
作者&投稿:壤平 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

《They Don't Care About Us》。这首歌有两个版本,这是其中之一。

Will yoy be there

要不就是这个宣传片,brace yourself:http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzU2NTg4ODA=.html

They dont care about us -Michael Jackson 在吉隆坡
Skinhead, Deadhead, Everybody, Gone bad
Situation, Aggravation, Everybody, Allegation
In the suite, On the news Everybody Bang bang
Shock dead, Everybodys Gone mad
All I wanna say is that they dont really care about us
All I wanna say is that they dont really care about us
Beat me, Hate me, You can never Break me
Will me, thrill me, you can never kill me
Jew me, sue me, everybody do me, kick me
Dont you Black or white me
All I wanna say is that they dont really care about us
All I wanna say is that they dont really care about us
Tell me what has become of my life
I have a wife and two children who love me
I am the victim of police brutality, now
Im tired of bein the victim of hate,
Your rapin me of my pride
Oh for Gods sake
I look to heaven to fulfill its prophecy...
Set me free
Skinhead, Deadhead, Everybody, Gone bad
Situation, Aggravation, Everybody, Allegation
In the suite, On the news Everybody, Dog food
Black man, black mail, throw the brother in jail
All I wanna say is that they dont really care about us
All I wanna say is that they dont really care about us
Tell me what has become of my rights
Am I invisible cause you ignore me?
Your proclamation promised me free liberty, now
Im tired of bein the victim of shame
Theyre throwin me in a class with a bad name
I cant believe this is the land from witch I came
You know I really do hate to say it
The government dont wanna see
But if roosevelt was livin, he wouldnt let this be, no no
Skinhead, Deadhead, Everybody, Gone bad
Situation, speculation, Everybody, litigation
Beat me, bash me, you can never trash me
hit me, kick me , you can never get me
All I wanna say is that they dont really care about us
All I wanna say is that they dont really care about us
Some things in life they just dont wanna see
But if Martin Luther was livin
He wouldnt let this be
Skinhead, Deadhead, Everybody, Gone bad
Situation, Aggravation, Everybody, Allegation
In the suite, On the news Everybody, Dog food
Kick me, kike me, dont you wrong or right me
All I wanna say is that they dont really care about us
All I wanna say is that they dont really care about us
All I wanna say is that they dont really care about us
All I wanna say is that they dont really care about us
All I wanna say is that they dont really care about us
All I wanna say is that they dont really care about us

歌名:Thriller 歌手:Michael Jackson 所属专辑:Michael Jackson's Vision 作词:Rod Temperton 作曲:Rod Temperton It's close to midnight and something evil's lurking in the dark 午夜时分 魔鬼在暗处隐藏 Under the moonlight you see a sight that almost stops your heart 月光之下 这幅...

迈参与制作的MV都是经典!thriller 颤栗 beat it 避开 billie jeah 比利珍 bad 真棒 smooth criminal 犯罪高手 leave me alone 别烦我 jam 困惑 in the closet 密爱 remember the time 铭记这时刻 black or white 黑和白 scream 尖叫 stranger in moscow 莫斯科的游子 earth song 地球之歌 you a...

"Remember The Time"出自专辑《Dangerous》(1991)。"Remember The Time"是在92年1月发行的,伴随着古埃及为背景的故事情节。导演:John Sinelton 拍摄地点及时间:1991 片长:9'19 分 首映日期:1992 编舞:Fatima 主要演员:Michael Jackson,喜剧演员Eddie Murphy,名模 Iman,NBA巨星“魔术师”约翰逊 ...

歌手:Michael Jackson 作词:Michael Jackson 作曲:Michael Jackson 歌词:Skinhead Deadhead Everybody Gone bad 光头党 骷髅党 没一个好东西 Situation Aggravation Everybody Allegation 见风使舵 投机取巧 每个人都在无端指控 In the suite On the news Everybody dog food 诉讼中 新闻里 充斥着无耻...

《Smooth Criminal》,收录在1989年专辑《BAD》中。这个MV很精彩的,网上一般流通的就是一开始就是他从进入酒馆开始的,其实完整版的MV前面还有一段,就是MJ和一个小姑娘和两个小男孩一起玩皮球,皮球跑到树丛后面,MJ就和小姑娘一起去找,结果发现一个高科技的犯罪团伙,然后那个黑老大发现了他们,就...

