hancock because she was scared of what her classmates might think of her "I did not live telling a soul that I had ever seen her before." (Pg. 78) Miss Hancock was greatly upset by the way she was perceived by her students, so she was negatively impacted because of the way they saw her.
Though Charlotte ignored and sort of rejected Miss Hancock, she still cared about her. Miss Hancock greatly influenced Charlotte's life:
"Still writing metaphors?" she asked, with a tentative smile. "Oh, I dunno," I replied. But I was. Nightly, in the bathtub. And I kept a notebook in which I wrote them all down. (Pg. 78)

Charlotte's entire grade seven class appreciated Miss Hancock, and their lives were all affected because of her. As the student's acceptance towards Miss Hancock increased, they became more comfortable with her. As a result, they became much more open to what she was teaching them "We could have not said what we loved best, Miss Hancock or her subject. They were all of a piece." (Pg. 66) The younger students enjoyed and appreciated what they were taught by Miss Hancock. Their willingness to learn was a direct result of their positive outlook towards their teacher. Miss Hancock was very pleased by this and was therefore positively affected by her student's view of her.
Miss Hancock was incredibly upset and distraught by the way that high school students viewed her. In the end, she was killed by a bus. Charlotte felt incredibly guilty and responsible for what happened to her "I killed her. We all killed her. But especially me." (Pg.79) Charlotte deeply regretted ignoring Miss Hancock, but by the time she realized what she had done, it was much too late. However, it wasn't entirely Charlotte's fault; her actions were greatly influenced by her classmates. When the students first met Miss Hancock, they took her very lightheartedly. They thought of her as someone that they could take advantage of. The students developed a negative viewpoint towards Miss Hancock before they got to really know her. The quote "Most grown-ups would have thrown it away after one brief glance at the frosting," (Pg.80) describes how many people often overlook an individual before they get to know them. The class judged Miss Hancock before they got a chance know her, and Miss Hancock suffered because of this.
Ones life can be greatly affected by the way they are viewed by others. The more that one gets to know person, the more one begins to appreciate them as an individual. People often get off on the wrong foot with other individuals and, unfortunately, this often permanently affects the way that one views a person. If one has a good attitude towards an individual, then their views will likely have a positive effect on that person. Throughout the story, Miss Hancock was continually judged, and her life was affected because of this. No matter what one does it is impossible for them to completely ignore their perception of things. The way that one views things can ultimately affect the way that their entire life is perceived by the rest of the world.

Management Master Peter? Druk that we are in a "change of the times," Knowledge has become the most critical social and economic resources. Enterprises are facing global competition, innovation and processing speed as the key factor in the growth of enterprises.
1, knowledge-based enterprises have a pilot with the content background
The global economic integral whole turns, customer the need diversifies to shorten with the product life cycle of background under, vehemence of market competition in the depth and wide degree up pushed the information of technical application, make business enterprise the organization turns toward the numeral, the network turns, the knowledge turns, the conjecture turns with the globalization direction develop.These trends managed the theories to the traditional economy to put forward the challenge:(L)On the target mode, the business enterprise organization pursues the economic target that the profits maximizes to change direction to even pay attention to create customer's value to wait the social target from the simplicity, undertaking the social responsibility of the business enterprise organization, carrying out the dual target to unify.(2)In organizing the mode, simplify to manage the layer, from the pyramid type lengthways the layer structure changes direction the horizontal network structure.(3)On the performance mode, change direction the speed a performance from the scale, the quality a performance.(4)In managing the object, change direction the management of paying attention to the invisible production factor for the lord from the visible production factor more.(5)In managing the way, change direction into the employee to provide the work environment of the suitable knowledge, data and support the business process from"the direct control" of the past, well develop the creation of the employee, the biggest limit makes use of its knowledge and specialty, not demands the employee in keeping with some fix, the management style that come to a deadlock.(such as table 1 show)
Among them, the particularly worthy of concern of the variety of the management object.Much data expresses that the product manufacturing cost Central plains anticipates to present the gradual descendent trend with the comparison that cost of labor share.If in the traditional steel industry, the American steel company employs 120,000 workers in 1980, to the yield of 1990 constant, but employs 20,000 workers.Another according to covariance, belong to the cost of the raw material and energy to only have 2% in the integrated chip manufacturing industry of the high technology, mostly belong to the development investment.A lot of immaterial assetses of the business enterprises and the comparisons of the tangible assets that have the real strenght attain 2:1 or 3:1 even higher.The knowledge property and immaterial assets etc. can't let a lot of business enterprise in a short times creating the traditional way compared to of value, more and more business enterprises start being aware of science and technology knowledge to wait the invisible production factor as to it's exist with the importance for developing.
The knowledge first leads a business enterprise, meaning those business enterprises of the keys factors that see the knowledge to make to obtain the long-term competitive advantage.These business enterprise ability clear the understanding belongs to the oneself the core ability of the knowledge, existing knowledge and the margin that carries out the knowledge that the strategic target of the business enterprise need, thus have to consciously strengthen the management to the knowledge and grow, pass usage collectively the intelligence exaltation organizes to meet an emergency the ability and creative ability.Comes up to say from a certain meaning, the business enterprises that hope to acquire the farsighted development all should are a knowledge to first lead a business enterprise, passing the study, innovation of knowledge and applying to carry out the business enterprise prospect programming with the farsighted strategy.

