
作者&投稿:在娟 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. his father is going to shen zhen catch the plane2.It took her about forty mintues form home to school by bus.3, he spend about thirty mintues getting to school4.every her father visit his company5.i usually take about three hours to do my homework6. every morning the twins get to school about seven-thirty7.it takes you about twenty-five mintues to catch the bus

My best friend is Xiao Li, but last week in school we had a big fight, and she didn't talk to me.
It all started when she asked me: “Can I copy your homework?”
“Why do you want to do this?” I said.
“I forgot to do mine.”
“I don't think it is a good idea. It will start a bad habit and you should do you own work!” I replied.
She got really mad at me: “I don't want to be your best friend anymore!”
“OK.” I said. But I was sure she would get over it. And she did.
Yesterday she told me: I’m sorry, well, it is much better if I said I did my own work.”

My telephone number is in my notebook

My father`s family name is Zhang ,so my family name is Zhang too

what is your ID number?

Can you answer this question?

My telephone number is in my notebook.

My father`s family name is Zhang ,so do I.

what is your ID number?

Can you answer this question?

My telepshone is on my notebook.
My father's family name is Zhang, so do I.
What's your ID NO.
Can you reply the question?

握手言欢—→(欢歌笑语 )—→(语重心长 )—→( 长年累月)成千盈百—→(百里挑一 )—→(一鸣惊人 )—→(人山人海 )福无双至,(祸不单行 ) (一波未平 ),一波又起 捡了芝麻,(丢了西瓜 ) (成事不足 ),败事有余 前无古人,(后无来者 ) (不入虎穴 ),焉得虎子 ...

include <stdio.h> int is_prime(int x){ int i;for(i = 2; i < x; i++) if(x%i == 0) return 0;return x;} int main(void){ int x = 0, y = 0;for(x = 100; x < 300; x++) y += is_prime(x);printf("\\n%d\\n", y);return 0;} \/*运行的结果是7215*\/ ...

1.藏地密码.1(一部关于西藏的百科全书式小说)作者:何马 著 出版社:重庆出版社 出版时间:2008-4-1 著作作家,人大代表,阿来鼎力推荐。全世界都在抢这部小说的版权。2008年红透半边天的神秘长篇巨著!世界上迄今为止...定价:¥24.80 2.张爱玲文集(新版共六册)作者:张爱玲 著 出版社: ...

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