
作者&投稿:藩露 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

remind表使想起,使记起; 提醒的意思,那么你知道remind的 同义词 有哪些吗?接下来我为大家整理了remind的同义词,希望对你有帮助哦!



remind about(v.+prep.)

remind of(v.+prep.)



memorize, remember, recall, recollect, remind


memorize : 指有意识的下功夫把某事的整个细节都记在脑子里。

remember : 含义较广,多指无意识地回忆起往事,也可指通过主观努力去记忆。


recollect : 指在记忆中搜索,设法想起一时想不起的事情或人,强调过程。

remind : 指经某人或某事的提醒而回忆起某件已遗忘之事。


remind about(v.+prep.)

就…提醒(某人) make sure that sb does not forget sth

Will you remind me about that appointment?请提醒我那约会好吗?


remind of(v.+prep.)

1.就…提醒(某人) make sure that sb does not forget sth

I reminded Facer of his promise.我向费塞提起他答应过的事。

A few days ago she reminded him of his pledge.前几天她提醒他做过的保证。



1. The cliffs, lapped by a crystal-clear sea, remind her of Capri.


2. Daytime television tended to remind her too forcefully of her own situation.


3. She resolved that, if Mimi forgot this promise, she would remind her.


4. Need I remind you who the enemy is?


5. I'm sorry, I've forgotten your name. Can you remind me?


6. Remind me to buy another hairspray when I'm in town, would you?

在我进城时提醒我再买一罐喷发定型剂, 好 吗 ?

7. If my father forgets it, I hope you would remind him.

如果我父亲忘了的话, 希望你能提醒他一下.

8. I always remind myself that time and tide wait for no man.


9. I've forgotten his name — will you remind me of it?

我忘记了他的名字——请提醒我一下好 吗 ?

10. These notes will remind you how to present your ideas.


11. We must send a letter to remind them about it.


12. May I remind you that time will soon be up?

我可以提醒你时间快到了 吗 ?

13. The Auschwitz concentration camp always remind the world of the holocaust.


14. Be sure to remind her to come back early.


15. Thanks for your gift — it will always remind me of you.



remind的同义词相关 文章 :

★ remind的同义词辨析

★ remind的近义词辨析

★ remind的用法和短语例句

★ remind的同义词

★ 关于remind的用法及解释

★ remind的用法

★ 英语单词remind的用法

★ remind的第三人称单数

★ remind的过去式和用法例句

★ 提醒的同义词及造句

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巢湖市15295301378: 关于remind的词组
应购盐酸: remind sb. of sth. remind doing sth. remind having done

巢湖市15295301378: 提醒的近义词 -
应购盐酸: 提醒近义词:指引,示意,提示,指导,指示,指点,指挥,揭示 提醒 [拼音] [tí xǐng] [释义] [remind;warn;call attention to] 使唤起忘掉的事或很难再想起的事,有时是通过告诫的方法引起的;从旁指点,引起注意

巢湖市15295301378: remind的词组 并举例! -
应购盐酸: remind sb of sb/sth if sb/sth reminds you of sb/sth else, they make you remember or think about the other person, place, thing, etc. because they are similar in some way 使想起(类似的人、地方、事物等) You remind me of your father when you say...

巢湖市15295301378: 提醒的近义词是 -
应购盐酸: 近义词:提示 反义词:隐瞒

巢湖市15295301378: remind sb of sth与remind sb to do sth的区别? -
应购盐酸: remind sb of sth与remind sb to do sth的区别: 1、remind sb of sth使某人想起某事.2、remind sb to do sth提醒某人做某事. 拓展资料 remind sb of sth 1、I remind of you of smile, a sweet feeling.我想起你的笑,心里有一甜甜的感觉. 2、...

巢湖市15295301378: remember的同意词是什么 ?2个单词. -
应购盐酸: 你好 同义词有很多,个人推荐recall 和 reminisce. remind,recollect 这些不太常用,但是也对. 希望能帮到你~

巢湖市15295301378: remind 词组的区别 -
应购盐酸: remind sb of [about] sth = 使某人想起某事 remind sb of doing sth = 提醒某人做过某事(暗示动作已发生) remind sb to do sth = 提醒某人去做某事(暗示动作尚未发生) 请看两个例句 I reminded him of his promise. 我提醒他做过的诺言. My wife...

巢湖市15295301378: 在英语里表示“提醒的人/物”除了用reminder之外还有没有别的合适的词.如题.急,词组也没关系,但最好是名词. -
应购盐酸:[答案] 也可以用reminder的动词形式remind sb of/about sth,或者remind sb to do sth. 另外,warn也有提醒、警告的意思

巢湖市15295301378: remind的用法 -
应购盐酸: 应该是选A,mark.引申意思有错误的意思.不要提醒他错的地方,他所有的句子(单词)都是没意义的.remind在这讲不通.remind in ,没有这个短语remind about就…提醒….remind sb about sth 提醒某人

巢湖市15295301378: recall与remind的区别 -
应购盐酸:[答案] 1.recall sth ,回忆起某些事情.recall the happy life with his girl friend.回忆起与他的女友在一起的快乐生活. 2.remind sb.sth,提醒某人某事.remind me watering the flower this afternoon.提醒我今天下午浇花.

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