
作者&投稿:熊萍 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


It's true that we have been leading a difficult life, for we need not only to be under various external pressures, but also to be in the face of internal perplexities.You would be affected by the warmth of life if someone gives you an understanding look during your bitter struggle.Even a mere glance would make you moved and inpired.


I/ we/ you/ they have been working
he/ she/ it has been working

The Chinese have been making paper for two thousand years.
I have been learning English since three years ago.

We have been waiting for you for half an hour.

They have been living in this city for ten years.
They have lived in this city for ten years.

I have been working here for five years.
I have worked here for five years.

I have been writing a book.(动作还将继续下去)
I have written a book.(动作已经完成)
They have been building a bridge.
They have built a bridge.

I have known him for years.
* I have been knowing...


I/ we/ you/ they have been working
he/ she/ it has been working

The Chinese have been making paper for two thousand years.
I have been learning English since three years ago.

We have been waiting for you for half an hour.

They have been living in this city for ten years.
They have lived in this city for ten years.

I have been working here for five years.
I have worked here for five years.

I have been writing a book.(动作还将继续下去)
I have written a book.(动作已经完成)
They have been building a bridge.
They have built a bridge.

I have known him for years.
* I have been knowing...

I have had my breakfast. 我已经吃过早餐了。
My mother has finished her work. 我妈妈已经完成了她的工作。
You have eaten the fruit. 你已经吃过水果了。
They have done their assignment. 他们已经完成了作业。
Lucy has bought that bag. 露西已经把那个包买了。
We have made six sentences.我们已经造了六个句子了。 —忘了 这是现在完成时

have been doing sth

They have been palying since I came here.
自我来到这,他们一直还在打球 have been doing.....

(三)有些现在完成进行时的句子等同于现在完成时的句子。They have been living in this city for ten years.They have lived in this city for ten years.他们在这个城市已经住了10年了。(动作还将继续下去)I have been working here for five years.I have worked here for five years.我在...

现在完成进行时标志词有哪些 有什么句型
4) 现在完成时强调动作行为的结果、影响,而现在完成进行时只强调动作行为本身,如:Tom’s hands are very dirty. He has been repairing the car.The car is going again now. Tom has repaired it.标志:1.句中常有延续性动词,2.时间点前有since。

Where have you been? We have been looking for you everywhere. 你刚才在哪儿?我们一直在到处找你呢! He has been saying that for years. 这话他已经说了好几年了。 It has been raining every day this month. 这个月天天下雨。 She had been suffering from a bad cold w...

5、表示状态的动词不能用于现在完成进行时。I have known him for years.我认识他已经好几年了。I have been knowing...这类不能用于现在完成进行时的动词还有:love爱,like喜欢,hate讨厌,等。现在完成进行时 - 常用句型 1. 肯定句:“主语+have(has) been+动词的现在分词+其他.”例如:I ha...

The Chinese have been making paper for two thousand years.中国有2000年的造纸历史。2、表示在说话时刻之前到现在正在进行的动作。We have been waiting for you for half an hour.我们已经等你半个钟头了。3、有些现在完成进行时的句子等同于现在完成时的句子。They have been living in this ...

现在完成进行时现在完成进行式:比如说, have been working 表示,过去已经在工作,并且现在还在工作.与现在完成时的区别是一、现在完成时动词发生在过去,影响到现在,延续到现在,某种经历. 句型基本结构:主语+have\/has+过去分词(done) ①肯定句:主语+have\/has+过去分词+其他②否定句:主语+have\/has+not+过去分词+其...

例子1 She has been typing letters all day. 她整天在打信件 例子2 I am so sorry I am late. Have you been waiting long? 真对不起, 我迟到了。你等很久了吧?现在完成时与现在完成进行时的区别?1. 现在完成时通常具有结果含义(完结性)现在完成进行时则常常具有未完结性 看下面两个句子...