Chinese New Year starts with the New Moon on the first day of the new year and ends on the full moon 15 days later. The 15th day of the new year is called the Lantern Festival, which is celebrated at night with lantern displays and children carrying lanterns in a parade.

The Chinese calendar is based on a combination of lunar and solar movements. The lunar cycle is about 29.5 days. In order to "catch up" with the solar calendar the Chinese insert an extra month once every few years (seven years out of a 19-yearcycle). This is the same as adding an extra day on leap year. This is why, according to the solar calendar, the Chinese New Year falls on a different date each year.

New Year's Eve and New Year's Day are celebrated as a family affair, a time of reunion and thanksgiving. The celebration was traditionally highlighted with a religious ceremony given in honor of Heaven and Earth, the gods of the household and the family ancestors.

The sacrifice to the ancestors, the most vital of all the rituals, united the living members with those who had passed away. Departed relatives are remembered with great respect because they were responsible for laying the foundations for the fortune and glory of the family.

The presence of the ancestors is acknowledged on New Year's Eve with a dinner arranged for them at the family banquet table. The spirits of the ancestors, together with the living, celebrate the onset of the New Year as one great community. The communal feast called "surrounding the stove" or weilu. It symbolizes family unity and honors the past and present generations.
Happy Chinese New year !! Let's celebrate this Lunar Chinese New Year in true cyber style. Send an electronic greeting to your loved ones, friends, relatives and colleagues. Postage is FREE!! It's easy, all you need to do is just choose the card, choose a greeting, fill in the empty fields and type in the recipents email address. Preview your card and when ready, click on the SEND button.
Your friend will then be notified via email as soon as when the postcard is sent! Just remember to type in the address carefully======================
History of the San Francisco Chinese New Year Parade

In 1847 San Francisco was a sleepy little village known as Yerba Buena with a population of 459. With the discovery of gold and the ensuing California Gold Rush, by 1849, over 50,000 people had come to San Francisco to seek their fortune or just a better way of life. Among those were many Chinese, who had come to work in the gold mines and on the railroad. By the 1860's, the Chinese were eager to share their culture with those who were unfamiliar with it. They chose to showcase their culture by using a favorite American tradition - the Parade. Nothing like it had ever been done in their native China. They invited a variety of other groups from the city to participate, and they marched down what today are Grant Avenue and Kearny Street carrying colorful flags, banners, lanterns, and drums and firecrackers to drive away evil spirits.

Since 1958, the Parade has been under the direction of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce. At that time, it was moved from the afternoon to the evening so as not to compete with the very popular Miss Chinatown U.S.A. contest. The Parade remained a local community activity along Grant Avenue until the mid 1970's, when the fire department and ever growing crowds dictated that the Parade route be moved to wider streets.

