
作者&投稿:繁符 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I like listening to music. My favorite singer is Eason. He was born in Hong Kong, China
junior high school, high school and university in the UK. In 1996, he won the first prize in the singing contest, later, after a hard he got many awards. He has a variety of songs, with English and Chinese, his most famous song is "ten years" and,he is my favorite song is "when ripe grapes"Do you like him?

Eason Chan is a frequent winner of Asia's music awards. He is the second non-Taiwanese singer after Jacky Cheung to win Taiwan's Golden Melody Award. He won "Best Male Singer" in 2003 and "Best Album" twice in 2003 and 2009. He has won the prestigious Hong Kong's Most Popular Male Singer Award twice, in the year 2006 and 2007.[2] He also won his first Asia Pacific's Most Popular Singer Award in 2007, and again in 2008. His album U87 (The name of the album came from his favorite microphone), released in 2005, has been recommended by Time Magazine as one of the five best Asian albums worth buying.[3] U87 also won the top sale of album (non-concert, non-collection category) in Hong Kong in 2005.[4] He was Hong Kong's highest selling male artist in 2002, 2003 and 2007. He has been one of Hong Kong's top selling artists for all years starting from 2000.[5] His concert DVD Get a Life was the highest selling album of 2006.
Eason Chan has been praised by critics and fellow musicians alike as one of the top singers of his generation. Since the very beginning of his career, Eason has been one of the favorites to lead the new generation of Cantopop.[6] He has been described as a breath of fresh air in the HK music scene.[7][8] Over the last ten years, Eason Chan emerged as the leading male singer of his generation, fulfilling his role as an innovator and a leader in the HK music scene, winning prestigious awards one after another.[9][10][11] Eason Chan has also been successful in his work in the Mandopop scene.[12][13] He has won numerous awards in both Mainland and Taiwan, most notably Taiwan's Golden Melody Award. "Admit It" was another notable work of Eason Chan, which led to a nomination for Golden Melody Award's Best Male Singer; the award was ultimately won by Gary Chaw. Next year, he was again nominated for Golden Melody Award's Best Male Singer(for his work in Mandarin album "Don't Want To Let Go"), the award went to Jay Chou. However, Eason won Album of The Year for "Don't Want To Let Go".
Eason Chan has been named by Chinese critics as the next God of Songs (歌神) after Jacky Cheung.[14][15] However, Eason has more than once clarified that he wishes to build his own name instead, and not just be the successor of Jacky Cheung.[16][17] There is a duet called 天下太平 sung by Chan and Jacky Cheung in the album Perfect Match by Albert Leung,Ronald Ng (伍乐城) released in April 2006. Chan and Cheung have collaborated on other occasions as well. They sang a duet of Cheung's in a fundraising campaign for SARS victims in 2003.
Chan not only sings but also plays a variety of musical instrument including piano, violin, accordion, harmonica, bass, guitar and drums. He frequently showcases his musical talent by incorporating instruments into his live performances. Chan is also a song-writer who has written many songs, some included in his albums.
In 2009, Eason Chan performed in "PAX Musica 2009" in Tokyo. He sang seven songs including a Japanese song by Koji Tamaki called "Mr. Lonely". This was his first time performing in Japan publicly. After that, Japanese Musician Ikuro Fujiwara openly praised Chan for his stage charisma and expressed hope to collaborate with Chan in the future. Eason Chan plans to promote his musical works in Japan in 2010.

Eason in the teenage years was sent to England alone, graduated from theArchitecture Department of the University of Kingston, obtain the certificate of grade eight music theory, there is a beauty of the wife, and lovely daughter
Most of his lyrics are written by Albert, after he was known as Jacky Cheung anothersong
Many of his songs are Mandarin and Cantonese two versions, such as the "ten years"is the Cantonese version of "next year today", "the transfer of love" is the Cantonese version of "Mount Fuji", I very used to like to listen to. He is the idol of the Eason, he isdoing things in life are worth me to learn.

英语作文 我的偶像艾弗森
not satisfied with his alternate role, Iverson announced his retirement in 2010. Iverson is a great basketball player definitely, but what attracts me most is his diligence and sincerity. He once said: I play every game as if it is my last. 我把每一场球赛都当作我的最后一场。

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隗纪卓舒: Eason in the teenage years was sent to England alone, graduated from theArchitecture Department of the University of Kingston, obtain the certificate of grade eight music theory, there is a beauty of the wife, and lovely daughter Most of his lyrics are...

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隗纪卓舒: .,,';l;,l,/l;,,m;m./.m,./,.//'l';

姜堰市15365441038: 英语作文我的英雄陈奕迅的事迹 -
隗纪卓舒: 你好!我的英雄陈奕迅的事迹 My hero eason chan

姜堰市15365441038: 急求关于陈奕迅的英语小作文.200字以内,谢谢了...
隗纪卓舒:Eason Chan is a frequent winner of Asia's music awards. He is the second non-Taiwanese singer after Jacky Cheung to win Taiwan's Golden Melody Award. He won "Best Male Singer" in 2003 and "Best Album" twice in 2003 and 2009. He ...

姜堰市15365441038: 我喜欢的明星是陈奕迅,他是一位歌手,他来自香港,我觉得他就是一个表情帝.的英文怎么写 -
隗纪卓舒: My favourite star is EasonChan.He is a singer from Hongkong,and I think he is" the king of facial expressions". 望采纳.

姜堰市15365441038: 求一篇120字高中水平的英语作文,内容关于介绍陈奕迅的. -
隗纪卓舒: Eason Chan, born in Hong Kong, went to England to study when he was 12. He attended St. Joseph's kindergarten, St. Joseph's College in Hong Kong, Dauntsey's School in Wiltshire, England and later Kingston University, studying architecture. ...

姜堰市15365441038: 英语作文 我的偶像 -
隗纪卓舒: My idol is Leehom Wang(王力宏).He is a talent singer.He can play many instrument.For example,he can play the piano,the violin,the guitar and so on. Also,his songs are very good!Such as "Forever love","Only one","Mary says","the ...

姜堰市15365441038: 陈奕迅你永远是我的信仰我的偶像我心中的eason chan翻译 -
隗纪卓舒: Eason Chan: you'll always be my idol, my idol Chan Eason

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隗纪卓舒: Super Junior , often referred to as SJ or SuJu , is a boy band from Seoul, South Korea formed by SM Entertainment in 2005. With a total of thirteen members, Super Junior is the largest boy band in the world. (The group consists of Leeteuk (leader), ...

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