. 1. Miss Li lives on the _______ (two) floor in

作者&投稿:哀店 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
Miss Li lives on the ______(twe)floor in this building.横线上些什么?~

second。second floor=2楼。



  1. Where ______ you just now? I _______ in the zoo. (be)

  2. Listen, the birds ___________ (sing) in the tree.

  3. ______ Miss Li ______ (have) a long holiday?

  4. My mother usually ______ (cook) at 5 o'clock.

  5. What _____ the twins _______on Sundays? (do)

  They often ______ (go) to the library.

  6. _______ Helen like _______ (swim)?

  Yes, she ______. Look, she __________ (swim) now.

  7. The room is dirty. What ______ you ______ (do) just now?

  I ______ (throw) the paper on the floor.

  8. ______ (not) kick the ball.

  9. It's the ______ of May. There are _______ students in the

  playground. (twelve)

  10.Last week we ______ (have) a _______ (run) race at school.


  1. _______ (who) comb is this? It's ______ (she), I think.

  2. It's 2:00 in the afternoon. The children __________(make) a kite.

  3. _______ you often fly a kite? No, we _______. (did)

  4. Let ______ (we) go and join _______ (they).

  5. That girl can ______ (sing) French songs.

  6. What ______ (will) you like as a birthday present?

  7. What ______ in the basket? There ______ some apples in it. (be)

  8. How many ______ (read) rooms are there in this building?

  9. Many ______ (child) like ice creams.

  10.My sister likes _______ (run) very much.


  1. Miss Li lives on the _______ (two) floor in this building.

  2. Is that ______ (her) bike? Yes, it's _____ (her).

  3. Ma Ming wants to take some _______ (photo).

  4. She _______ (study) English well.

  5. He _______ (fly) a kite last Saturday.

  6. Mr Green is very _______ (excite).

  7. These _______ (people) are looking at the moon now.

  8. You're _______ (watch) a match in your school now.

  9. Mr ______ is in the _______ car. (black)

  10.______ you ______ (play) the violin? No, I can't.


  1. ______ the girl like _______ (sit) quietly? Yes, she does.

  2. How many _______ (foot) does a monkey have?

  3. My sister _______ (have) a lot of beautiful stamps.

  4. After school he _______ (help) an old man.

  5. Who can help ______ (them) with their English?

  6. Yang Ling is a _______ (China) girl.

  7. Here are some flowers ______ (four) you.

  8. Mary is ________ (write) am e-mail to her friend.

  9. He _______ (have) many _________ (strawberry) on the plate.

  10.______ he usually have a party at weekends? No, he ______. (do)


  1. We often ______ (by) fruit in the supermarket.

  2. We are now _______ (live) in the town.

  3. I _______ (visit) the farm last Sunday.

  4. Helen _______ (pick) many apples on the farm last week.

  5. Did you like ______ (milk) cows, Nancy?

  6. What _____ you _____ yesterday? We ______ our homework. (do)

  7. He ______ (want)to go to the park this week end, but I have no time.

  8. Helen often ______ (go) to school by bus.

  9. What ______ the students _______ (do) now?

  They ___________ (play) football in the football field.

  10.Where ______ you a moment ago?

  I ______ in the reading room. (be)


  1. __________ (not draw) on the wall.

  2. We ______ (make) lots of delicious food. And we _______ (eat)

  them in the dining-room yesterday evening.

  3. Jim is from _______. He speaks ________. (France)

  4. My birthday is on the ______ (three) of July.

  5. This is _____ (I) wallet, not _____ (he).

  6. ______ (who) mirror is it? Is it _____ (your)?

  No, it's not ______ (I). I think it is _____ (she) mirror. It's _____ (she).

  7. There _____ (be) some orange juice in the bottle.

  8. Pass the newspaper to _____ (he). _____ (he) wants to find a job on it.

  9. Miss White asks ______ (we) to sing the song.

  _____ (we) must follow _____ (she).

  10._____ (it) a cat. And these are ______ (it) food.