When KTVU, Channel 2, started televising the Parade in 1987, the Chinese Chamber of Commerce realized that although the Parade would still represent the community,its growth would demand a commitment to higher quality and corporate sponsorship involvement. The Chinese New Year celebration was expanded to a two week Festival including a Flower Market Fair and Community Fair.

Today, the San Francisco Chinese New Year Festival and Parade is the largest celebration of its kind in the world, attracting over three million spectators and television viewers throughout the U.S., Canada, and Asia with the help of both KTVU/Fox 2 and KTSF, Channel 26 (Chinese broadcast).

The parade still welcomes a variety of other groups to join in the march, and still hopes to educate, enrich and entertain its audience with the colorful pageantry of Chinese culture and tradition. In order to retain the integrity of the Parade, participants are asked to tie their float or specialty unit to a Chinese cultural theme. We are honored and delighted to have representatives from other Asian cultures participating in this year's festivities.

Gung Hay Fat Choy!
The symbols and activities of the Chinese New Year come to life in these three children's picture books about the fifteen-day celebration of the Chinese New Year that takes place at different times each year between late January and late February. These three books provide a fascinating look at this holiday as it is celebrated in the United States and in China.
1) "Celebrating Chinese New Year"
What’s it like to celebrate Chinese New Year in the United States? This delightful 32-page book by Diane Hoyt-Goldsmith documents the celebration of fourth grader Ryan Leong and his family, who lives in San Francisco. The crisp, colorful photographs by Lawrence Migdale show Ryan and his family as they prepare for the holiday and the text explains the reasons for the various activities. The book includes both a glossary and an index. (Holiday House, 1998. ISBN: 0823415201)

2) "Happy, Happy Chinese New Year!"
This book by author and illustrator Demi is enfused with the joy of the Chinese New Year, both its preparations and celebrations. With simple text and captivating illustrations, Demi provides an overview of the activities in which the Chinese participate before and during Chinese New Year. I would recommend this book for four- to eight-year-olds as well as for adults who enjoy Demi's artwork. (Crown Books for Young Readers,2003. ISBN: 0375826424)
Traditional Celebration of the Chinese New Year

Of all the traditional Chinese festivals, the new Year was perhaps the most elaborate, colorful, and important. This was a time for the Chinese to congratulate each other and themselves on having passed through another year, a time to finish out the old, and to welcome in the new year. Common expressions heard at this time are: GUONIAN to have made it through the old year, and BAINIAN to congratulate the new year.

Turning Over a New Leaf
The Chinese New year is celebrated on the first day of the First Moon of the lunar calendar. The corresponding date in the solar calendar varies from as early as January 21st to as late as February 19th. Chinese New Year, as the Western new Year, signified turning over a new leaf. Socially, it was a time for family reunions, and for visiting friends and relatives. This holiday, more than any other Chinese holiday, stressed the importance of family ties. The Chinese New year's Eve dinner gathering was among the most important family occasions of the year.

Sweeping of the Grounds
Preparations for the Chinese New Year in old China started well in advance of the New Year's Day. The 20th of the Twelfth Moon was set aside for the annual housecleaning, or the "sweeping of the grounds". Every corner of the house must be swept and cleaned in preparation for the new year. SpringCouplets, written in black ink on large vertical scrolls of red paper, were put on the walls or on the sides of the gate-ways. These couplets, short poems written in Classical Chinese, were expressions of good wishes for the family in the coming year. In addition, symbolic flowers and fruits were used to decorate the house, and colorful new year pictures (NIAN HUA) were placed on the walls (for more descriptions of the symbolism of the flowers and fruits.

