
作者&投稿:再视 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

What would you like to do now?
答:I would like to do my homework。


It's cooler than it was yesterday.不用说today也表达了意思。
He is getting more interested in English gradually.
The more he eats,the fatter he is.(用fatter不是很礼貌,用heavier更好)
He is two years older than me/.....than I am.

1. Until recently, scientists began to explore caffeine may cause harm to human health.
2. Today, people generally believe that the human body is a chemical plant in its internal always in the numerous and complex chemical changes and physical changes.
3. Animal and human studies have suggested that vitamin A on lung cancer preventive role.

1、Until recent, scientist just start investigate caffeine may to the human body healthily result in of bane.
2.Today, people are widespread to think, the human body is a chemical engineering factory, at it internal always and all is carry on countless complicated chemistry variety and physical variety.
3.Express to the animal and person's ground some researches, the vitamin A has prevention function to the lung cancer.

1.It was not until recently that scientists had begun to find out how the caffeine does harm to human health
2.Today,it is generally believed that the human body is a chemical plant,inside which numerous chemical reaction and physical change have been taking place
3.Studies on animals and humans have suggested that vitamin A has preventive effect on lung cancer.

1,Not until recently did scientist begin to research into the danger of the caffeine which may make harm to health of poeple.

1 Until recently,scientists began to explore the danger of caffeine which may cause harm to human health.

2 People in nowadays generally believe that human body is a chemical history, which is performing countless and complex chemical changes and physical changes

3 Animal and human researches indicate that vitamin A has a positive prevention to lung cancer

1. Not until recently have the scientists begun to study the probable harm that caffeine may cause to people's health.

2.At present it has become a conventional belief that the human body equals to a work plant where complicated chemical and physical changes of uncountable amount are constantly taking place inside.

3.Researches done on animals as well as human beings have shown that the vitamin A can be used in effective prevention of lung cancer.

一句翻译 英语的翻译请各位大神指点迷津
Chinese has been taught like other foreign languages at more and more schools across Europe.

是:My dear,i still kept the pen that you gave me ,i still love you very much

将下列句子翻译成英语 请各位高人回答时带上序号~谢谢啊!!!_百度知...
He is playing guitar while singing.2.吃午饭的时间到了 It's lunch time.3.每晚你睡多长时间?How long do you sleep every night?4.别忘了带上你的照相机 Don't forget to bring along your camera 5.我正在为我的女儿找一件裙子 I am looking for a skirt for my daughter....

Once a year.9.英语书12元,数学书15元,那本书便宜?(```cost)。The English book costs 12 yuan,the math book costs 15 yuan,which one is cheaper?10.你的卧室有多大面积?18平方米。How large is your room?18 square meter.

1:他累了 He is tired.2:好主意 Good idea.3:太糟糕了 It’s too bad,4:我认为如此 I think so.5:我觉得不太舒服 I feel bad;I feel uncomfortably.6:听到此事我很难过 I am sorry to hear this matter.7:你阴气太盛 Your yinqi is too lively. 阴气直接是中文的,翻译词典也是这么...

1.大量的树木被砍伐,森林越来越少:A lot of trees will be cut down, and the forest less and less 2.工厂排放污水,河流被污染越来越严重:Factories discharge, rivers polluted more and more serious 3.浪费现象严重:Serious waste of 4.多植树,减少一次性筷子的使用:More trees, reduce ...

1.Sorry. I'm having a meeting. You can send a massage to me. I'm busy these days, if you have enough time, you can talk with me on QQ a little while later. You can talk to me on QQ, too.2.You can send an Electronic Mail to me a while later. Please send me ...

3.我无法想象这件事会经常发生在他身上I cannot believe that it alwways happens to him.4

我也是8.1生的~有些地方是意译的哦~I will study Computer Science and Technology in America.I choose America for this major since computer technology in America is more developped than that in China.I can not tell the differences since I have never studied in America before.I have ...

Noone go against the proposal.请把梯子靠在墙上。against Put the ladder against the wall. 除了我,没人知道。except\/but Nobody knows it except me. 汤姆因病没来。because of Tom was absent because of his illness. 我用木材而不是塑料做了个箱子。instead of I used wood instead of ...

江岸区18633376082: 求三句英语翻译多谢老大们帮忙!
里饼博士: 1.我对他的期望很高! I expect a lot from him I hold high expectations for him 2.从和你的交往中了解到,你很聪慧,很勤奋,也很有修养! I learn from the interaction with you that you are wise, diligent and well-cultured. 3.人生道路很漫长,彼此要有对方,这很难能可贵 The path of life is long and the concern for each other is very valuable.

江岸区18633376082: 再请英文强的大哥大姐帮忙翻译.:)))要标准一点哦!:)1,我不想哭,可我忍不住2,别具一格的全家福3,有熊宝宝陪我,我睡的更甜了4,“小地主" ... -
里饼博士:[答案] 1.i dont wanna cry,but it cannot help2.an extraordinary photograph of whole family3.with the darling baby bear nearby,i slept even more sweety4.little landlord wish you a happy new year!5.i wanna be a...

江岸区18633376082: 请各位哥哥姐姐们用英语帮我翻译几个句子,越快越好,谢谢!
里饼博士: 1, look back, his parents filled with gratitude.2, the mother never forget to remind me that she is the director of the home, and whenever need her, she always helped me.3, the little boy alone will often go hungry, because he can't cook.4, in the ...

江岸区18633376082: 英语翻译请大哥大姐帮忙 -
里饼博士:[答案] Hangzhou Gaoke Info Technology Co.,Ltd 公司名高科一般用拼音或者用谐音.

江岸区18633376082: 几句话帮忙用简单英语翻译 急急急急急急急急急求!!!!!!!! -
里饼博士: 1. Time is out, the key lies in you would squeeze. 2 don't only immediate enjoyment, long-term vision of a future will be. 3 to learn confidence, have a good attitude. 4 complete homework, will have a good result. 5. The teacher doesn't know as well, ...

江岸区18633376082: 大哥大姐帮帮忙,用英文翻译几个句子. -
里饼博士: 1.When tears stream down on my face, I just know, breaking up is another kind of understanding. 2.I want to cry,but I have already not known how to cry. 3.Waiting.......perhaps is not so easy; hurting........however, is as easy as pie. 4.Go away from me with my final mercy.

江岸区18633376082: 各位大哥大姐帮帮忙忙, 把这几段句子翻译成英语下, 我急用 , 在这我先提前谢谢你们勒!
里饼博士: A work with a sweat is a harvest, A stumble one tears equals a lesson, A sincere and a love equals a friendship, An adventure with a journey is a life,

江岸区18633376082: 大哥大姐们帮帮我呀!!帮我把句子翻译成英语句子!
里饼博士: (1) This is my family's photograph of the whole family. (2) this is my cousin. (3), who is her uncle. (4) Thank you for your help. (5) of the two is my friend Tom and David.

江岸区18633376082: 大哥大姐帮忙翻译成英语 -
里饼博士: 1.We should take measures to prevent people from cutting down trees 2.Eating too much fat and sugar will make you gain weigh3.The doctor said to play tennis on your health

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