
作者&投稿:郑悦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


A Let’s talk
I like hamburgers. 我喜欢小汉堡包。 I like hot dogs. 我喜欢热狗。
Here you are. Hot dogs and hamburgers. 给你们。热狗和汉堡包。 Thank you. 谢谢。
I like French fries. 我喜欢炸薯条。 Me too. 我也喜欢。
OK! Have some French fries. 好的! 请吃一些炸薯条。 Thank you. 谢谢你。
Let’s learn
cake 蛋糕 chicken鸡肉 hamburger 汉堡包 bread 面包 French fries 炸薯条 hot dog热狗 Let’s do
Show me your hamburger.给我展示你的汉堡包。 Pass me the French fries.把炸薯条递给我。 Cut the bread.切面包。
Eat the hot dog.吃热狗。
Smell the chicken.闻闻鸡肉。 Make the cake.做蛋糕。 B Let’s talk
Have some juice! 请喝点果汁。 No, thanks. I like Coke. 谢谢。我喜欢喝可乐。 Me too. 我也是。 OK! Here you are. 好的,给你们! Thank you. 谢谢!
You’re welcome. 不用谢。
Can I have some chicken? 我能吃一些鸡肉吗? Sure. Here you are. 当然可以,给你。 Thank you. 谢谢。 You’re welcome. 不客气。 Let’s learn
water 水 milk 牛奶 juice 果汁 Coke可乐 coffee 咖啡 tea茶 Let’s do
Pour the water.倒水。 Taste the tea. 品茶。


一 用所给动词的适当形式填空。(一空一词)
1. I’m going to ______ ( clean ) the house at Chinese New Year.
2. Are you going to _______ ( get ) lucky money from your parents?
3. I can _____ ( do ) the high jump.
4. Can Tom ______ ( draw ) a picture?
5. She can’t ______ ( sing ) English songs.
6. The children are ________ ( practise ) for Sports Day.
7. Is Mary _______ ( play ) football in the playground.
8. The boy ____ ______ ( not run ) in the park now.
9. Look! The girls _______ ______ ( come ) here.
10. My father often _______ ( go ) to work at seven.
11. Tom sometimes ________ ( not help ) his mother at home.
12. Pat’s brother _______ ( read ) English every morning.
13. She never ______ ( wash ) the dishes after dinner.
14. They always _____ (have) lunch at twelve.
15. I usually _____ ( not get ) up very early.
二 写出下列动词的现在分词。
16. See______ make ______ put______
17. skip_______ swim______ begin_____
18. take ______ practice ______ write______
19. eat______ wrap______ skip______
20. live ______ study______
三 写出下列动词的过去式。
get______ lose______ find______ give______ make______ hang______ read______ fall______ break______ win______ say______ teach______
build______ think______ send______ put______ leave______ stand______ have/has______ swim______
write______ ride______ drive______ buy______ fly______ come______ go______ become______
eat______ drink______ am/is______ are______
tell______ draw_____ see ______ can______
四 用所给动词的正确形式填空。
21. There _______ (be) a lot of people here ten years ago.
22. My uncle _______ (send) a present to me yeaterday.
23. I ______ (am) busy last week.
24. Look! They _____ ______ along the street.
25. Tom and his father ________ _______ (swim) now.
26. ______ you _______ (study) English? Yes, I am.
27. Tom is going to ______(sing) a song for me.
28. Will there ______ (is) a film tomorrow?
29. There is going to _______ (be) a match soon.
30. 10. Listen! The boys_____ ______ (talk) on the phone. How did you _______ (help) at home last weekend?
31. We didn’t ________ (write) a letter to Tom yesterday.
32. Did you _______(swim) at the beach just now?
33. He ______ _______ (not get) up early yesterday morning.
34. Should we ______ (run) in the corridors?
35. We shouldn’t ________ (talk) loudly in the library.
36. Are you going to _______ (eat) spicy food?
五 用所给单词的正确形式填空。
37. The robot has two ______ ( foot ).
38. How many _______ ( sunglass ) do you have?
39. There are some _______ ( sheep ) and dogs on the farm.
40. There’s a cinema on the _______ ( three ) floor.
41. We must say ‘ thank you’ to ______ ( they ).
42. Whose game is this ? It’s ______ ( we ) game.
43. Is this your map? No, it isn’t. I think it’s ______ ( Betty ) map.
44. ____ ( he ) mother is a teacher.
45. There are 356 _______ ( play ) in the team.
46. Be _____ ( care ) ! Don’t move!
47. Tom is in Grade 4. Kate is in Grade 5. They are in __________ ( difference) grades in a school.
48. Tim’s mother likes ________ ( dance) very much.
49. Please read books ________(quiet) in the library.
50. The plant will grow _______ (quick)
51. Christmas is on December ________ ( twenty-five)
52. Please give the gift to _______ ( his )
53. You should look after ______ ( she).
54. The women _____ ______ ( sit ) on the chair.
55. My parents ______ ______(not watch ) TV every night.
56. There ______ ______ (not be) some money in the purse.
57. How often _______ Candy ______ ( wash) the dishes?
58. ______ your sister often ______ ( walk) to school?
59. ______ you ______ ( water) the plants every morning?
60. There are many ______ ( lorry) on the road.
61. Are there any ______ ( people) in the hall?
62. How did you _______ (help) at home last weekend?
63. We didn’t ________ (write) a letter to Tom yesterday.
64. Did you _______(swim) at the beach just now?
65.He ______ _______ (not get) up early yesterday morning.
66.Should we ______ (run) in the corridors?
67.What a _______ (love) day!
68.We live ________ (happy) together.
69.Whose bag is this? It’s _______ (my)
70.There are some _______ (fireman) in the house.
71.The ________ (one) day of a week is Sunday.