Kitchen God
After the house was cleaned it was time to bid farewell to the Kitchen God, or Zaowang. In traditional China, the Kitchen God was regarded as the guardian of the family hearth. He was identified as the inventor of fire, which was necessary for cooking and was also the censor of household morals. By tradition, the Kitchen God left the house on the 23rd of the last month to report to heaven on the behavior of the family. At this time, the family did everything possible to obtain a favorable report from the Kitchen God. On the evening of the 23rd, the family would give the Kitchen God a ritualistic farewell dinner with sweet foods and honey. Some said this was a bribe, others said it sealed his mouth from saying bad thins.

Free from the every-watchful eyes of the Kitchen God, who was supposed to return on the first day of the New Year, the family now prepared for the upcoming celebrations. In old China, stores closed shop on the last two or three days of the year and remained closed for the first week of the New Year. Consequently, families were busy in the last week of the old year stocking up on foods and gifts. Chinese New Year presents are similar in spirit to Christmas presents, although the Chinese tended more often to give food items, such as fruits and tea. The last days of the old year was also the time to settle accumulated. debts.

Family Celebration
On the last day of the old year, everyone was busy either in preparing food for the next two days, or in going to the barbers and getting tidied up for the New Year’s Day. Tradition stipulated that all food be pre-pared before the New Year’s Day, so that all sharp instruments, such as knives and scissors, could be put away to avoid cutting the "luck" of the New Year. The kitchen and well were not to be disturbed on the first day of the Year.

The New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day celebrations were strickly family affairs. All members of the family would gather for the important family meal on the evening of the New year’s Eve. Even if a family member could not attend, an empty seat would be kept to symbolize that person’s presence at the banquet. At midnight following the banquet, the younger members of the family would bow and pay their respects to their parents and elders.

On New Year’s Day, the children were given Red Lai-See Envelopes , good luck money wrapped in little red envelopes. On New Year’s day, everyone had on new clothes, and would put on his best behavior. It was considered improper to tell a lie, raise one’s voice, use indecent language, or break anything on the first day of the year.

Starting from the second day, people began going out to visit friends and relatives, taking with them gifts and Lai-See for the children. Visitors would be greeted with traditional New year delicacies, such as melon seeds, flowers, fruits, tray of togetherness, and NIANGAO, New Year cakes.

Everybody’s Birthday
The entire first week was a time for socializing and amusement. On the streets, the stores were closed and an air of gaiety prevailed. There were numberous lion dances, acrobats, theatrical shows, and other diversions. Firecrackers, which symbolized driving away evil spirits, were heard throughout the first two weeks of the New year. The Seventh Day of the New Year was called "everybody’s birthday" as everyone was considered one year older as of that date. (In traditional China, individual birthdays were not considered as important as the New Year’s date. Everyone added a year to his age at New Year’s time rather than at his birthday.)

Lantern Festival - 15th Day
The New Year celebrations ended on the 15th of the First Moon with the Lantern Festival. On the evening of that day, people carried lanterns into the streets to take part in a great parade. Young men would highlight the parade with a dragon dance. The dragon was made of bamboo, silk, and paper, and might stretch for more than hundred feet in length. The bobbing and weaving of the dragon was an impressive sight, and formed a fitting finish to the New Year festival.

Chinese New Year Festival as Seen in the United States

The Chinse New Year celebration in San Francisco Chinatown and other Chinese American communitites should not be interpreted as direct transplants of Chinese culture. Due to differences in their social environment and physical limitations, these local celebrations have developed special characteristics of their own. Along with old customs imported directly from China, the Chinatown celebrations also contain adaptations from other cultures in the United States.

Traditional vs Modern
The first point to be noticed in comparing the Chinatown celebrations of today to that described in the preceeding section is that they have been shortened or simplified. Chinese American stores in this country do not close for a week to celebrate, nor is is likely that a Chinese American could take two weeks off from work. Therefore, many of the festivities have been adapted for the evenings or the weekends. This includes the social visits, the family dinners, and even the Chinatown parade, which is always held on a Saturday. In many Chinese American homes, the annual housecleaning is still done at New Year’s time. Spring Couplets can be seen in Chinatwon stores everywhere, but these are now bought from the Chinse Hospital as a fundraising effort - an interesting variation on an old Chinese custom.

