
作者&投稿:离南 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



Can you imagine growing taller than a ten-story building? How about living to be 4,000 years old? Ever grow 2 inches (5 centimeters) in one day? Such things are not likely to happen in your life. But life would be very different if you were a tree!


Trees are plants. They are usually tall and have a main stem called a trunk. They come in many colors and sizes. The tallest trees are the tallest plants on Earth. Some trees can grow as tall as a soccer field is long. Trees grow everywhere on Earth, except for deserts at the equator and the North and South poles.


Trees provide protection from the wind. Tree roots spread through the ground and keep wind and rain from washing soil away. Trees and forests store water during times of drought and suck up extra water when it rains a lot. Without forests, areas would flood more often. Trees provide places for animals and other plants to live. Trees help keep Earth the right temperature for life. Trees help create the air we breathe by turning the gas carbon dioxide into oxygen.

Aside from all that, many people rely on trees to earn their livings. Wood from trees builds houses. We eat fruits and nuts that grow on trees. Olive oil and coconut oil come from trees. Corks, spices, and maple syrup are tree products. Trees are even used to make some medicines that fight cancer and other diseases.


The five major parts of a tree are roots, trunk, leaves, flowers, and seeds. All these parts work together to help a tree live, grow, and produce new trees.


What do all those roots do underground? Roots hold the tree in place. They also have tiny, little hairs that absorb water and minerals from the soil. The tree needs water and minerals to live and grow. Roots are always growing. In some trees, roots spread farther underground than the tree spreads up in the air!


How does the trunk help the tree? A tree’s trunk is covered by bark, which protects the tree. Openings in the bark let air get in and out of the trunk. Bark is made of mostly dead cells. Bark can be a different color and thickness on different trees. Scientists often use bark to help tell types of trees apart.

Under the bark, a tree’s trunk moves water and minerals around to parts of the tree that need them. As the tree grows, cells inside the trunk are continually dying and being replaced. The cells closer to the center of the trunk die. New cells grow around them and make the trunk thicker. This growth leaves behind rings in the tree trunk. You can tell how long a tree lived by cutting through the trunk and counting these rings!


Why are leaves green? Leaves contain a chemical called chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is green. Chlorophyll combines with carbon dioxide from the air, water in the leaf, and light from the Sun to make food for the tree. This food provides energy for the tree to grow.

Water constantly leaks out of a tree into the air through its leaves. This evaporating water keeps the tree cool on hot days just like evaporating sweat keeps you cool. The tree’s roots draw water from the ground to replace what is lost. The trunk carries the water to the leaves. It’s important that water keep moving through a tree to prevent it from overheating.


Some trees have large, colorful flowers. Others have flowers that are small, pale, and hard to notice. Still others, such as pine trees, make no flowers and instead have cones. These flowers and cones produce pollen, which helps the trees reproduce. Wind, birds, bats, mammals, and insects carry pollen from male flowers to female flowers. This fertilizes the trees and allows them to create seeds.


Once fertilized, seeds ripen on the tree. Once ripe, the seeds have many interesting means of spreading far and wide before hitting the ground. Water, wind, mammals, birds, ants, and people can all help to send tree seeds far from their parent trees.

Pine tree seeds have winglike shapes and float to the ground like little helicopters. Oak seeds are encased in hard acorn shells, which squirrels plant in the ground. The seeds of a willow tree have fluffy fibers, which let the winds carry them far and wide. Coconuts are seeds that can float across the ocean to find homes on distant shores!

Ways of Relaxation

Relaxation is important because we need to take a break in our busy daily life. We will be less efficient if we keep working or studying all the time. However, everyone has his or her own ways of relaxation. Some people may prefer listening to the music or go to the concert. Some people may prefer going hiking or fishing to be away from the city. Some people may prefer watching movies. No matter what ways of relaxation a person perfers, it is usually the things or activities that person loves. My favorite way of relaxation is playing all kinds of ballgames. I usually play basketball with my friends. After an hour's game, I will just take a shower and all my energy will be restored.


I like snow,not because it very beautiful,but I can play.In winter we can play a lot of game,so we have much choice.
We can make snowball,play snow fight and dig snow hole.I like play snow fight best,cause I can play with many partner,I like play with team and lively,it make me feel atmosphere.It also can promote our friendship.This is why I like this game.
I believe if you like snow and you will must like this game too,it is very interesting.

I like snow,not because it very beautiful,but I can play.In winter we can play a lot of game,so we have much choice.
We can make snowball in the park and school.I like make snowmen and I make it very funny. This is why I like this game.
I like playing snow, and,it is interesting.

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和龙市18074334151: 请以“我最喜欢的雪中游戏”为题,写一篇100词以内的英文短文 -
住冰甫美: I like snow,not because it very beautiful,but I can play.In winter we can play a lot of game,so we have much choice. We can make snowball,play snow fight and dig snow hole.I like play snow fight best,cause I can play with many partner,I like play with ...

和龙市18074334151: 请以“我最喜欢的雪中游戏”为题,写一篇100词以内的英文短文 -
住冰甫美: 我不翻译了.I like snow,not because it very beautiful,but I can play.In winter we can play a lot of game,so we have much choice.We can make snowball in the park and school.I like make snowmen and I make it very funny. This is why I like this game.I like playing snow, and,it is interesting.

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住冰甫美: 冬天像一位神奇的魔术师,它为我们变换出一个晶莹的童话世界,厚厚的洁白的大雪像一床柔软的棉被严严实实地将目之所及的一切都盖住,到处茫茫一片;小河也不再哗啦啦地唱歌,河水变成光滑如镜的冰面;阳光映着白雪晃得人睁不开眼睛...

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和龙市18074334151: 英语短文我最喜欢的雪中游戏
住冰甫美:My favourite season is winter.I like playing in the snow.I think it's very interesting.I often invite my friends to play with me.We often play a lot of games,like throwing snowballs,making a snowman……I am very happy when I doing these.I like winter.I am expecting the next winter!

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住冰甫美: 玩雪 今天,下了一场雪. 雪下得可真大啊!树上,房屋上,路上全都是雪.这是冬姑娘给大地铺上的毯子. 我立刻跑到楼下,去和朋友们一起玩雪.吴谢敏、程谨都在雪地里玩呢,我走过去,对她们说:“咱们来堆雪人吧.”她们齐声说:...

和龙市18074334151: 关于“我最喜欢的雪中游戏” 英语短文 -
住冰甫美: my favourite game playing in snow

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