  1. She often (have) a rest at noon at home.

  2. He (read) in the classroom now.

  3. Children often (play) in the park on Sundays.

  4. Look, they (play) in the playground.

  5. Mary (go) to the cinema every Saturday.

  6. I (watch) TV last night.

  7. They (plant) some trees last year.

  8. We always (have) lunch at school.

  9. Tom (like) Chinese food.

  10. Listen, Nancy (laugh) in the dining-room.

  11. They (stay) in London for 3 days last year.

  12. (do)you (have) a good rest last night.

  13. He (have) a fever yesterday, but now he (feel)better.

  14. Mr. Brown (teach) us English last term.

  15. Miss Li (teach) us English now.

  16. I (be) a student in 1976.

  17. He (clean) our classroom yesterday.

  18. My mother (be) a worker.

  19. They (do) their homework in the classroom now.

  20. Milan (play) the piano every evening.


  1. Whose socks are those? They're (I).

  2. What are those in the bag? They're (strawberry).

  3. What does your brother ? He playing the piano. (like)

  4. What does your father ? He a nice telescope.(have)

  5. Do you have hobbies, Mike? Yes, I have hobbies.(some)

  6. I like photos with my friends. (take)

  7. want to play cards. Do you want to join ? No, I'm doing

   homework. (I)

  8. Where are you from? I'm from . I'm . (China)

  9. The man in a shirt is Mr . (white)

  10. Jim near Ben. (live)

  11. David and Mike in the same team last term. They in different teams now. (be)

  12. Is Miss Li a storybook? (read)

  13. Did you trees yesterday? Yes, I many trees. I like .(plant)

  14. My mother is good at . She last week. (cook)

  15. Don't on the wall. Let's on the paper. (draw)

  16. David is (tall) than (I).

  17. Helen's bag is (heavy) than (I). Can you help (she)?

  18. Liu Tao (not) have any brothers or sisters.

  19. Mary (swim) as (slow) as the other (girl) in

   (she) class.

  20. To get there (fast), you can (take) bus No. 7.

  21. Yang Ling gets up (early) than (we).

  22. His hair is (short) than (she).

  23. -Here are many toys. Which one is (you), Helen?

   -The yellow one is (I), and the red one is (he).

  24. My cousin likes cartoons. He usually it in the evening. Last Sunday, he a Japanese cartoon. (watch)

  25. Mary often in summer. Let's go in the river. (swim)


  1. -What Su Hai last Sunday? (do) -She (go) for a walk.

  2. -Did you go (swim) last Saturday? -No. We (watch) a film.

  3. -What Wang Bing usually after school? (do)

   -He usually (go) home and (teach) his little brother.

  4. - (be) Miss Li in the teachers' office now? -No. She's (take) photos.

  5. -What's the weather like? -It's . It has a lot of here. (rain)

  6. some water in the glass. a lot of people in the garden. a teacher and some students in the classroom. (there be)

  7. Helen (like) (draw) horses. She is (draw) in the study now.

  8. I two pens. You three pens. Our teacher four, Ben and Liu Lu twelve. (have)

  9. I (make) a cake yesterday. She (fly) a kite last Sunday.

  10. My sister to the supermarket every Sunday. Tomorrow she is to the supermarket with me. (go)

  11. Yesterday (be) my birthday, we (have) a birthday party in my home, I (get) many presents from my friends.

  12. We have any masks. Yang Ling have any, too. (not)

  13. My rubber in the desk just now, but it in my pocket now. (be)

  14. -Do you jump _______ (far) than my friend ? -No, I jumps as (far) as your friend.

  15. The butterfly flies . (beautiful)

  16. He (go) (jog) every day. I want to (go) _________ (jog) with him in the playground .

  17. Sandy has lots of CDs. She _______ (listen) to music every day .

  18. Sam wants ____________ (buy) a lot of things .

  19. Look , my father _________ basketball with his friends. He is a good basketball . (play)

  20. Let ______ ( I ) have a look . Oh, it isn't (I) ruler, I think this ruler is

   (he), give it to (he).


