完成句子 (5分,每题一分,只要有错,就不得分)小题1:她家离学校很远,因此她每天乘公共汽车上学。She

作者&投稿:邗利 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

小题1:I met/saw her on the Great Wall last year.小题2:I have something interesting to tell you./I have something that is interesting to tell you.小题3:He gave/left/told me his telephone number when he left/He gave/left/tole his telephone number to me when he left 小题4:Liu Xiang is one of the most popular sports stars in the world.小题5:Your mother wants to know if/whether you have arrived at/reached school safely. 小题1:last year为去年的含义,故本题使用遇见的过去式met或看见的过去式saw,on the Great Wall表示在长城上的含义,故本题可翻译为I met/saw her on the Great Wall last year.小题2:something interesting为一些有趣的事,表示目的用动词不定式to tell,故本题可翻译为I have something interesting to tell you.小题3:把某物留给某人可以写成leave sb sth,his telephone为他的电话号码的含义,when引导时间状语从句,表示当……时候的含义,leave也可以表示离开的含义,本题表示过去,leave的过去式为left,故本题可翻译为He left me his telephone number when he left。 小题4:one of表示其中之一的含义,后跟形容词的最高级和可数名词的复数形式,the most popular表示最受欢迎的意思,sports stars为体育明星的含义,故本题可翻译为Liu Xiang is one of the most popular sports stars in the world.小题5:want to know表示想知道的含义,后跟宾语从句用if或whether表示是否的含义,后跟句子的正常顺序,arrive at school或reach school表示到达学校的含义,本题表示过去要使用过去的结构形式,安全的单词为safely,修饰动词,故本题可翻译为Your mother wants to know if/whether you have arrived at/reached school safely.

小题1:Once, change小题2:set down小题3:on purpose , in order to 小题4:make use of小题5:dreamed about小题6:determined look 试题分析:小题1:Once是连词,一旦, change改变小题2:固定词组:set down记下小题3:故意on purpose , 为的是in order to 小题4:make use of使用小题5:梦想dream about用过去分词dreamed小题6:坚定的眼神:determined look,determined是形容词做定语。点评:先结合汉语找出句中缺少的含义,找出正确的词组,用适当的形式填写,动词的时态,名词的数都要考虑。

小题1:lives far away from ;takes a bus
小题2:looks clean ;matches any other
小题3:spend ten more ;in bed 
小题4:practice playing volleyball ;on Wednesday afternoon
小题5:to exercise / to do exercise ;keep fit/ keep healthy

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