求一篇英语作文 以Shopping on the Internet为题 词数80左右 急啊

作者&投稿:肥匡 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
以Shopping Online为题写一篇英语作文80字...急!~急!~急!~~

With the development of information industry, there are more and more people shopping online. Shopping online means shopping on the Internet without going out. Therefore, on the one hand, shopping online has its advantage. One the other hand, shopping on line also has its disadvantage.

Shopping online is very convenient. People can buy thing only they have a computer, which can surf the Internet. They don’t need to go out on a rainy day or under the shining sun. Meanwhile, people can save their time to finish their work or other things. On the contrary, as people just decide what they buy depending on the picture placed by the shop owner, they can’t see the quality before they receive the product. Sometimes people maybe buy the things are in low quality, or some fake products.

Shopping on the Internet
With the development of modern technique, shopping on the internet has become more and more popular all over the world. Many people have become accustomed to this kind of commerce. However, the use of internet in the sphere of commerce has raised many controversies.
Some consider shopping on the internet a much better way, for it is so convenient. They can get all kinds of goods in a very short time without covering a long distance to the market by themselves---the only thing to do is to click the mouse.
Meanwhile, there are also many people concerning about the security of shopping in the virtual world. They argue that it is a risk to shop on the internet---you do not know for sure the things you want are of good quality. And also people with ill will might cheat the innocent purchasers.
As a conclusion, shopping on the internet has made our life easier and more efficient, but it is still not that perfect. We should be more careful when shopping on the internet.

in  current  society ,  shopping  on  the  interent  is  becoming   more  and  more  popular .  it   has  many  advantages   and   disadvartages .


advantages:  shopping   on  the  internet   is  convient   and  faster   for  customers  .  they   can  stay   at   home  looking   for  the   items , they   need  or   like  through   the   internet   which  supplies  a  variety  of  products . people  needn't   to  go   shopping  in  stores .


then  it  can   reduce  cars'   amount   on  the  road .  so   it  also  can  reduce   pollution  of   the  gas .  it's  unpollution   and  reduce  energy .  disadavantages : customers   can   buy   false   production .  people   will  be  demaged   and   have   many    bussniss  also   demaged .


so  we  shopping    on  the   internet   shouid   notice   the    production .    and    we   should   avoid   the   false  production   on   the   internet  .


In nowadays society, people can shop in many diffecrent ways. As a view of mine, shopping on the internet is a convenient and effect way to buy things you like. To begin with, you can see the good without leaving home, and you can search every kind of commodities as well.
In addition, according to the information on the internet, you can actually tell which kind is better, which online store is more reliable and so on.

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