跪求usher yeah!的歌词谐音翻译成中文!好了加分!!小弟跪求

作者&投稿:臧送 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
《Yeah Usher》里歌词翻译中文是什么~

Up in the club with the homies, tryin' to get a little VI
那天在CLUB 和我麻吉 想要偷腥找点刺激

But keep it down on the low key, cause you know how it is
别说你不懂 干这档子事儿总是得低调些...

I saw this shorty she was checkin' up on me

From the game she was spittin' in my ear you would think that she knew me
她对我咬耳朵的方式 不像是我们才第一次见面

So I decided to chill, conversation got heavy
我决定先摆酷再说 后来话题变得越来越那个

And she had me feeling like she's ready to blow

She was saying come get me, so I got up and followed her to the floor
她说「想要就来吧」 所以我跟著她滑进舞池

She said…baby let's go

That's when I told her, I said…

Yeah, yeah, shorty got down low and said come and get me

Yeah, yeah, I got so caught up I forgot she told me

Yeah, yeah, her and my girl used to be the best of homies

Yeah, yeah, next thing I knew she was all up on me screaming…

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah…

So she's all up in my head now

Got me thinking that it might be a good idea to take her with me

'Cause she's ready to leave (ready to leave now)

But I gotta keep it real now

'Cause on a 1 to 10 she's certified 20

But that just ain't me, hey…

Because (I don't know), if I take that chance just where it's gonna lead
我不知道ㄟ…我该把握机会 将一切抛到脑后吗

But what (do I know), is the way she dance make shorty alright with me

The way she (get low) I'm, like, yeah, just work that out for me
不过她扭腰摆臀的样子 真让我冻未条

She asked for one more dance and I'm like, yeah, how the hell am I supposed to leave
And I said…
她来邀舞的时候 打死我都没办法拒绝

Watch out! My outfit's ridiculous, in the club lookin' so conspicuous
听好了!我这身行头虽然古怪 到了club里却很亮眼

And Row! These women all on the prowl, if you hold the head steady I'm a milk the cow
想把身边的女孩们 只要抓到诀窍就一切搞定啦

Forget about the game I'm a spit the truth, I won't stop till I get them in they birthday suits
说真的 我可不只是随便说说而已

So gimmie the rhythm and it'll be off with they clothes, then bend over to the front and touch your toes

I left the jag and I took the roles, if they ain't cutting then I put them on foot patrol
为了泡妞我会少喝点 还没轮到的 就先请她们门外等著

How you like me now, when my pinky's valued over three hundred thousand
瞧瞧我指头上戴的这个千万钻戒 肯定会让她们更爱我

Let's drank you the one to please, Ludacris fill cups like double d's
我看你就先多喝点 我会招待你特大杯的

Me and Ush once more and we leave them dead, we want a lady in the street but a
freak in the bed to say
我跟亚瑟的魅力无法挡 我们要那种 白天是淑女 晚上又能变成另一种的...

Take that and rewind it back, Lil' Jon got the beat make ya booty go
听仔细 Lil' Jon的节奏让你忍不住打拍子

Take that and rewind it back, Usher got the voice make ya booty go
听仔细 Usher的歌声让你忍不住打拍子

Take that and rewind it back, Ludacris got the flow make ya booty go
听仔细 Ludacris的饶舌让你忍不住打拍子

Take that and rewind it back, Lil' Jon got the beat make ya booty go
听仔细 Lil' Jon的节奏让你忍不住打拍子


  Serebro-dirty kiss
  I'm the one of those little freaky trouble makers
  爱慕 则无万 哦扶 揍死 里头 扶瑞课一 出啊吧哦 每科儿死
  So give me love and start me up
  死哦 给五 米 拉无 爱恩的 死打特 米 啊破
  Until I'm out of it cause
  哎恩踢一由 爱慕 奥特 哦扶 一特 扣死
  You say
  油 死诶
  I'm shocking shocking
  爱慕 受课应 受课应
  Yeah I'm shocking shocking
  一叶 爱慕 受课应 受课应

