
作者&投稿:酆钩 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



(满分100分,时间100分钟 )
1. — Who is mother?—Her mother is Li Ying.
A. his B. her C.your
2. There more roads in our city,
A. have B. will be C. will have
3.He often to school by bus.
A. go B. goes C.went
4. There a book and two pencils on the desk.
A. am B. is C. are
5. --- Your coat is so beautiful !
--- ________
A. You’re right . B. Thank you . C. Yes , it is . D. No , it’s not .
6. is his coat?It is under the chair.
A. When B. Where C.How
7. does it takes to get to school? Half an hour..
A. How many B. How far C.How long
8. Let’s TV. A football game is on.
A. look at B.see C.watch
9.We use a pencil for .
A. write B. writes C.writing
10. They going to make a new house tomorrow.
A. will be B. are C. is
11. Perhaps more people will travel in our city in the future.
A. by taxi B. in taxi C.by the taxi
12. There are students in our class than in their class.
A. more B. much C. many
13. I’d like to Beijing.
A. travel B. to travel C.travelling
14. ---- does it cost? ---Five hundred and fifty yuan.
A. How many B. How much C. How old
15. What will you possibly be ?
A. in 15 years time B.in 15 years’ time C.in 15 year time

A.This is a picture 16 a bedroom. It’s the twins’ 17 . Look 18 the wall. They are very white. There 19 two pictures and a map on it. We can see an old clock 20 the desk. Some 21 are on it,too. Lily’s blouse is on 22 bed.Lucy’s clothes are on the 23 . 24 under the bed? There 25 a box and some shoes under it.

16.A.at B.of C.for
17 A bedrooms B a bedroom C bedroom
18.A.of B.in C.at
19.A.are B.is C.will
20.A.at B.in C. on

21.A.pencil B.pen C.books
22.A.a B.the C.an
23.A.door B.window C. chair
24.A.What B.What are C.What’s
25.A.are B.is C.has

There are four people in the twins’ family. They are the twins,their mother and their father. The twins’ names are Lucy and Lily. They are fourteen. They are in the same class in No. 3 Middle School and they are all good students. Their father Mr. King is a teacher. He is thirty-nine. He teaches English in a school near his home.Their mother Mrs. King is a doctor. She works in a hospital(医院). Now they are all at home.They are happy.

26.There are_________people in the twins family. A.three B.four C.five
27.Mr King is a___________. A.worker B.teather C.doctor
28.Mrs King works_________. A.in a school B.in a factory C.in a hospital
29.How old is Mrs.King?A.Thirty. B.Thirty-nine. C. I dont know.
30.The twins are in__________ middle school. A.No. 1 B.No. 2 C.No. 3

B. 阅读短文,判断正误,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”
Jim Green is a student at No. 14 Middle school. He has classes from Monday to Friday. He has many things to do after class. On Monday and Wednesday he helps his friends with their English. On Tuesday he makes modle planes. On Friday afternoon, he plays basketball. He goes to the park with his parents and sister on Saturday. On Sunday, he has a good rest at home and does his homework.

( )31.Jim has classes from Monday to Saturday.
( )32.Jim helps his friends with their English after class on Monday and Wednesday.
( )33.Jim plays basketball on Saturday afternoon.
( )34.Jim helps his sister with her homework on Wednesday.
( )35.Jim has a good rest at home on Sunday.

IV. 对话连线(每题1分,共10分)(41-50)
36. How are you? a.She is a doctor.
37.What is your mother? b.Yes,very much.
38.Nice to meet you. c.Under the desk.
39.Where do you live? d.On the first of March
40.How do you do? e. How do you do?
41.When is your father’s birthday? f.Half an hour.
42.How do you come to school? g.I live in Lucheng City.
43.How long does it take you to get to school? h. By bike.
44.Where is my book? i. Fine,thank you
45.Do you like English? j. Nice to meet you.

V. 词汇运用(每题1分,共35分)
A. 分类写词(每一类词写出4个词,写对1个得1分,共20分)(46-65题)
i.家庭成员 ii.服装 iii.月份 iv.交通工具 v.职业:
B. 用所给动词的适当形式完成下列句子。(每小题2分,共10分)
66.Look,the boy under the tree (sing) now.
67.In the past we (have) no computer .
68.My brother (be) a doctor in the future.
69.There (be) more roads in our city in the future.
70.Lily (want) to learn English well.
C适当形式填空(每小题1分, 共5分)
Hello!My name is Tim. My father (work) on a farm. My mother is at home every day. She is a good mother. I love (she) very much. I have an uncle. He and my aunt (teach) English in a school. I am a student. My school is near th farm. I think I need to (work) hard. I want (be) a teacher.


用50个左右的单词介绍你的一个朋友Tom (姓名、年龄、长相、爱好、善于做的事情和其他方面)


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