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A Let’s talk I like hamburgers. 我喜欢小汉堡包。 I like hot dogs. 我喜欢热狗。Here you are. Hot dogs and hamburgers. 给你们。热狗和汉堡包。 Thank you. 谢谢。I like French fries. 我喜欢炸薯条。 Me too. 我也喜欢。OK! Have some French fries. 好的!

小学六年级英语复习三部曲:1、课堂针对练习,分类、专项、题型、模拟练习 a分类:音标、单词、短语、句子、作文(闯五关)建议做《小学英语毕业总复习》b专项:名词、形容词、动词、介词、代词、连词、冠词等建议做《英语周报》c题型:单元卷复习 d模拟练习:模拟的检测卷 2、课后反复读背重点单词、...

以下是 为大家整理的《六年级英语上册单元知识点总结及重难点解析》 供您查阅。 【Unit 1 How do you go to school?】 一、重点短语: by plane 坐飞机 by ship 坐轮船 on foot步行 by bike 骑自行车 by bus 坐公共汽车 by train 坐火车 traffic lights 交通灯 traffic rules交通规则 go to school 去...

这些绝对是六年级的短语,希望对你有用。小学六年级英语总复习词组归纳 a : a little(一点) a lot(很,非常), a lot of(许多), lots of(许多,很多) , a bottle of(一盒……), a piece of(一张\/片……) , a cup of (一杯……), a glass of(一玻璃杯……), all right(好...

您好!现在小学六年级的英语教材有:冀教版小学英语, 深圳朗文小学英语, 人教版小学英语 , 新标准小学英语 , 深港版小学英语 ,广州版金太阳小学英语(三起), 北师大版小学英语, 小学综合英语 ,新交际小学英语 , 牛津小学英语 , 广州小学英语 , 陕旅版小学英语 等 您说的可能是...

寿阳县18984951934: 谁有小学英语六年级总复习的练习题?越多越好, -
霜变布瑞:[答案] 六年级英语总复习 一 用所给动词的适当形式填空.(一空一词) 1.\x05I'm going to ______ ( clean ) the house at Chinese New Year. 2.\x05Are you going to _______ ( get ) lucky money from your parents? 3.\x05I can _____ ( do ) the high jump. 4.\x05...