Michael Jackson 《You Rock My World》一曲收录于Michael Jackson专辑《Invincible》。歌曲中文名为《天旋地转》。又译:你动摇了我的世界,你震撼了我的世界。《You Rock My World》的MTV,迈克开创新式情歌风格,除马龙白兰度之外还有好莱坞红星Chris Tucker克里斯塔克(尖峰时刻2)特别前来跨刀。

为了让一些没有看过《Ghosts》MV的歌迷了解情节,请先仔细阅读中文对白。(有点长,坚持住,越往后越精彩) 《Ghosts》中文对白如下: 『夜深了,四围里一片漆黑。一帮人正手执火把穿过“普通山谷”走向镇外一座孤独的住宅。他们在一扇大门前面停了下来,门旁一个牌子赫然写着“闲人免入”。』 ...


《black or white》黑或白mv中他与印第安人一起跳舞,下面是印第安人和野牛仔们。这是一部关于消除种族歧视的MV。很棒是我最喜欢的MV之一。

Smooth Criminal 犯罪高手 犯罪高手是迈克尔 杰克逊BAD专辑里的歌曲MV,拍摄的十分华丽,在MV里还有MJ自创的前倾45度,在MJ 真棒部分巡演、危险巡演和历史巡演深受大家的欢迎,尤其是前倾45度,简直让人难以置信。是45°前倾,不是70°。

云梦县19153978255: 求迈克尔杰克逊的一个Mv名. -
倚元赛尼: stranger in moscow莫斯科的陌生人

云梦县19153978255: 迈克尔杰克逊的哪首歌曲MV最High最火?
倚元赛尼: Don't Stop 'til You Get Enough(一首MJ经典假声歌曲) http://www.haoting.com/htmusic/80793ht.htm Thriller(MJ颠峰之作) http://www.haoting.com/htmusic/80802ht.htm Beat It(人气最高的一首歌) http://www.haoting.com/htmusic/80803ht.htm Billie...

云梦县19153978255: 找一首迈克杰克逊的mv -
倚元赛尼: earth song.绝对经典,哈哈,楼主果然有品位

云梦县19153978255: 迈克杰克逊的一首MV -
倚元赛尼: 是HEAL THE WORLD 拯救地球 mj的歌很棒

云梦县19153978255: 急!求迈克尔杰克逊MV里的一首歌 -
倚元赛尼: 那首歌是Dirty Diana!当年MJ去英国巡演时,英国王储查尔斯和戴安娜王妃去看了~~演唱会前查尔斯王子和戴安娜王妃去后台接见了MJ~~戴安娜王妃悄悄的问MJ演唱会上会唱Dirty Diana这首歌吗,MJ说为了对王妃的尊敬,不会唱这首歌~戴...

云梦县19153978255: 迈克尔杰克逊有个在教堂里一个恐怖MV 那个MV的歌名叫什么? -
倚元赛尼: Ghosts《Ghosts》《2bad》《Is it scary?》本身并不是组歌,单独听哪一首也不是绝对吸引人,MJ是这个世界上最精明,最懂得如何宣传的人,他于1996年拍摄了一部伟大的狂想音乐录影带,总共35分钟长.改编自Michael Jackson和恐怖小...

云梦县19153978255: 迈克尔杰克逊MV要经典的 出名的 好看 -
倚元赛尼: 最经典的是thriller,绝对的经典!!跨时代的作品!!然后还有smooth criminal的,其实这个不能算是MV,这个只是MJ的音乐电影MOONWALKER的一个片段,不过很精彩,尤其是舞蹈,绝对无敌!black or white也很好,当初引起了很大反响,MJ的肤色之谜也是从这个MV开始的.JAM,是和乔丹拍的,史上最强劲的双MJ组合!SCREAM,MJ和他妹妹拍的,也是史上最贵的MV花了700W美元...(虽然我看着很一般) 最后就是WHO IS IT和YOU ROCK MY WORLD这两个MV我觉得剧情不错~~ 手打的..........楼主支持一下~~

云梦县19153978255: 迈克尔杰克逊有一首歌的MV曾吓了无数人,那是什么歌曲 -
倚元赛尼: Thriller(颤栗)~ MV观看及下载地址: http://s1.aymtv.com:168/aymtv/Michael Jackson_Thriller.wmv 歌曲视听及下载地址: http://qinqindd.i70s.com/upload/ensongs/thriller.wma

云梦县19153978255: 迈克尔杰克逊 世界吉尼斯记录最长的有一首MV,谁能帮我找一下啊? -
倚元赛尼: MV叫Ghosts 这首MV长达39分多钟 是有史以来最长的一部MV 因此被载入了世界吉尼斯记录 MV剧本http://www.mjjasia.com/show.aspx?id=175&cid=58 MV视频http://www.youku.com/playlist_show/id_1291552.html 参考资料:www.mjjasia.com

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