用to do造句

作者&投稿:解池 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
我们安排下次见面, 用 be to do 造句 be to do.跟 to.be done 意思差~

首先,你的”我们安排下次见面“的英语是:We are to meet next time.
"be to do"是”计划、安排要做某事', to do 是不定式作表语;
“ to be done "是不定式的被动形式,与"be to do" 没有任何联系,只是样子上有点像而已。

I used to go to school on foot.翻译:我过去常常走路去学校。
used to do意为“曾经是;过去常常”,表示过去存在的状态,或过去经常做某事而现在不做了,只用于一般过去时。其在陈述句、一般疑问句和反意疑问句中的用法如下:
二、在一般疑问句中,used to do有两种句式:
1、Did + 主语+ use to + 动词原形...?
2、Used + 主语+ to + 动词原形...? 

三、在反意疑问句中,used to do也有两种句式: 
1、陈述句  +  used(n’t) + 主语?
2、陈述句 + did(n’t) + 主语?。

主语(To say) is to believe. ( To become a teacher) is my dream.
宾语I like (to work) here. I want (to have )lunch here.
表语My dream is (to become )a teacher. My job is (to teach).
宾补I asked him( to help) me. I want you (to go) for me.
定语I have something (to tell )you. i have good news (to tell )you.
状语I came (to see) you. He went( to see) a film.

what are you going to do ? 你想干嘛?将来时

尧都区17093112141: 用to do 做表语造句3个、 -
伊凤依达: 1.Toseeistobelieve.2.Mywishistobeadoctor.3.Carsaretobedrived.

尧都区17093112141: 用to do开头的句式造句 -
伊凤依达:[答案] To do some housework, wait your mother back.To do something, don't stay with me all the time.To do your work, resting is over now.

尧都区17093112141: 用to do表目的造句快告诉 -
伊凤依达: i want to do this job

尧都区17093112141: 用to do造句 -
伊凤依达: 谁说不能做谓语?be to do既定长久计划/be about to do既定计划即可实现/be going to do临时计划打算/used to do过去有现在无的习惯/ought to do按理应该/have to do被迫无奈不得不,这些都是合成谓语.只是to do不能单独做谓语而已. 主语:...

尧都区17093112141: 用to do造句唯不能做谓语,让它做主语,定语,状语等其余的六种成份造句,每个造一个,注清它做什么成份 -
伊凤依达:[答案] 谁说不能做谓语?be to do既定长久计划/be about to do既定计划即可实现/be going to do临时计划打算/used to do过去有现在无的习惯/ought to do按理应该/have to do被迫无奈不得不,这些都是合成谓语.只是to do不能单独做谓语而已. 主语:To ...

尧都区17093112141: 有 to do 造句 -
伊凤依达: I want to go home. The house is too old to live in.

尧都区17093112141: 用to do开头的句式造句 -
伊凤依达: To do some housework, wait your mother back. To do something, don't stay with me all the time. To do your work, resting is over now.

尧都区17093112141: 用to do 造点句子 -
伊凤依达: What do you like to do on Sunday

尧都区17093112141: 英语非谓语求帮造句(用to do行式) -
伊凤依达: 1、My aim is to be a scientist.2,I want to go to university.3:We al-l hope that you can come to the place this weekend.4I have a meeting to present.5、He is always the first person to come to school.6,The old doctor has so many patients to look after.

尧都区17093112141: 用 be used to do 造五个句子, -
伊凤依达:[答案] 用 be used to do 造五个句子 意思是被用于做...: 1 Pens are used to write on paper with. 2 Money is used to buy a lot of things with. 3 The big house is used to store much goods. 4 Sticks are used to walk with by many old people. 5 TVs are used to ...

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