寿阳县18984951934: 六年级英语试题——(6B)总复习专项训练1.He does well in Maths.(改为否定句)2.Mike runs as fast as Ben.(改为一般疑问句)3.I get up at six thirty every ... -
霜变布瑞:[答案] he does not do well in maths. does mike run as fast as ben? l got up at six thirty yersterday 第四题不清楚 ben runs fast,but l ... what a fine day today! the children donnot have school today. do you like to join them? 26不清楚 l donnot like collecting stamps ...

寿阳县18984951934: pep小学英语六年级下册笔试试题只要笔试,练习,最好是总复习的! -
霜变布瑞:[答案] 六年级复习题 一、用所给单词的适当形式填空. 1.He ______(be) my brother. 2.The giraffe is __________(tall) than the deer. 3.My hands are__________(big) than yours. 4.This dog is____________(strong) than that one. 5.Jonh is______________(...

寿阳县18984951934: 小学六年级英语专项习题帮我找一些关于小学六年级的阅读题及答案,另外还要选择题及答案、看图写单词题及答案、借书用语的题目及答案.最好是网址! -
霜变布瑞:[答案] 建议你去买《小学毕业(学业考试) 总复习》,不错的,有要点精讲和配套练习,题型也比较全面.

寿阳县18984951934: 六年级英语总复习分类训练(一)字母、音标、冠词试卷第三题 -
霜变布瑞: A) 1. C 2. E 3. D 4. A 5. B B) 6. evening 7. Hello 8. How 9. name 10. Good Ⅲ. 1. B 根据英语基本常识可知英语中共有26个字母,其中5个元音字母,21个辅音字母,应选B. 2. D 音素无大小写之分,故先排除选项A和B;两者都是辅音字母. 3. D 根据英文字母排序可知D项中F和D的顺序错误, D应当在F前. 4. A 字母C发音为[si:] 与字母e的发音中都含有[i:],故选A. 5. B 字母F发音为[ef],B项Helen的发音为['helen],二者都含有音素[e],故选B. 6. B 这四个字母的书写都需要三笔来完成,故选B

寿阳县18984951934: 仓山区小学2012 - 2013学年度上学期六年级英语期末总复习(模拟)练习三笔试答案! -
霜变布瑞:[答案] D C B A E you we laugh go juice coffee ruler pencil from in 剩下的周末再发 而且可能不是你那张试卷 谅解

寿阳县18984951934: 六年级下英语总复习练习习题(1) -
霜变布瑞: I.1-5 BBCCA II. 1. hurry 2. questions 3. crowded 4. among 5. Finally III. 1. What is, doing 2. Whatshould, do 3. should not 4. No, needn't 5.betternot IV. 1. spreading easily among 2.keep away from / not go to 3. work on 4. allthe time

寿阳县18984951934: 六年级复习英语题补充单词M - p H - t - l按要求写单词bad(反义词) write(同音异义词) -
霜变布瑞:[答案] 正确答案为: Map 地图 Hotel 宾馆 bad反义词 good好的 write同音异义词 right 右边 ^___^ 祝进步! 别忘记采纳哟!

寿阳县18984951934: 六年级上册英语练习题(期末) -
霜变布瑞: 一、选出划线部分发音不同的单词. ( ) 1、A.only B.ready C.July D.sunny ( ) 2、A.other B.son C.brother D.almost ( ) 3、A.land B.after C.snack D.bad ( ) 4、A.pen B.open C.very D.spend ( ) 5、A.walk B.talk C.wall D.half ( ) 6、warm A.car B....

寿阳县18984951934: 小学六年级练习题 -
霜变布瑞: ) 32. We usually put a clock in the pocket or on the wrist.( ) 33. On the round face of a clock there are some hands.( ) 34. We usually put a watch on the wall.( ) 35. Tom likes his clock very much.Fill in the blanks:36. We can tell the time by ____ ______...


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