题目:遇到陌生人需要帮助时.你会伸出援手吗? 是高中英语作文!! 哪位大神帮帮忙!!

作者&投稿:叔荣 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



It was almost two years ago when I first saw the disfigured man begging for money. He was at an intersection a few miles from my house and I was both horrified and transfixed by his severely burned appearance as I inched closer and saw that he was handing out a piece of paper to anyone who would roll down their window to accept it. I was ready to have a look, but the light changed, horns honked and I drove away.

About a week later, the scene repeated itself. This time I had money in hand but again I had to drive by. About 10 days later, I returned again, prepared to park and make sure I spoke with the man with the melted face. But he was gone.

I returned several times, but never saw him again. I wondered who he was, what had happened to him -- and where he'd gone. Months later I received an email forwarded by a friend from a friend of a friend. Other expats had been more persistent than me, learning the man's story and setting up a loose network to help him.

In our home countries there are plenty of people less fortunate than ourselves and opportunities to help out, but we often tend to live at a distance, both physical and cerebral, which isn't easily bridged. For example, our town of Maplewood, N.J. borders cities with high poverty rates and lots of problems, but there aren't people living in lean-tos in our backyard. Going overseas, however, we get knocked out of our comfort zone, and disparities can be particularly jarring in a developing country because of the rapid and arbitrary nature of growth and the lack of social safety net. Here in Beijing, there is huge contrast between the expat-dominated housing compounds in our neighborhood, filled with manicured lawns and spacious modern homes, and the surrounding local villages where families live in ragged unheated rooms. The man with the melted face proved to be a bridge between them.

It began in September 2006, with Justin Hansen, then a 16-year-old junior at the International School of Beijing. He had seen the man begging on the road near his apartment, seen people roll their windows up and avert their eyes. And he heard kids at school talking about the scary, freaky guy and the threats he posed.

Justin asked the man what happened and heard the tale of Wang Ming Zhi, a 43-year-old peasant farmer who had come to Beijing four years earlier to better himself and his family. He had been working in construction, making between 30 and 70 yuan (between $4 and $10) a day. His wife and three kids had been about 700 miles away, back in rural Henan province, continuing to farm wheat, corn, peanuts and sesame. In a good year the family made about $1 a day, and Mr. Wang had wanted more for them. 'I want my children to make a job with their minds instead of their hands,' he explains.

Mr. Wang had been in a basement room when a spark from a welder's torch fell and ignited the fumes of the waterproofing material he was applying, alighting his clothes and leaving him a molten mess. A fellow worker pulled him from the basement and an hour later an ambulance took him to the hospital. As a day laborer, he had no health or disability insurance. His employer put up money to have him admitted -- Chinese hospitals generally demand an advance -- but this was the end of their goodwill.

It was days before Chinese New Year and he should have been back home visiting his family. They were fearing the worst by the time he called after six days in the hospital. A doctor had removed a breathing tube and was holding a phone to his face. Mrs. Wang got on a bus to Beijing. After 43 days, the money supplied by his employer was depleted and he was to be released. The family's pleading won him one more day of hospital care.

Mr. Wang traveled back and forth between Henan and Beijing twice, in pain, finally staying here in hopes of getting more treatment and avoiding the humiliation he feels in his hometown, where he is mocked for having sought a better life. His fingers were fused together and he was unable to close his mouth even enough to avoid drooling. He dragged himself out to that intersection near my house, in the heart of Beijing's expat community, in the shadow of villa compounds and rising hotels, malls and convention centers.

This is where I saw him and, far more importantly, where Justin and later Craig Belnap saw him. The American Mr. Belnap asked him what he needed and was told: 'Burn cream and clothes.' He returned with a bag of clothes, and offered Mr. Wang a ride home, where he discovered a shabby single room with a bed made of plywood atop stacked bricks and holes in the wall covered with newspaper and magazine pages.

He listened to Mr. Wang's story as his wife wiped away the incessant drool from his chin. 'The room was so full of love and affection,' says Mr. Belnap. 'I gave him my phone number and promised to help.'

The Wangs put Mr. Belnap in touch with Justin and his mother, Chi Gao, a Taiwanese-born American citizen who had already begun to help, and they formed a loose confederation of expats assisting Mr. Wang. Mr. Hansen wrote an article about him in his school newspaper -- the first of five. He gave Mr. Wang copies, which he handed out to prospective donors. That eased people's fears, but only if they would roll down their windows. Many stepped on the gas and averted their own gaze and their children's.