In addition to the Spring Couplets, the Chinatown lion dances have also been promoted as a fundraising event for the Chinese Hospital. In the earlier days of Chinatown, lion dances were relatively rare. In the 1920’s, a fundraising program was started whereby lion dancers would go from store to store to dance and wish them luck. In return, storekeepers would give Lai-see packets which were donated to the Chinese Hospital.

Chinatown Festival & Parade
The Chinatown parade is a bend of typical American marching parades and the traditional Lantern Festival. Although the dragon dance is adopted from the Chinese celebration, the rest of the Chinatown parade, including the beauty pageant, floats, and marching bands, was obviously inspired by non-Chinese models. The parade was first started in 1953 by the Chinese Chamber of Commerce and has since attracted thousands of spectators each year.

Family Associations
Some Chinatown festivities also reflect the earlier history of Chinese Americans. Prior to the present generation, the Chinese American community was essentially a bachelor society. Restrictive immigration laws had made it extremely difficult for Chinese families to emigrate to the United States. As a result, most Chinese Americans in the past were not able to hold family dinners at New Years’s time. In place of the family banquets, Chinatown developed a unique tradition of Spring Banquets hosted by the " family associations" in certain Chinese restaurants. These Spring Banquets, originally developed to take the place of family dinners, are still held today, even though Chinatown is no longer a society of single men.

Terminology & Symbolism

Chinese Lunar Calendar: The Chinese calendar will often show the dates of both the Gregorian (Western) calendar and the Chinese Lunar Calendar. The Gregorian dates are printed in Arabic numerals, and the Chinese dates in Chinese numerals. Chinese Lunar Calendar is based on the cycles of the moon, and is constructed in a different fashion than the Western solar calendar.

Family Associations: organized according to family surnames, such as the Wong Family Association, etc., are social clubs or lodges which were first set up in Chinatown to serve the social and personal needs of Chinese workers.

Flowers: Flowers are an important part of the New year decorations. In old China, much use was made of natural products in celebrations as well as in daily life. The two flowers most associated with the New Year are the plum blossom and the water narcissus

Lai-See Envelopes: (Also called Hong-Bao) Money is placed in these envelopes and given to children and young adults at New Year’s time, much in the spirit as Christmas presents. Presents are also often exchanged between families.

Lucky Character: The single word " FOOK ", or fortune, is often displayed in many homes and stores. They are usually written by brush on a diamond-shaped piece of red paper.

Plum Blossoms: stand for courage and hope. The blossoms burst forth at the end of winter on a seemingly lifeless branch. In Chinese art, plum blossoms are associated with the entire season of winter and not just the New Year.

Spring Couplets: Spring couplets are traditionally written with black ink on red paper. They are hung in storefronts in the month before the New Year’s Day, and often stay up for two months. They express best wishes and fortune for the coming year. There is a great variety in the writing of these poetic couplets to fit the situation. A store would generally use couplets hat make references to their line of trade. Couplets that say "Happy New Year" and " Continuing Advancement in Education" are apprpriate for a school.

SweepingOut the Old: Welcoming in the New: Old business from the past year is cleared up

Tangerines, Oranges, Pomelos: Tangerines and oranges are frequently displayed in homes and stores. Tangerines are symbolic of good luck, and oranges are symbolic of wealth. These symbols have developed through a language pun, the word for tangerine having the same sound as "luck" in Chinese, and the word for orange having the same sound as "wealth". Pomelos are large pear-shaped grapefruits.

Tray of Togetherness: Many families keep a tray full of dried fruits, sweets, and candies to welcome guests and relatives who drop by. This tray is called a chuen-hop, or "tray of togetherness". Traditionally, it was made up of eight compartments, each of which was filled with a special food item of significance to the New Year season.

Water Narcissus: Flower that blossoms at New Year’s time. If the white flowers blossom exactly on the day of the New Year, it is believed to indicate good fortune for the ensuing twelve months.

