the sun is on the sky是什么意思

作者&投稿:翠馥 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
The sun is hot in the sky 什么意思~

太阳火辣辣地闪耀在空中。 the sky
1. 在空中
2. 在天空中

the sun is on the sky

But the sky is anything but clear.
All those claims that the sky is falling are utter nonsense.

the sun is on the sky

the sun is on the sky
You see, the sun is the sky on the right you laughing!
The sun is coming out again. Under the sky, on the land, the trees are growing strongly and healthily.

the sun is on the sky

南木林县18446711313: the sun is on the sky是什么意思 -
姬眨灵健:[答案] the sun is on the sky太阳在天空例句:1.But the sky is anything but clear. 但天空云迷雾锁,一点都不清朗.2.All those claims that the sky is falling are utter nonsense. 所有的说天就快塌下来的说法完全就是...

南木林县18446711313: the sun is on the sky是什么意思 -
姬眨灵健: the sun is on the sky 太阳在天空中 双语例句 1.You see, the sun is the sky on the right you laughing! 你瞧,太阳正在天空上对你笑呢!2.The sun is coming out again. Under the sky, on the land, the trees are growing strongly and healthily. 太阳又爬上了山头.蓝天之下,土地之上,树苗茁壮成长

南木林县18446711313: ...sun setting in - _____ - west, I saw birds flying - ___ - south. a. /, the b. the, / c. /, / d. a, the 2.He would be there at 12 noon when the sun is - ____ - on the farm.... -
姬眨灵健:[答案] 第一题选B 因为前半句的WEST是名词,前面要加定冠词,后面的SOUTH是副词,所以不需要冠词. 第二题选A 翻译过来为:我会在正午12点太阳最暖和的时候在农场.根据句意可判断应填warm的最高级the warmest,故选B

南木林县18446711313: the sun is___________the big box.中间应填什么介词介词有:in,on,under,over,behind,near -
姬眨灵健:[答案] in.意思是这个大盒子在阳光下.固定用法

南木林县18446711313: the sun is______(shine)now用所给单词的正确形式填空 -
姬眨灵健:[答案] 答案是【shining】 这里用【shine】的ing形式 翻译:太阳正在发光发亮.

南木林县18446711313: the sun______(shine)brightly through the window.接上面的:Everything looks so nice.填什么?为什么? -
姬眨灵健:[答案] shines吧,第三人称单数

南木林县18446711313: The sun is shining - -- - the sea.横线上填介词 B.on C.from -
姬眨灵健: 海面上的阳光很灿烂.The sun is shining on the sea.因为是在海面上,在……上方用的是on.

南木林县18446711313: The sun is high - _____the sky. -
姬眨灵健:[选项] A. in B. on C. under D. by选什么

南木林县18446711313: 关于太阳的英语短文 -
姬眨灵健: 这个蛮短的: The Sun is the most prominent feature in our solar system. It is the largest object and contains approximately 98% of the total solar system mass. One hundred and nine Earths would be required to fit across the Sun's disk, and its ...

南木林县18446711313: The sun is shining是什么意思 -
姬眨灵健: The sun is shining 阳光灿烂;阳光明媚;阳光普照 例句 1.There are some clouds in the sky, but the sun is shining. 天上有很多云,但太阳依旧灿烂. 2.It is a fine day today. There are some clouds in the sky, but the sun is shining. 今天是个晴朗的...

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