Meanwhile, Mr. Belnap was reaching out to friends and starting to collect money. Given news that Mr. Wang's 14-year-old daughter had dropped out of school to work long days in a garment factory because the family could no longer pay her tuition, he raised enough money to get her back to the classroom. They now have enough money to pay her tuition of almost $1,000 per year through high school. Some donors have expressed interest in funding college education.

On Sept. 26, 2006, the U.S. Embassy issued a security alert about Mr. Wang, citing an 'aggressive panhandler,' and asking citizens to report his presence to the authorities. Apparently, this stemmed from uninvestigated reports. Around that time, local police gave him 1,000 yuan ($140) and told him to stay off the streets. This was a highly unusual action. Mr. Wang says that a local police chief felt sympathy and asked a large construction company (not the one that had employed Mr. Wang) to make the donation.

Meanwhile, Mr. Hansen's mother had gotten her personal lawyer, a local Chinese, to file a pro bono lawsuit -- a small but growing field in China -- against Mr. Wang's employer. They eventually won a 60,000-yuan settlement, which got Mr. Wang out of debt and allowed him to have the first of several still-needed surgeries, separating his fingers some, and aligning his jaw so that he can chew better and drool less. His appearance is much improved -- which would be a surprise to anyone seeing him now for the first time. Sleep remains difficult, with continual pain from his tough, dry skin.

His two sons, ages 17 and 19, are now in Beijing working in a nearby grocery store. Mr. Wang is no longer as destitute but he is still barely able to work, because of both prospective employers' attitude toward his appearance and the harsh effect of sun on his skin. There is not a lot of sensitivity to disabled issues in China.

Mr. Belnap has relocated to Switzerland but remains in touch with Mr. Wang and other expats assisting him, all of whom have different motivations but the same goal.

'I am a Christian and the Bible repeatedly instructs us to love your neighbor as yourself but I have never had neighbors in need of so much help,' says Lisa Rassi, an American who is providing part-time employment to Mrs. Wang, in hopes that she can one day be hired full time with experience working in a foreigner's home.

Like Mr. Belnap, Mrs. Rassi was touched by the way she was welcomed into the Wangs' humble home and their gratefulness for any help offered.

'I have never known what it is like to live in hunger or face the elements in a home without the comforts of heat or air conditioning,' she says. 'I never want to forget what I have seen. I have also always tried to teach my children not to look away or be judgmental of those in need and this is was an opportunity for me to practice just that.'

'I could also do the same thing back home in Peoria (Illinois) and I hope I will, but such an intense need never crossed my path before,' she said. 'Also, if we assist the less fortunate there, we are so separated from it. Here the assistance is very personal and tangible and you can make a huge difference with so little.'

Mrs. Rassi says she feels honored to have been able to help, a sentiment echoed by Mr. Belnap from his new home in Geneva.

'It sounds like a cliché, but I got more out of this than he did,' he says. 'Mr. Wang is a very kind man with a very nice family who is simply of victim of gaps in the China system. And yet, he plugs along.'

Mr. Wang still has plenty of needs. When I visited him, he was out of burn cream and said his skin was particularly itchy. I'll be using my payment from this column to do my little part. I'm meeting Mrs. Rassi at a Traditional Chinese Medicine pharmacy soon to buy tubes of burn cream. It feels like the least I can do.

看准应当说话的机会,适时插入交谈,并且不失时机地介绍自己的情况,让对方充分了解自己。如果陌生人能从你的话中了解你豁达的性格,双方会更亲近。(6)寻找自己与陌生人之间的共同话题 以此找出共同语言,引起共鸣,缩短双方距离。如果你对陌生人的爱好显出浓厚兴趣,通过他的爱好表明自己的爱好,交谈也会...


。如果被陌生人带走,要大声叫喊,并拼命抓住周围固定的物体,比如车门,自行车扶手等。也可以踢绑架之人的腹股沟或眼睛,躺在地上,不要轻易让绑架之人抱走。告诉孩子:如果为了保护自己而伤害了别人,父母永远不会责怪你。 同伴系统 哪怕是一分钟,父母也也不要让孩子独处。放学回家,孩子可以和同学结伴走回家。周末和同...