  I'm the one who's gonna make your body moving tonight
  爱慕 则无万 互死 够拿 没课 油 八得 目五应 特乃特
  So press my button watch me rocking
  搜 破癌死 买 八特恩 我吃 米 若课应
  From the left to the right
  扶如昂目 则 来福特 吐 则 如癌特
  You say
  油 赛一
  I'm shocking shocking
  爱慕 受课应 受课应
  Aww! I'm shocking shocking
  哦! 爱慕 受课应 受课应
  Pump the bass line up into my mind
  怕昂目普 则 吧死 来恩 啊普 音吐 买 买恩的
  And let me rock you
  哎恩的 来特 米 若可 油

  Can't stop
  抗特 死都普
  You better follow me
  油 摆特 否楼 米
  And you just can't stop
  哎恩的 油 炸死特 抗特 死都普
  We rocking to the beat
  无一 若课应 吐 则 必特
  And you just can't stop
  哎恩的 油 炸死特 抗特 死都普
  You better follow me
  油 摆特 否楼 米
  And you just can't stop can't stop
  哎恩的 油 炸死特 抗特 死都普 抗特 死都普
  mwa mwa mwa my dirty kiss
  目哇 目哇 目哇 买哎 得儿踢 课一死
  Can't stop
  抗特 死都普
  You better follow me
  油 摆特 否楼 米
  And you just can't stop
  哎恩的 油 炸死特 抗特 死都普
  We rocking to the beat
  无一 若课应 吐 则 必特
  And you just can't stop
  哎恩的 油 炸死特 抗特 死都普
  You better follow me
  油 摆特 否楼 米
  And you just can't stop can't stop
  哎恩的 油 炸死特 抗特 死都普 抗特 死都普
  mwa mwa mwa my dirty kiss
  目哇 目哇 目哇 买哎 得儿踢 课一死

  Do you like it when I do it
  度 由 来客 以特 无恩 哎 度 以特
  I am out of control
  哎 恩目 奥特 哦扶 抗吃五哦
  Cause you just get me so excited
  扣死 油 炸死特 改特 米 搜 一课赛提的
  And its my rock' n' roll
  哎恩的 一次 买 日哦可 恩 若
  You say
  油 赛以
  I'm shocking shocking
  爱慕 受课应 受课应
  Yeah I'm shocking shocking
  一叶爱慕 受课应 受课应

  Can we take this party higher
  看 五一 忒课死 贼死 怕儿踢 海儿
  Never take it too low
  乃文儿 忒特 一特 吐 漏
  And if you're ready for the night
  哎恩的 一副 由啊儿 乳癌地 副哦儿 则 乃特
  So keep enjoing the show
  搜 课一铺 伊恩桌一 则 受
  You say
  油 赛以
  I'm shocking shocking
  爱慕 受课应 受课应
  Yeah I'm shocking shocking
  一叶爱慕 受课应 受课应

  Pump the bass line up into my mind
  怕昂铺 则 八四 来恩 啊铺 音吐 买 买恩的
  And let me rock you
  哎恩的 来特 米 若可 油

  Can't stop
  抗特 死都普
  You better follow me
  油 摆特 否楼 米
  And you just can't stop
  哎恩的 油 炸死特 抗特 死都普
  We rocking to the beat
  无一 若课应 吐 则 必特
  And you just can't stop
  哎恩的 油 炸死特 抗特 死都普
  You better follow me
  油 摆特 否楼 米
  And you just can't stop can't stop
  哎恩的 油 炸死特 抗特 死都普 抗特 死都普
  mwa mwa mwa my dirty kiss
  目哇 目哇 目哇 买哎 得儿踢 课一死
  Can't stop
  抗特 死都普
  You better follow me
  油 摆特 否楼 米
  And you just can't stop
  哎恩的 油 炸死特 抗特 死都普
  We rocking to the beat
  无一 若课应 吐 则 必特
  And you just can't stop
  哎恩的 油 炸死特 抗特 死都普
  You better follow me
  油 摆特 否楼 米
  And you just can't stop can't stop
  哎恩的 油 炸死特 抗特 死都普 抗特 死都普

