求这篇完形填空的答案 谢谢各位大神

作者&投稿:陟沸 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
各位大神 求这篇完形填空的翻译 谢谢 急急急~


21-25 CACBC 26-30 BDACA

36. A. coffee B. tea C. water D. cola
37. A. take B. bring C. carry D. hold
38. A. food B. drink C. service D. medicine
39. A. tired B. silent C. calm D. busy
40. A. delaying B. delayed C. delays D. delay
41. A. hurried B. went C. came D. got
42. A. refused B. accepted C. liked D. hated
43. A. seat B. air C. floor D. flight
44. A. customer B. passengerC. guest D. visitor
45. A. whether B.whenC. what D. that
46. A. never B. often C. always D. seldom
47. A. on B. to C. off D. from
48. A. hand B. take C. throw D. lend
49. A. glad B. angry C. curious D. sad
50. A. good B. sharpC. polite D. nice
51. A. So B. Because C. And D. But
52. A. hid B. tore C. opened D. closed
53. A. if B. forC. after D. when
54. A. in all B. above all C. or else D. or so
55. A. wrong B. wonderful C. impossible D. right

36. A. coffee B. tea C. water D. cola
37. A. take B. bring C. carry D. hold
38. A. food B. drink C.service D.medicine
39. A. tired B. silent C. calm D.busy
40. A. delaying B. delayed C.delays D.delay
41. A. hurried B. went C. came D. got
42. A. refused B. accepted C. liked D. hated
43. A. seat B. air C. floor D. flight
44. A. customer B. passenger C.guest Dvisitor
45. A. whether B.when C. what D. that
46. A. never B. often C.always D.seldom
47. A. on B. to C. off D. from
48. A. hand B. take C. throw D. lend
49. A. glad B. angry C. curious D. sad
50. A. good B. sharp C. polite D. nice
51. A. So B. Because C. And D. But
52. A. hid B. tore C. opened closed
53. A. if B. for C. after Dwhen
54. A. in all B. above all C. or else D. orso
55. A. wrong B. wonderful C. impossible D.right
36-40 CBCDB 41-45 AADBA 46-50 ACADB 51-55 DCBAD

...influences in shaping...这篇文章的完型答案
你问的这一篇完形填空是“上海五校【上海交通大学、中国科学技术大学、西安交通大学、南京大学、清华大学】2010届合作自主选拔通用基础测试”英语试题中的第一篇,答案如下:CADCC ABDAB ACCBD BDDBA

一篇初中 英语完形填空,高手给予答案,谢谢
10C 从感情色彩上可看出这句话的下文是很开心的,发现人类意识到环境污染的坏处,开始保护地球什么的,所以排除一切感情色彩不开心的选项因此只能选C 对了,看在我忙了这么久脖子都快要得颈椎病的份上,给我加为【满意回答】,再给点【金币,财富值】吧!你看之前有9个人都是路过,谁也没帮你回...

It was the late spring of1979开头的完形填空答案
毫不犹豫地,我说,“那当然.”当他转过身时,我看见他的眼睛里噙着泪水.21.A.along B.around C.beside D.together 【答案】D 【解析】together是副词,一起,一块地.22.A.took B,wore C.put on D.got in 【答案】B 【解析】动词wear的过去式.穿戴 23.A.lectures B.dialogues C.speeches ...

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31. A【解析】根据后面提到的some money可知此处这个妇女是说她被偷的是钱,故答案选A正确。32. C【解析】句意:她问他(“我”父亲)是否能借给她一些钱作回家的路费。borrow是指说话人跟别人借东西;lend是指说话人往外借东西。此句站在“我”父亲的角度来想可知答案选C。33. B【解析】根据...

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...Treasure Island 谁有这篇完形填空的原文以及答案啊? 急用_百度知 ...
41. D。在天气变坏之前,这一家人一定是非常享受山村中惬意的生活,所以我们能确定不会是attempting(尝试),missing(想念,错过),planning(计划),只有D项符合题意。42. B。被大雨困在屋子里对于一个孩子来说一定是一件很无聊的事情,这样我们就一下能选择出正确答案dull。43. C。为了让孩子能...


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仝雯瑞呋: 题目及答案如下: 36. A. coffee B. tea C. water D. cola 37. A. take B. bring C. carry D. hold 38. A. food B. drink C. service D. medicine 39. A. tired B. silent C. calm D. busy 40. A. delaying B. delayed C. delays D. delay 41. A. hurried B. went C. came...

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仝雯瑞呋: 这是高中的完型填空吧?21-25 B C C A B26-30 C D B D B31-35 D C B B A 36-40 B D D A B这是我自己做的,难免有错,见谅~

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仝雯瑞呋:[答案] 1.B (provide) 2.B (control) 3.D (set) 4.D (opportunity) 5.C (competition) 6.C (up) 7.C (completed) 8.B (fact) 9.D (difficult) 10.B (still)

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仝雯瑞呋:[答案] BDACDBCABD.

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