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1.遇到陌生人求助,千万要小心。小朋友愿意帮助别人是好事,但遇到有人向自己求助、无法辨别他是好人还是坏人时,一定要多加小心。对于对方求助的内容,可以帮忙指点,比如,告诉他向警 察或者医院求助,拨打11 0、1 20电话等。2.给陌生人指路可以,但不能送到目的地,尤其是偏僻的地方。遇到陌生人...

陌生人也是人,没什么可怕的 其实,陌生人和我们并没有什么不同。面对陌生人时,我们应该消除内心的那些恐惧,把他们当做与我们一样的普通人去看待,勇敢地对陌生人敞开我们的心扉。因为,在陌生人眼里,我们也是陌生人,当我们能敞开心扉时,他们也能做出积极的回应。中国人的传统观念告诉我们:“不要...

首先第一点要做到的就是提高自己的警惕心,凡是不认识的陌生人和你搭话都要留一个心眼。比方请你为他带路,或者要给你买东西吃,或者说替你爸妈给你送东西来的,或者说你爸爸正在医院抢救要带你去医院的,一律拒绝或者事先自己确认。2\/5 遇到陌生人纠缠时,不要害怕,首先要做的就是保持沉着冷静...



绛县17876896861: 当你看到陌生人需要帮助时,你会伸出援手吗?
右婷通痹: 如果有能力帮的话也许会吧

绛县17876896861: 陌生人遇到困难,你会伸出援手吗 -
右婷通痹: 这个不好说了,年轻的时候可能不加顾虑的直接帮助了,可以现在要有考虑,困难出自哪里,为什么会这样,如果我精力旺盛,财富旺盛也许还是不怎么考虑的,最好帮助别人还是要看自己能不能帮助别人.

绛县17876896861: 假如你碰到一个陌生人而他需要你的帮助,你会帮助他吗?为什么? -
右婷通痹: 看人来,如果这个需要帮助的人真的需要帮助,而且态度好的话,我一定会帮的.

绛县17876896861: 作文(60分)生活中,我们都会遇到困难,当你接受他人的帮助时,请记得,在别人需要援助的时候,伸出我们的手.请以“伸出我的手”或“伸出你的手... -

绛县17876896861: 当你遇到陌生人向你求助你怎做? -
右婷通痹: 1、判断他是不是真的需要帮助. 2、在不会危害自己人身安全的情况下帮他. 3、很多负面新闻让那些真正需要 帮助的人被拒之门外. 4、其实大多数人骨子里是善良的. 5、如果真的无法判断会不会危害自己就让对方去找警察.

绛县17876896861: 再遇到陌生人需要帮助,你们会怎么办?? -
右婷通痹: 如果可以的话.找周围人作证先用手机拍下来..或是找周围人一起上前帮忙!实在是无法帮忙的..最起码打个110.或者120.就是这样!力所能及的还是要多伸伸援手..

绛县17876896861: 遇到陌生人的求助你会怎么办
右婷通痹: 看情况把 比如 有一次在街上看到两小女孩在跪在路旁 前面用粉笔些着 东西丢了回不了家之类的 很多人都会给几块钱 那时侯我走过去 和他们说 叫她们 去报警 你们很快就可以回家的 不知道他们后来有没有去 不过我是尽心了 应该比那给他几块钱的要好些把

绛县17876896861: 面对陌生人的求救,你会帮助吗? -
右婷通痹: 以过来人的身份来说,再看到这样子的求救,我不会再帮助.因为之前在街上也有人这样过来向我求救,借20块钱搭车回家,而且也说的很可怜,最终我还是帮助了他们.可是没过去多久,在另一个街道看到他们在吃烧烤.瞬间让我觉得我上当了,被人骗了.

绛县17876896861: 碰到不友善的陌生人你会怎样? -
右婷通痹: 既然是陌生人,又还不友善,如果是我三言两语谈不上话的话,就不用理他,直接走开好了.

绛县17876896861: 面对陌生人的求助,该如何在帮忙的同时保护自己? -
右婷通痹: 助人为乐是中华民族的优良传统美德,遇到陌生人求助,能够帮他们的尽量帮忙,也要注意在帮忙的时候保护好自己,防人之心不可无.不要单独去帮助陌生人,答应陌生人去他的家里,尤其是单身的小女孩,会给自己惹来很多的危险和麻烦,...

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