clothes and fashion

作者&投稿:倚疯 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
求:剑5 Test4 雅思口语Part1解析\nClothes\nHow important are clothes and fashion to you? Why?/Why n~

1. 要点提示
1) Explain the importance to you, and demonstrate it by examples.
2) List the types of clothes that you don’t like, and explain why.
3) Compare the differences.
4) Tell people what we can see from one’s clothes.

2. 结构示例
1) Clothes and fashion are important to me in an appropriate way. That means I pay attention to fashion, and I like being nice-looking with the help of clothes, but I don’t waste too much time on them. I shop for fashionable clothes to dress myself in various situations. …
2) I don’t like clothes that are not suitable for me. For example, …
3) There are some differences indeed. I was a high school student 10 years ago, and most of the time, I dressed in a casual style. I often got inspiration from a singer/actor(ess) named… Now I’m still a fan of casual clothes, but I also like…
4) That’s an interesting question. I understand that we can’t judge a person by what he/she wears, but sometimes you can tell one’s personality. For example, …


1.handmade ==== made by hand or a hand process;(手工制作的);
◆It's handmade by our now deceased grandmother, 它是已故的祖母亲手缝制的。

2 secondhand ==== derived from what is primary or original; not firsthand(旧的, 二手的);
◆I bought a secondhand car last month. 我上个月买了一辆二手旧车。

3 baggy ==== not fitting closely; hanging loosely(宽松的);
◆Make it baggy style, please. 请做成宽松裤式样。

4 brand name ==== the logo or name of a brand(商标, 品牌);
◆Branded merchandise is that bearing a standard brand name.品牌商品是具有标准商标名称的商品。

5 trendy ==== in accord with the latest fad;(新潮人物, 穿着时髦的人)
◆Pageboy was quite trendy on campus years ago.数年前短发在校园风行一时。

6 stylish ==== being or in accordance with current social fashions;(流行时髦的;现代风格;潇洒的;时尚的);
◆He is a stylish dresser. 他是个穿着很时髦的人。

7 revealing ==== showing or making known; (曝露的;使其看见)
◆Her dress was scanty and revealing. 她的衣着既单薄又曝露。
◆ A rather revealing dress 袒胸露肩的连衣裙.

8 hand-me-downs ==== outgrown garment passed down from one person to another;(旧的衣服,便宜货)
◆I don' t want your old hand-me-downs ! 我不要你那些用过了的旧东西!

9 formal occasions ==== the time of a particular event that being in accord with established forms and conventions and requirements (正式场合)
◆She prefers wearing high heels on formal occasions. 她在正式场合比较喜欢穿高跟鞋。

(原terndy 拼字有误)
■revealing 的定义解释和例句部分均已修改过了。

.handmade 手工的
2 secondhand 二手货
3 baggy 宽大的
4 brand name 商标
5 terndy 潮流的
6 stylish 时髦,时尚的
7 revealing 有启迪性的
8 hand-me-downs 别人给的,旧的东西
9 formal occasions 正式场合

2 secondhand__________________________二手货
3 baggy____________________________ 宽大的
4 brand name____________________ 品牌名
5 terndy_________________________ 时髦的
6 stylish______________________ 时髦,时尚的
7 revealing___________________ 有启迪性的
8 hand-me-downs_________________ 非订做的便宜货,半新的
9 formal occasions______________ 正式场合


1.made by a person ,not by a machine.
2.not new,used by another person before.
3.if clothes are baggy,they are big and loose.
4.the name of a thing you buy that a certain company makes.

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