
作者&投稿:栾葛 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


Yangliwei, was born in 1965 in Liaoning province. He was the first Chinese to enter into the outer space, in 15th October in 2003. With his first step on the outer space, the ancient Chinese dream of flying became a reality, and we are all proud of this. He was also the first torch bearer of Beijing Olympics Torch Relay. His famous remark is that honor belongs to China and Chinese people. He is our hero.


Liu Xiang was born on July 13th 1983, and he is the first champion of Olympic 110m man's hurdle. He has a variety of hobbies, the favorite of which is singing. He is a confident and firm man who's never afraid of challenges and enjoys the pleasure that running has offered. On August 27th 2004, he won the first place in the 110m hurdle of Athens Olympic Games. Two years later, he broke the world record with 12'88''. Not only had he realized his dream, his nation had gained more glory for his brilliant performance..

My friend Tom is a young boy who studies in the same class as me. He has a round face which looks like an apple. He loves playing soccer on the playground which is next to our school. He also likes to read novels which were written by famous writers. He goes to school by bike which was a present from his father.

名词需要定语的多。首先这个句子第一句是其实是A man was looking for a house 。 于是来看什么样的男人呢。who was bored with living inLondon and desired to move to the country 一个想住在农村的男人。这个who就是代指A man 做这个定语从句的主语。什么样的房子呢 。(from which) he...

a woman wearing a red coat穿红衣服的妇女(动名词短语wearing a red coat修饰名词woman,是定语。)一句话也可以作定语,这个定语就是定语从句。如:A woman who is wearing a red coat is walking towards me. 一个穿红衣服的妇女正朝我起来。(这句话的主干是A woman is walking towards me...

把给出的句子先用汉语的形式写出一个简单句。再写定语从句,如果是人,用who或者that引导。定语从句,若是物用which或that引导。例如:This is the job where you can learn something.that有时也可以做关系副词,相当于when, where或why,表示时间、地点或原因。有时还可以省去。例如:Do you still...

这个回答不够精准。定语从句是在句中修饰主语、宾语或表语的从句。例如 The boy who\/that is seated there, reading a book.它包括限定性定语从句和非限定性的定语从句两种。在限定性定语从句中,关系代副词的用法是 先行词是人用who\/that\/whom;先行词是物用which\/that;从句中缺地点、时间和原因状语...

确实有问题,应该这样说:the middle school he works in which there is a river in front of it he works in a middle school which there is a river in front of it 这两种说法都可以

中文:她是一名我非常喜欢的演员 英文:I like the actress very much.

A 这里that可以换成which,“一光年的长度就是光一年所走的路程。”

他教我英语。This is my teacher who teachees me English.这个城市有着我许多美好的回忆。This is the city where i have a lot of memories.(定语)Where i have a lot of memories is this city.(主语)当我到那时,那儿就下雨了 I got there when it bedan to rain.(状语)...

The reason I gave you for coming late was that something was wrong with my old car.

一个句子中同时有强调句和定语从句判断 that 和 where 的问题
that也可引导定语从句但它的先行词须是物或人,或先行词又被大量的定语修饰时用。如 this is the book that you gavt me yeatday.中的that 引导物(书)且在从句中是宾语也可省略。如把 it was... that 去掉后 句意不完整即“我们做过、工作过,我第一次遇见他”没有地点原因什么的,所以...

贵州省13533314183: 第一句带有定语从句的介绍明星的作文70词左右 -
谯纯养胃:[答案] My friend Tom is a young boy who studies in the same class as me. He has a round face which looks like an apple. He loves playing soccer on the playground which is next to our school. He also likes to...

贵州省13533314183: 关于写周杰伦的简介的文章(用英语写)要用到定语从句多写一些啊,字数要60个字左右啊, -
谯纯养胃:[答案] JAY is a star who is from Taiwan.He was faumous for a tryout which named "newmen king".Since 2008,hehad bring over 200 songs to us all those are good .I like him very much.Because he play the panio well.Because of a lot of reasons. listen his ...

贵州省13533314183: 谁能用定语从句写一篇英语作文,If I were a star -
谯纯养胃: if i were a singing super star,i would sing songs for people every day.espailly for poor,sick and unhappy people,because i want to sing to make everyone on this earth to be happy.although i know it's a hard dream to achieve,but i'll try my best to do it....

贵州省13533314183: 一篇关于我最喜欢的yinwuer音乐人是周杰伦的英语作文 定语从句 -
谯纯养胃:[答案] Jay Chou is my favorite singer,but in fact he is a song writer too.I like him so much that I buy his every album.Although some says that Jay is not very out-standing and he even can't speak clearly.Bu...

贵州省13533314183: 跪求英语作文求一篇初三水平的英语作文 题目是"my favorite singer" 内容要写张杰 要求必须要有定语从句和翻译 特别急 -
谯纯养胃:[答案] 不知道你要多长的,还是我来晚了.LL希望能帮到你咩.^ ^ my favorite singer There are more and more singers,dancers and actors in our life recently.But none of them can be loved by audiences without hard working.Such as my favorite singer.He is ...

贵州省13533314183: 求一篇关于喜欢李易峰的作文 150字左右 要用定语从句 -
谯纯养胃: 最近很多人都跟我一样,在追一部名 叫《古剑奇谭》的古装剧,清一色的新生 代演员阵容,是这部剧如此火热的根源. 而关于《古剑奇谭》中形形色色的人 物,很多人都喜欢李易峰饰演的百里屠苏 或是杨幂饰演的风晴雪,可我偏偏喜欢那 只...

贵州省13533314183: 英文作文我的偶像taylor swift.含三个定语从句 -
谯纯养胃: 春,一个万物复苏的季节;春,一个芳香四溢的季节;春,一个让人着迷,让人久久不能忘却的季节!在这春光明媚的季节里,让我们背上小包,张开双臂,一起迎接春天的到来吧!春,美就美在花儿.百花齐放,争相开放,让人忍不住摸一...

贵州省13533314183: 请用 My favorite …写一篇英语作文 须有定语从句 -
谯纯养胃: I'd like to talk about one of my favorite moives-Don't Let Me Go. This is a touching and creative movie which has been rooted in my mind since first i watched it. it was directed in an new aspect and i thinks it's a bold work for the director. it deserves all of you to have a see.

贵州省13533314183: 我们老师让写一篇描写最喜欢的明星的外貌的作文,500字,谢谢!! -
谯纯养胃: 他——我最喜欢的明星 他,曾经是一个羞涩的男孩.他,有着高大的背影.他,有着浅浅的微笑,他,是谁? 他,是我最喜欢的男明星——金贤重.初次了解他,应该说是在电视剧看见他后所以才想拼命了解这个人.他身高一米八三,有着温...

贵州省13533314183: 用英语介绍明星的外貌初一作文 -
谯纯养胃: Do you know Jay Chou?yes!his name is Zhou jielun,my favourite singers!he looks handsome and charming,he has a sauare face,(四方脸)tiny eyes,(丹凤眼)sexy lips and an exquisite aquliline nose,(性感嘴唇和精致的鹰沟鼻子)at the ...

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