如何理解have been doing这类句式?
"have been doing" 是英语中的一种现在完成进行时句式,用于表示一个动作或状态从过去某一点开始,一直持续到现在,可能还会继续下去。这种句式通常由 "have been"(或其缩写形式 "I've been," "you've been," "he's been," 等)和动词的现在分词构成。这种句式用于强调动作或状态的持续性和与...

现在完成进行时:主语+助动词(have\/has)+been+动词的现在分词+其他成分。例句:I have been learning English since three years ago.三年以来我一直在学英语。(动作还将继续下去)3、用法不同 (1)现在进行时主要有四种用法:①表此刻正在进行的动作 She is doing her homework now.她正在写作业...

现在完成进行时的标志词,肯定句举例,否定句举例,一般疑问句举例,特殊疑 ...
1、标志词:recently, lately, just,for···,since…for…,in the past few years, etc.2、肯定句:主语+have\/has been+现在分词+其他 例句:She has been working hard.翻译:她一直在努力工作。3、否定句:主语+have't\/has't+been+现在分词+其他 例句:She hasn't been working hard....

射洪县19127858436: 现在完成进行时(英语动词的一种基本时态) - 搜狗百科
爨于奈尔:[答案] All these years they have been contributing articles to our magazine. 这些年来,他们一直为我们杂志写稿. She has been writing the letter since four o”clock in the afternoon. 从下午四点钟到现在,她一直在写信. We have been studying in this school ...

射洪县19127858436: 用现在完成进行时写8个句子 -
爨于奈尔:[答案] we have seen this filmI have lived for ten yearsHave you ever been to Beijing?He has leftHave you read it already?They have talked for about two hoursHe has not borrowed the book since thenHave you se...

射洪县19127858436: 求5个现在完成进行时的句子 -
爨于奈尔: I have finished my homework already. I haven't been to there before. He has gone to Beijing ,so he isn't here now. Have you been to Shanghai yet? He have been there since he was a children.

射洪县19127858436: 英语中的现在完成进行时的定义、标志性词及例句都是什么? -
爨于奈尔: 现在完成进行时的谓语动词构成 I/ we/ you/ they have been working he/ she/ it has been working (一)表示从过去某时开始一直持续到现在的动作,并且还将持续下去. The Chinese have been making paper for two thousand years. 中国有2000...

射洪县19127858436: 英语:现在完成时和现在完成进行时各3个句子
爨于奈尔: 想在完成时1.I have finished my homework 2,I have listened to music 3.I have played football.现在完成进行时1.I have been finishing my homework for 10 day 2.I have been listening to music

射洪县19127858436: 造三句现在完成进行时句子,在线等,自己造 -
爨于奈尔: 1.He has been waiting for you since six o'clock .他从六点就一直在等你.2.I have been looking forward to see you since last year.我从去年起就一直盼望着见你.3.The finance committe has been working on its budget for a month .财政委员会近一个月来一直在制订预算.

射洪县19127858436: 求:现在完成进行时的用法? -
爨于奈尔:[答案] 现在完成时 动词发生在过去,影响到现在,延续到现在,某种经历. 句型 基本结构:主语+have/has+过去分词(done) ①... 我们已经等你半个钟头了.(动作不再继续下去) (三)有些现在完成进行时的句子等同于现在完成时的句子. They have ...

射洪县19127858436: 初中英语现在完成进行时的句子求翻译 -
爨于奈尔: 我已经离开贵阳3年多了,要求用 be away from的形式I have been away from Gui Yang for more than three years. or It is three years more since I was away from Gui Yang3天前,我离开了我的第二故乡 I left my second hometown three years ago. or I was away from my second hometown three years ago. 祝你开心如意!

射洪县19127858436: 求名句,用了现在完成进行时的~ -
爨于奈尔: 22.我们确实活得艰难,一要承受种种外部的压力,更要面对自己内心的困惑.在苦苦挣扎中,如果有人向你投以理解的目光,你会感到一种生命的暖意,或许仅有短暂的一瞥,就足以使我感奋不已.It's true that we have been leading a difficult ...

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