  Can't stop
  抗特 死都普
  You better follow me
  油 摆特 否楼 米
  And you just can't stop
  哎恩的 油 炸死特 抗特 死都普
  We rocking to the beat
  无一 若课应 吐 则 必特
  And you just can't stop
  哎恩的 油 炸死特 抗特 死都普
  You better follow me
  油 摆特 否楼 米
  And you just can't stop can't stop
  哎恩的 油 炸死特 抗特 死都普 抗特 死都普
  (can't stop can't stop)
  (抗特 死都普 抗特 死都普)

  Can't stop
  抗特 死都普
  You better follow me
  油 摆特 否楼 米
  And you just can't stop
  哎恩的 油 炸死特 抗特 死都普
  We rocking to the beat
  无一 若课应 吐 则 必特
  And you just can't stop
  哎恩的 油 炸死特 抗特 死都普
  You better follow me
  油 摆特 否楼 米
  And you just can't stop can't stop
  哎恩的 油 炸死特 抗特 死都普 抗特 死都普
  mwa mwa mwa my dirty kiss
  目哇 目哇 目哇 买哎 得儿踢一 课一死

I don't understand why See it's burning me to hold onto this
有些事我还是不懂 也许正是我所渴望拥有的一切折磨着我
I know this is something I gotta do
But that don't mean I want to
What I'm trying to say is that
I-love-you I just
我-爱-你 但我只是
I feel like this is coming to an end
And it's better for me to let it go now than hold on and hurt you
I gotta let it burn
[Verse 1]
It's gonna burn for me to say this
But it's comin from my heart It's been a long time coming
但这却是我心中的感受 这感觉压在心理很久
But we done been fell apart Really wanna work this out But I don't think you're gonna change
当我们开始走向分裂 虽然我尽力而为 却改变不了你
I do but you don't Think it's best we go our separate ways
步调总是不同 也许最好我们应该各走各的路
Tell me why I should stay in this relationship When I'm hurting baby, I ain't happy baby
告诉我一个继续下去的的理由 我心痛的时候 我并不快乐
Plus there's so many other things I gotta deal with
I think that you should let it burn
我想,就这样吧 就让痛苦开始煎熬吧
副歌:(this is another side of me try to tell me)
When your feeling ain't the same and your body don't want to
你的感觉已经改变 虽然你的自己不愿接受
but you know gotta let it go cuz the party ain't jumpin' like it used to
Even though this might ruin you
Let it burn Let it burn Gotta let it burn
来吧 让痛苦开始煎熬吧 就让痛苦开始煎熬吧
Deep down you know it's best for yourself
but you Hate the thought of her being with someone else
But you know that it's over We know that it's through
但一切都结束了 我们都明白这一切都过去了
Let it burn Let it burn Gotta let it burn
来吧 让痛苦开始煎熬吧 就让痛苦开始煎熬吧
[Verse 2]
Sendin' pages I ain't supposed to Got somebody here but I want you
我传了些不该传的讯息给你 我有了新的女朋友但我想要得却是你
Cause the feelin ain't the same by myself Callin' her your name
她不能取代你能给的感觉 我发现我会对她喊你的名字
Ladies tell me do you understand? Now all my fellas do you feel my pain?
女士们 我想你们一定会了解吧 兄弟们 你们都懂我的痛苦吧
It's the way I feel I know I made a mistake Now it's too late I know she ain't comin back
这是我的感受 我明白我犯了错 现在为时以晚 我也知道她不会回来了
What I gotta do now To get my shorty back
Ooo ooo ooo ooooh Man I don't know what I'm gonna do Without my booo
You've been gone for too long
It's been fifty-leven days, um-teen hours Imma be burnin' till you return (let it burn)
I'm twisted cuz one side of me is tellin' me that I need to move on
On the other side I wanna break down and cry (ooooh)
我已头昏脑胀 一个我告诉我我应该让她过去,但另一面的我,却几乎快要在哭泣中崩溃
I'm twisted cuz one side of me is tellin' me that I need to move on
On the other side I wanna break down and cry (yeah)
我已头昏脑胀 一个我告诉我我应该让她过去,但另一面的我,却几乎快要在哭泣中崩溃
Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh oooh
Ooh ooh oooh (can ya feel me burnin'?)
Ooh ooh ooh oooh ooh oooh
So many days, so many hours
I'm still burnin' till you return
无数的日日夜夜 我仍然在痛苦的煎熬中 等待着你