  1. I______to school from Monday to Friday. My brother often_______to school with me. Yesterday we_______to school together. We like________to school very much. ( go )

  2. They usually_______lunch at home. But last week, they ____lunch at school. ( have )

  3. That______my English book. It_____new. But now it_____not here.It______there a moment ago. ( be )

  4. My sister likes________very much. She often _______at our school festival. Last term, she_______a lot of songs in the school hall. She_____beautifully. ( sing )

  5. What _____ he usually_______on Sunday? He usually_______his homework. Look! He__________his homework now. _______he _______his homework last Sunday? Yes, he_______. ( do )

  6. Do people usually_______ moon cakes at Mid-autumn Festival? Yes, they do. Did you ________moom cakes last Mid-autumn Festival? Yes, I did. I _______a lot of delicious moom cakes. ( eat )

  7. --How______you? --I_____fine. Thank you.

   --Where_____you yesterday?

   --I____at home with my family

   --_______your father at home,too?

   -- Yes, he______.( be )

  8. Jane is a dancer. She ________every day. Look! She ________________now. ( dance )

  9. National Day is_________. A lot of people_______to Beijing two weeks ago. ( come )

  10.She often________shopping with her nother. She likes______shopping in the shop. She _______shopping yesterday. ( go )

  11.My brother_______a new wallet. I_______a waalet,too. Our wallets are from our parents.We_______them at a party yesterday. (have )

  12.Where______my CD? It______not on the desk now. It______there just now. It _______my favourite present from my good friends. They______my classmates. ( be ) (they) to ____(it).



   I often _____to school at seven every morning. My sister often______to school with me. I________to school now. But I______to school late yesterday.

  2. have

   Mike______ a lot of good friends. Last Sunday, he______a birthday party. They______a big birthday cake. Look, now he ______his birthday cake.

  3. do

   Ben usually ______his homework in the afternoon. We often______our homework in the afternoon, too. But yesterday, we______our homework in the evening.

  4. eat

   My younger brother ____a lot of ice-cream last night. So he can't______anything today. The doctor says to him: 'Don't______too much.' So he ______a little today.

  5. make

   My father can______model planes. He likes models. Look he _______a model plane now. Last term he ______one for me.

  6. see

   Last week, I ______ a Beijing opera show. It was interesting. I am going to _______ it again next week.

  7. watch

   My cousin and I all like _____ TV. He usually _____ it on Saturday. Last Saturday, he _________ a cartoon on TV.



  主格 I we it

  宾格 you them

  形物代 his your

  名物代 hers


  1.That is not _______ kite. That kite is very small, but _______ is very big. ( I )

  2.The dress is _________. Give it to _________. ( she )

  3.Is this _________ watch? (you) No, it's not _________ . ( I )

  4.___ is my brother. ____ name is Jack. Look! Those stamps are ______. ( he )

  5._________ dresses are red. (we) What colour are _________? ( you )

  6.Here are many dolls, which one is _________ ? ( she )

  7.I can find my toy, but where's _________? ( you )

  8.Show _________ your kite, OK? (they)

  9.I have a beautiful cat. _______name is Mimi. These cakes are ________. ( it )

  10.Are these ____ tickets? No, _____ are not ______. ______ aren't here. ( they )

  11.Shall ______ have a look at that classroom? That is ______ classroom. ( we )

  12._______ is my aunt. Do you know _______ job? _______a nurse. ( she )

  13.That is not ________ camera. _________is at home. ( he )

  14.Where are _______? I can't find ______. Let's call ________ parents. ( they )

  15.Don't touch _________. _________ not a cat, _________ a tiger!

  16._________ sister is ill. Please go and get _________. ( she )

  17._________ don't know her name. Would you please tell _________. ( we )

  18.So many dogs. Let's count _________. ( they )

  19.I have a lovely brother. _______ is only 3. I like ________ very much. ( he )

  20.May I sit beside _________? ( you )

  21.Look at that desk. Those book are on _________. ( it )

  22.The girl behind _________ is our friend. (she )

  Fill in the blank with " have, has "

  1.I_________ a nice puppet.

