
作者&投稿:蔡庞 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

一、1.instead2.allowed 3.licence4.teenagers 5.silly
二、1.drive 2.doing 3.to swim 4.to think 5.pierced6.wearing
三、1.should be asked 2.should be allowed 3.shouldbe finished4.can be used
四、1.should be allowed 2.don't think; aren’t’tserious enough3.seemed to 4.allow me to 5.spend time with


We can't do anything without a healthy body. So it's important for us to keeo fit. I'll give you some advice.
  First, you should have a balanced diet.You can eat more vegetables and fruit. Second, you should go to bed and get uo early . Then you'll finish things better with a good sleep. Third, you can do sports every day. And sport wil make you feel full of enery. What's more? If you feel lonely, you can try commounicating with your parents and friends. I believe yoy will be happy though this way.
  Having a good body makes you enjoy the world better. Why not do it now?

【答案】: Ⅰ、1、 forever 2、remained 3、returned 4、realize 5、suddenlv Ⅱ、1、A根据句意可知没有你的帮助我完不成任务。故选A。2、A根据题意可知是“搜查”,选A。3、D 考查It takes sb. some time to do sth.句型。4、C even thoughH即使’’。5、D根据...

2、B根据上句的句意可知这里指“红色”。3、C根据下句的句意“they are usually quiet”可知这里指 “镇静”。故选C。4、D根据句意指独自度过时间的人更喜欢蓝色。5、D根据句意可知这里是表示比较,即在暖色的房子里比 在冷色的房子里更容易度过时间。6、A根据下...

学练优 八年级下册英语试卷答案!
学练优 八年级下册英语试卷答案! 第二单元... 第二单元 展开  我来答 分享 微信扫一扫 网络繁忙请稍后重试 新浪微博 QQ空间 举报 浏览8 次 可选中1个或多个下面的关键词,搜索相关资料。也可直接点“搜索资料”搜索整个问题。 八年级下册英语 搜索资料 本地图片 图片链接 提交回答 匿名 回答自动...

初一下册英语教辅书哪一本好???!! 急急急!!



答案:A ( )2. My mother told me that light ___ much faster than sound.A. is traveling B. will travel C. traveled D. travels 答案:D 完成句子 1.我今天象往常一样做公共汽车去学校。 Today, I take a bus to school ___ ___.答案:as usual 2. 你应该...


8. took, to finish 9. is made upof III. 1-5 BACAC 6-10 CBCBC IV. 1-5 BACCA V. One possible version Last summer holiday I wentto visit the museum in Haikou with my friends. In the museum, we saw many oldthings on show. We learned a lot about the history of...

学英语要 1、多听 坚持每天听半小时英语,培养语感。无论你听不听得懂,都得坚持听 2、多读 锻练你的口感,形成你开口说英语的惯性,培养你对英语的感觉 3、多写 下笔如流水,避免走入下笔维艰的尴尬境地 4、多说 习惯成自然。克服怯场心态,积累临场经验 5、多看 熟悉英语环境,自然进入状态http...

木垒哈萨克自治县18588146379: 八年级下册英语第五单元作文不好意思,今天没去学校上课所以不知道该怎么写,Make notes about an event you remember well.What was the event?when ... -
汗申里亚:[答案] 不知道多少字?随便写写This is the event that made me realize life is so fragile.I have got a pet dog from my friends. It's just so lovely that I can't stop misssing it. Last week, it died. It was not b...

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汗申里亚: If people pay attention to the American music, there is a name they can't ignore—Justin Bieber, the hot young star in the world. Bieber got his fame from the Internet, he put his video on it and then he began to have fans, his agent found him and ...

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汗申里亚: Dear looking for hlep, There are lots of thing you couid do .first,you should tell your teacher why didn't do homework .then youshould tell her to return your mathbook as quickly as possible .and you mustn't borrod her things again . or maybe you could borrow her things and don't return her good luck yous aunt chen

木垒哈萨克自治县18588146379: 跪求八年级下册英语第四单元作文 范文 今天之内快啊 -
汗申里亚:[答案] Dear uncle,I got my report card today.Luckily I did well in the exam this time.To my surprise,my best report was from my math teacher.He said I was hard-working and I found math really interesting.But...

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汗申里亚: I. 1-4 CABA 5-8 BACA II. 1. careless 2. angry 3. dirty 4. quickly 5. clearly 6. minutes 7. nothing8. ready III. 1. in a minute 2. is themeaning 3. Don't shout 4. What is, for IV. 1. is angry with 2. shout at 3.do my best 4. With the teacher's help 5. turning down the music 6. keeping you waiting

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汗申里亚: Spitteler famous poet once said: "A smile is the language have multiple meanings." Indeed, the smile is a common language in the world, it is in its own unique way to express the many happy connotation - tolerance, concern, passion, wisdom. ...

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汗申里亚: teenagers should do chores teenagers depend on their parents too much help their parents do chores find different kinds of excuses they are a member of a family and they should share the housework do the dishes,fold their clothes......they are old enough to take care of themselves Michael 全部都是手打的,望采纳

木垒哈萨克自治县18588146379: 学练优八下英语答案人教版 -
汗申里亚: I. 1-5 CBCBA II. 1. somewhere 2.practice 3. myself 4. ill 5. quietly 6. mind 7. throw III. 1. are going to have 2.loudly 3. myself 4. smoking IV. 1. do me a favor 2. fell ill 3. good at playing 4. mind not talking 5.about it 6. make the bed

木垒哈萨克自治县18588146379: 跪求八年级下册英语第四单元作文 要有题目 范文 拜托了 今天之内快啊 好的话追加 -
汗申里亚: Dear uncle, I got my report card today. Luckily I did well in the exam this time. To my surprise, my best report was from my math teacher. He said I was hard-working and I found math really interesting. But a disappointing result was in history. My ...

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汗申里亚: My Weekend The weekend is coming. I will have a happy weekend. On Saturday morning, I'm going to do my homework. And then, I'm going out to play. I'm going to the bookstore and read some books. In the evening, I am going to have ...

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