龙山区15217514384: 跪求usher yeah!的歌词谐音翻译成中文!好了加分!!小弟跪求 -
侨宝来佳: Intro]序幕 I don't understand why See it's burning me to hold onto this 有些事我还是不懂 也许正是我所渴望拥有的一切折磨着我 I know this is something I gotta do 我明白有些事我必须做 But that don't mean I want to 但并不是出于我自愿 What I'm ...

龙山区15217514384: 急求usher的《yeah》歌词 -
侨宝来佳: submit more Usher Featuring Ludacris & Lil Jon lyrics [Usher:] A Town's Down! [Lil' Jon:] Yeah, Ok! Lil' Jon! [Usher:] Yeah, Yeah Yeah, Yeah yeah, Yeaah Yeah, Yeah yeah, Yeah yeah, Yeaah [Usher (Verse 1):] I'm in the club with my homies, tryna get a...

龙山区15217514384: ?Usher yeah!的歌词(中英文对照) -
侨宝来佳: usher burn中英对照歌词 BURN煎熬 -usher- Intro]序幕 I don't understand why See it's burning me to hold onto this 有些事我还是不懂 也许正是我所渴望拥有的一切折磨着我 I know this is something I gotta do 我明白有些事我必须做 But that don't ...

龙山区15217514384: usher yeah的第1句话 歌词 -
侨宝来佳: UsherA Town's Down!Lil' Jon Yeah, Ok! Lil' Jon!<Usher> Yeah, Yeah Yeah, Yeah yeah, Yeaah Yeah, Yeah yeah, Yeah yeah, Yeaah I'm in the club with my homies, tryna get a lil V-I,keep it down on the low key,cause you know how it feels.I said shorty ...

龙山区15217514384: 请问有一个英文歌谐音是:baby要配好又吐奶,哈秋打泥鳅又来的是什么歌 -
侨宝来佳: animals

龙山区15217514384: 谁可以给我一个usher著名歌曲yeah的全部歌词啊、??
侨宝来佳: Yeah!歌词 Yeah! Usher A Town's Down! Lil' Jon Yeah, Ok! Lil' Jon! Yeah, Yeah Yeah, Yeah yeah, Yeaah Yeah, Yeah yeah, Yeah yeah, Yeaah I'm in the club with my homies, tryna get a lil V-I, keep it down on the low key, cause you know how it feels. ...

龙山区15217514384: yeah的歌词连接
侨宝来佳: 是usher的yeah嘛? 下面是歌词链接 http://mp3.baidu.com/m?f=ms&tn=baidump3lyric&ct=150994944&lf=2&rn=10&word=yeah&lm=-1 我直接给你粘过来吧 a town's down! yeah, ok! lil' jon! yeah, yeah yeah, yeah yeah, yeaah yeah, yeah yeah, yeah ...

龙山区15217514384: 求usher的scream中英文对照歌词! -
侨宝来佳: Usher, baby 阿射 宝贝 Yeah, we did it again 耶 我们又来了 And this time 这次 I'mma make you scream 我要让你尖叫 USHER! Yeah, man...阿射 爷儿------们 I see you 看到你 over here 在那里 so hypnotic 美丽迷人 Thinking 'bout 我意淫 what I do 干...

龙山区15217514384: 求一首英文R&B歌曲,前奏电音很强(嗯嗯嗯嗯嗯嗯嗯嗯嗯嗯~),一个男的唱的.歌词只记得“Yeah yeah~” -
侨宝来佳: Usher-Yeah

龙山区15217514384: 谁有亚瑟小子的Yeah的中文谐音歌词? -
侨宝来佳: Yeah, Yeah Yeah, Yeah yeah, YeaahYeah, Yeah yeah, Yeah yeah, YeaahI'm in the club with my homies, tryna get a lil V-I,keep it down on the low key, cause you know how it feels.I said shorty she was checkin up on me,from the game she was spittin ...

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