Chinese Zodiac: The rotating cycle of twelve animal signs was a fok method for naming the years in traditional China. The animal signs for one another in an established order, and are repeated every twelve years. 1976 was the Year of the Dragon, 1977 was the year of the Snake.


A Different New Year Book:
Learn about about Chinese New Year!

This teacher’s guide, produced as part of the Ethnic Heritage Studies Project of the Chinese Culture Foundation, is an effort to develop teaching materials on the Chinese New Year festival suitable for use in secondary schools. This teacher’s guide was written by Joe Huang. Requests for information concerning this manual or the Ethnic Heritage Studies Project should be addressed to the Chinese Culture Foundation, 750 Kearny Street, San Francisco, CA 94108.

a ten dollar bill

Sam waited patiently in the long line at the grocery store .He had come to pick up a few items for his mother.He often did chores for his parents after school.He enjioyed helping out at home.As he waited ,he daydreamed about the new camera he wanted to buy .He wanted to buy it soon because his family was going on a vacation,and he wanted to take pictures of their trip.there was only one problem .He needed seven more dollars buy the camera.His lawn mowing job at the Smith's should provide the money shortly .
Suddenly ,Sam was rougly shoved aside .He recogniced Mrs Sanders ,an unkind and unfriendly person who lived on his block .She had shoved in front of him without even smiling.Just as Mrs.Sanders received her changeand her prechanses,a ten-dollar bill flew out of her hand and fell at Sam's feet .Mrs.Sanders,however,was too busy criticixing hte cashier for his slowness to notice.
AS Sam bent ot pick up the money he thought quickly.The money did belong to Mrs.Sanders,but she deserved to lose it after the way she had behaved,and ,with it ,hicould buy the camera..



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剧滕欧博:[答案] Joe and I decided to take the long trip we'd always wanted across the country.We were like young kids buying our camper and stocking it with all the necessities of life.Bella bakes the best rhubarb pie.We started out in early spring from Minneapolis and ...

娄底市15617325611: 帮忙找一篇英语范文 主题是make a living 谋生!非常着急!请大家帮忙! 尽量长一点~~ 最好有中文对照!答好了我会加分的!谢谢了~~ -
剧滕欧博:[答案] Over the last few years many people have approached me about the decision to pursue what they love as a full-time career,and all the fears and questions associated with this.It has become such a powerful subject for me that I have put together a short ...

娄底市15617325611: 帮忙找一篇英语文章 -
剧滕欧博: A man was going to the house of some rich person. As he went along the road, he saw a box of good apples at the side of the road. He said, "I do not want to eat those apples; fo...

娄底市15617325611: 帮忙找篇英语作文今天是星期六.Amy上午上学,下午在家做作业.她还帮妈妈做家务,买菜.晚上Amy和一家人看电视.根据以上提示写一篇短文,介绍Amy的一... -
剧滕欧博:[答案] Today is Saturday,but Amy still need to go to school,she goes to school at about half past seven in the morning.She has six lessons today,they are Chinese,Maths,English,Science, Art and Social Science.Amy enjoys school,because she can chat with ...

娄底市15617325611: 帮忙找两篇有哲理性的英语短文.急..要在五分钟之内可以读完的..两篇..O - O. -
剧滕欧博:[答案] That moring on the edge of the canyou,I asked myself a question.It's not"How deep is it?"or"How wide is it?"or"How long is it?"but"Is the Grand Canyou the greatest wonder anywhere in the natural world?"I know the answer.But what do you ...

娄底市15617325611: 帮忙找一些适合初中生阅读的英语文章 谢谢、 -
剧滕欧博: 1.Once Einstein gave a lecture in many places in America. His driver always listened to him and knew the lecture so well that he was sure be could give it himself. So Einstein agreed that the driver gave the lecture him. As nobody knew Einstein ...

娄底市15617325611: 帮忙找一篇初中英语作文 - My trouble, -
剧滕欧博:[答案] When I got home,I was very surprised to find my mother reading my diary.I was too angry to say a word.My eyes were swimming in tears.As soon as my mother saw me,her face turned red and she said to me,...

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