  2.He_________a good friend.

  3.They__________ some masks.

  4.We___________some flowers.

  5.She___________ a duck.

  6.My father____________ a new bike.

  7.Her mother___________a vase.

  8.Our teacher_________ an English book.

  9.Our teachers___________a basketball.

  10.Their parents___________some blankets

  11.Nancy_________many skirts.

  12.David__________some jackets.

  13.My friends__________a football.

  14.What do you__________?

  15.What does Mike__________?

  16.What do your friends___________?

  17.What does Helen___________?

  18.His brother________a basketball.

  19.Her sister_________a nice doll.

  20.Miss Li__________an English book.

  Fill in the blank with "have,has"or "there is , there are"

  1.I________a good father and a good mother.

  2.____________a telescope on the desk.

  3.He_________a tape-recorder.

  4._____________a basketball in the playground.

  5.She__________some dresses.

  6.They___________a nice garden.

  7.What do you___________?

  8.______________a reading-room in the building?

  9.What does Mike___________?

  10.______________any books in the bookcase?

  11.My father_________a story-book.

  12._______________a story-book on the table.

  13._______________any flowers in the vase?

  14.How many students____________in the classroom?

  15.My parents___________some nice pictures.

  16._____________some maps on the wall.

  17.______________a map of the world on the wall.

  18.David__________a telescope.

  19.David's friends___________some tents.

  20.______________many children on the hill.


  1、There a lot of sweets in the box.

  2、There some milk in the glass.

  3、There some people under the the big tree.

  4、There a picture and a map on the wall.

  5、There a box of rubbers near the books.

  6、There lots of flowers in our garden last year.

  7、There a tin of chicken behind the fridge yesterday.

  8、There four cups of coffee on the table.



  1.That is not _________ kite. That kite is very small, but _________ is very big. ( I )

  2.The dress is _________. Give it to _________. ( she )

  3.Is this _________ watch? (you) No, it's not _________ . ( I )

  4._________ is my brother. _________ name is Jack. Look! Those stamps are _________. ( he )

  5._________ dresses are red. (we) What colour are _________? ( you )

  6.Here are many dolls, which one is _________ ? ( she )

  7.I can find my toy, but where's _________? ( you )

  8.Show _________ your kite, OK? (they)

  9.I have a beautiful cat. _________name is Mimi. These cakes are _________. ( it )

  10.Are these _________ tickets? No, _________ are not _________. _________ aren't here. ( they )

  11.Shall _________ have a look at that classroom? That is _________ classroom. ( we )

  12._________ is my aunt. Do you know _________ job? _________ a nurse. ( she )

  13.That is not _________ camera. _________is at home. ( he )

  14.Where are _________? I can't find _________. Let's call _________ parents. ( they )

  15.Don't touch _________. _________ not a cat, _________ a tiger!

  16._________ sister is ill. Please go and get _________. ( she )

  17._________ don't know her name. Would you please tell _________. ( we )

  18.So many dogs. Let's count _________. ( they )

  19.I have a lovely brother. _________ is only 3. I like _________ very much. ( he )

  20.May I sit beside _________? ( you )

  21.Look at that desk. Those book are on _________. ( it )

  22.The girl behind _________ is our friend. (she )


second ,her,herself,

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本瑶重酒: 1. Where ______ you just now? I _______ in the zoo. (be) 2. Listen, the birds ___________ (sing) in the tree. 3. ______ Miss Li ______ (have) a long holiday? 4. My mother usually ______ (cook) at 5 o'clock. 5. What _____ the twins _______on ...

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亳州市19398376955: Last week we - ----(have)a------(run)race at school用所给词适当形式填空 -
本瑶重酒: 你好 依次如下:1. had running2. second 保证准确率~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!不明白请及时追问,满意敬请采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢~~

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