用英文写出大量的 学校建筑

作者&投稿:帛览 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

school building教学楼 学校建筑
sports field操场
library 图书馆
dormitory 宿舍
diningroom 食堂

答案是:there are many building in the school

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school building(教学楼)

administration building(行政楼)



music room(音乐教室)

art room(美术教室)

multimedia classroom(多媒体课室)

school hall(礼堂)


basketball court(篮球场)

football field(足球场)

volleyball Court(排球场)

swimming pool(游泳池)



食堂(mess hall)

green area(绿化区)


computer room(电脑室)



英 [skuːl]  美 [skuːl] 

n. (中、小)学校;全校师生;上学时间;上学期间;专科学校;大学,大学期间;(大学的)系,学院;学派,流派;(鱼、鲸、海豚等的)群;<英>(牛津大学的)期末考试大厅;(牛津大学的)期末考试;<英>一伙赌徒;(轮番到酒吧请客喝酒的)酒友。

v. 教育,培养(儿童);训练,教育;(尤指为竞赛)驯马;(鱼,海兽)成群;强迫自己(做难事)。

school building(教学楼),administration building(行政楼),classroom(教室),playground(操场), music room(音乐教室),art room(美术教室),multimedia classroom(多媒体课室),school hall(礼堂),gymnasium(体育馆), basketball court(篮球场),football field(足球场),volleyball Court(排球场),swimming pool(游泳池),canteen(小卖部),dormitory(宿舍),食堂(mess hall),green area(绿化区),library(图书馆),computer room(电脑室)

平鲁区18618453066: 用英文写出大量的 学校建筑 -
勇毓小眉: massive of campus buildings

平鲁区18618453066: 写一篇介绍你的学校以及建筑物英语作文.our school,buildings,a lot of…classroom,music room,computer room,playground,in frontof… near -
勇毓小眉:[答案] 我赞美学校是学习的天堂.每天都能听到琅琅书声,清脆、悦耳;做作业时齐刷刷的“沙沙”写字声让人陶醉;音乐教室时时传来阵阵优美的歌声,让艺术与我们结下不解之缘;一件件精美而富有创意的小制作出自我们一双双灵巧...

平鲁区18618453066: 描写校园建筑物不少于300词的英语作文 -
勇毓小眉:[答案] 校园的一角我的校园一角十分美丽,你能在那里欣赏到优雅的风景和琅琅的读书声.清晨,我踏着轻盈的脚步来到了学校,转眼看,啊!眼前的风景然我大吃一惊,我好像变成了一只树精灵,飞进了一片林里,我沿着有鹅卵...

平鲁区18618453066: 英文短文,关于描写校园的.建筑之类帮我找一下这类的英文短文 -
勇毓小眉:[答案] Gerald Oliver The National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) arrived on Duke's campus when Gerald Oliver was a sophomore.By... She plans to teach English in France for a year before deciding whether to attend law school.Her involvement in the ...

平鲁区18618453066: 英语作文:用不少于5句话简单介绍你学校附近有什么建筑物 -
勇毓小眉: My school is in a noisy district. There is a building and two stationers across from the school.Next to our school is a tall building. There is a supermarket behind our school. when we are hungry, we often go there for food. There is also a small park between the two stationers. we often play there after school.

平鲁区18618453066: 学校里有很多建筑物的英语翻译 -
勇毓小眉: 答案是:there are many building in the school☞ ♧手工翻译☀尊重劳动☀欢迎提问☀感谢采纳♧ ☜

平鲁区18618453066: 写一篇介绍你的学校以及建筑物英语作文.our school,buildings,a lot of… -
勇毓小眉: 我赞美学校是学习的天堂.每天都能听到琅琅书声,清脆、悦耳;做作业时齐刷刷的“沙沙”写字声让人陶醉;音乐教室时时传来阵阵优美的歌声,让艺术与我们结下不解之缘;一件件精美而富有创意的小制作出自我们一双双灵巧的手,教会我们用自己的双手来创造美好的生活;在操场上尽情展现我们英姿飒爽身躯,精神抖擞的面容,以强健的身体迎接每一天的挑战.

平鲁区18618453066: 关于学校建筑物英语单词 -
勇毓小眉:[答案] dining hall 食堂 gate 大门 building 建筑物(这里可以延伸,如,stusent building 学生大楼 classroom building 教室大楼.)dining hall 食堂(这里也可以延伸),office 办公室(这里也可以延伸),playground 操场,science lab 实验室(这里也可以延...

平鲁区18618453066: 关于介绍自己学校的建筑物的英语短文(要写颜色) -
勇毓小眉: Our school has the red roof, the snow white wall, all around has the green towering big tree encirclement, we are putting on the black school uniform, has increased a sharp scenery for the school

平鲁区18618453066: 有英语描述著名建筑至少三句话 -
勇毓小眉: My school is big and nice.There are two beautiful gardens.There are twenty classes and nine hundred students in our school.There is a big library in our school .I often read books there. I love my school very much. 我的学校大而美丽,有两个美丽的花园.有二十个班级和九百名学生.我们学校有一个大图书馆,我经常在那儿读书. 我非常爱我的学校.

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